Trump is literally Stalin

Prove to me that Trump isn't literally Stalin, ready to purge america of millions of innocent people

Stalin killed people nigga

Who are the innocent people that Trump is ready to purge?

Stalin purged religion, like the NWO liberals

Stalin was not a retarded orangutan.

>"We need to stop the violence and come together as Americans"

U fokken srious m8?

Smettila di leggere repubblica scemo.

And figure out the thruth, nigga.

illegals aren't innocent

Another idiot using "literally" in every fucking sentence.

wtf antifa loves trump now

being an illegal alien is a crime. not innocent buh bye now!!

Purge yourself Schlomo


I can't speak for the purges, but the cult of personality is real.

It's sad. My family emigrated to America to get away from leaders like this.

he doesn't have a mustache
his name isn't joseph stalin

checkmate atheists

fair point

>Prove to me that Trump isn't literally Stalin
Stalin's dead, Trump isn't. Therefore, Trump cannot be Stalin in a literal sense.

Donald Trump is not Joseph Stalin. Easy

Then go back.

Russia like the US, can't accept Hitler was right and has to constantly exonerate past leaders that used their nation and people for their own personal gain.

hes already purging the spics and the politicians soon