>No leaks
>100% loyal through thick and thin
>Letting Trump call the shots
>No special interests
>No kiddy diddling, unlike his predecessor
>Seems to always be proud of Trump and his supporters.
Can we take a moment to appreciate how good of a VP WojakMike Pence has been?
Notice how he introduced the president last night..."My friend, President Trump"
He seems very happy with the situation
I think the debate between Pence and Kaine helped Trump a lot too, gave him a good chance to show how well spoken and reasonable he is.
Of course he's happy. He watched House of Cards like the rest of us, so he knows it's just a matter of time before he's the most powerful man in the world through a completely undemocratic process.
That's because Pence is an All-American God-Fearing patriot who cannot be tempted by sin
Mike 'Like in the crapper, you get the zapper' Pence
haha this guy is a faggot.
Mike 'Sees a fag, loads a mag' Pence
Mike 'if you're bi, you get the fry' Pence
Mike 'LGBTQ BBQ' Pence
Mike "feel a little gay? Tesla's on the way" Pence.
Mike 'The electric fence' Pence
Mike 'Electrocution is the only solution' Pence
FWIW, I'm pretty sure Obama won in '08 specifically because of how fucking dumb Sarah Palin was portrayed, and how Biden mopped the floor with her in their debate.
Mike "if you're bi you're gonna fry" Pence
Good man, great memes. It Trump was martyred, the Union would be in good hands.
I like how the only thing the media had on pence was a weak hit piece that made for an epic meme.
He won because he was a nigger.
Romney was a perfectly fine candidate.
As Scott Adams has said frequently, notice how Pence is virtually never in the news? That's exactly what Trump wants from a VP.
Romney didn't run in '08
romney is a mormon...a christian fan fiction that denies the deity of Yeshua
he's a secret jesuit psyop officer, waiting to give the orders for trump's assassination
trump is the golden sacrificial lamb, once they kill him the horror of the right-wing will allow pence to consolidate all power
Mike "if you like cock, you get shocked" Pence
Yup. There is literally nothing on him. He's just a family man from a small town. Even our "electrocute gays" meme was fake news. It came from this perfectly reasonable statement he made a long time ago
>Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.
Have aids and want government assistance? Prove you're not going to continue the behavior that resulted in aids. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.
How would you feel with a Pence Presidency if something happened to Trump?
He wouldn't be as good as Trump, but he would be better than everyone else in DC.
>He seems very happy with the situation
Trump saved him from a difficult gubernatorial reelection
some of the party leadership my secretly wish for a president Pence now, but before Trump fucked their shit up Pence was considered way too much of a social conservative due to the Religious Freedom Act
he also didn't have the conservative hype around him like Ted Cruz
I'd still be okay with it
It's probably the only way a social conservative could get in now.
Plus President Pence rolls off the tongue nicely
>its just like that episode of my favourite TV show.
Fuck off.
>predictive programming shill
Kept hearing reporters on livestreams asking if they'd vote for pence.
The answer was always no if it was against Trump.
Pence is a great VP
Always pulls through when needed and doesn't fuck up