How do we save roman catholics from eternal hell?
How do we save roman catholics from eternal hell?
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All non oriental religions that spawned
after Judaism, are lies, and make believe
they all took from the jewish faith, and
starting writing their own faggoty little
religious fanfics, it's the same as Marvel vs DC, or Kirk vs Picard, it doesn't matter, at the end of the day, your religion is fake, even Judaism is fake, but at least they didn't take bits and pieces from another religion, and say "But it's true duuuuuurrrrrrrr"
I think they can just be left to their own devices tbqh
By having them go to confession more often
By getting them to go to confession.
I've never heard a catholic comndemn christians for their religion, neither the other way around, in fact both religions are very friendly with eachother, at least here in Latin America. We even have mormons and Jehova's witnesses.
stop leaving your kids around us
Sedevacantist churches
By teaching them the Biblical (i.e. Jewish) tradition.
No, SSPX churches
Instead of their stupid pagan idols they should have bee making trendy charts like this one from wikipedia
Would have very helpful in church
we spam this image
Go to confession and you're good. Do Protestants seriously not get this?
Sorry for samefagging I was just changing my flag back to normal
Well, there is literally no valid reason to believe in Hell, so I don't understand why anyone is even concerned about this.
See you on the last day
Hurr durr, my worship of the jewish god is better than your worship of the jewish god.
This, the faggot is right.
So every person that ever lived before someone wrote a book about a god went to hell for not knowing about a book that would be written in the future?
This board is full of people who believe things without sufficient evidence. It's basically a giant circle jerk where people get their views reinforced by seeing that other people hold them as well, and not by actually examining evidence and being self-critical.
For instance, I'm not actually gay. I just chose that flag for fun. If anyone looks at my posts and thinks I am gay, they are believing something without sufficient evidence.
Hey quick question for protestants, how far am I allowed to streach my interpretation of the bible?
How do we stop Catholics from their Saturn worship?
Loophole morality is no morality.
There is more than protestant group and thus more than one answer
Nobody's going to hell because God never existed
About as far as Protestants were stretched on the rack during the Inquisition.
Really though, I don't know how anyone sincerely believes in religion. Protestant or Catholic or whatever. None of it warrants belief.
Kill the pope, he is a communist traitor.
explain the jews-Jesuits run the catholics, its just a jew business that brainwashes goy into believing the jew is god chosen.
>I-I-I just chose it for fun. Ha ha. It's not like I'm gay, just m-making a point!
Electrocute the fruit.
Oh no, a fucking no-life loser expressed a desire on the Internet to kill me for a characteristic that I don't actually have. Whatever will I do?
As a non-Christian that enjoy some Christian apologetics. Proddies are clearly theologically wrong, there is no way of getting around it.
>he thinks the Bible forbids someone from calling your father father
>wrong, apostles forgave sin
>Hebrews 11-12
>Hebrews 11-12
>Idol worship doesn't exist in the Catholic church
Let's say I wanted to start my own denominations where YHWH is kind of a bumbling cute now girl and all her acts are either total accidents or a misunderstood comedy of errors? Or preach that god loves men in the way an abusive master loves his pet? Like just be open about how much of a jerk he is regularly and his great plan and reason for evil in the world is "It's just a prank bro"
Petition the Holy Spirit to move through current pope's brain and make him in-cucked.
Would you like to meet up & suck each other's dicks some time? :) (I'm not gay either btw.)
Nah bro, the only time I want to interact with you or your family is to squat your mom for a world record.
Protestantism in a nutshell
All Roman Catholics
let's take it one step at a time
Matthew 23:8-9 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Buddhism is false
Never meet a protestant that didn't call his actual father, father. Why the hypocrisy?
1. Bring them to the realization that their faith is in their church to save them.
2. Demonstrate how what they have been taught by their church cannot be backed up in the bible.
3. Show them how the institution they love is the most evil institution on earth, and that if they stay in it, they will suffer.
The only Catholics I have seen get saved were saved because they realized these three things were true, and that they had been lied to about their church history.
The bible speaks for itself. If you think you can stretch it, you're only infatuated with your own ability to lie and deceive yourself.
Incorrect, baseless, subjective, and really silly.
Because the man who sired me is my father.
Not a man who sits on a throne in a serpent's head audience hall with Holocaust Jesus behind him.
Mark 7:5-9 Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands? He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
You'd rather nullify God's commandment to keep your own tradition of men, just as the pharisees did. Honestly, what is meant by Matthew 23:9 if not what it plainly says?
By believing that god will forgive them because while their beliefs may not have been entirely correct. They still love and worship god in their own way
The thing people forget is that Jesus went to hell for 3 days. During which time he ministered to those there and saved a great many. There are still people who have not heard the gospel and have no access to it, not many, but still I believe God is fair to those people.
The bible clearly says call no man father. Stop being a heretic against the word of God.
God forgave everybody. That's not the point.
The point is that forgiveness is not salvation, and their church is teaching them that forgiveness is salvation. Hence the over-the-top confession/repentance/penance/extreme unction/purgatory nonsense.
They don't know that they are dead. They are literally the church of Laodeciea. They think they are rich, and in need of nothing. They thing they are finely clothed. They think being in their church confers salvation on them.
They are poor.
They are naked.
They are lost.
>Jesus went to hell for 3 days
Considering Jesus did not speak in english I don't think there is any commandment of God specifically concerning the word father.
>wtf jesus said I can't call daddy father ;^(
proddies are the worst
Rubbish. Jesus want to the Paradise side of Hades, the Bosom of Abraham side, and led those people into heaven.
The only thing he did on the Torment side of Hades was to proclaim his victory.
Nobody after they die changes their situation. They are either resurrected into an eternal body to shame and destruction, or into an eternal body to the glory of God.
That fucking catholic anime girl is always posted by you larping faggots and it just fucking pisses me off. The only reason you fuckers post it is because you weren't raised in a highly religious family, so you pose as one on an anime image board. The fact is, you never had much order in your life and your parents were too soft on you. They never made you do chores, pray, or go to church. And now that being a moralfag is the cool, and anti-pc thing to do, you're posing as a catholic despite being a disgusting NEET anime watcher.
a) I don't call my dad "father"' and
b) You'd have to go back to the original languages to see if that admonition excludes your actual biological father.
In the meantime, you're calling pedophiles "father".
Yes, the world hates Christians. We get it.
hah ok so God banned a word but you can use other word that mean the same thing to get around it.
Look who's the Pharisee now.
No, Jesus was calling all born again Christians to realize that their spiritual father, the Father, to us is Abba. Daddy.
And that He is more important to us than the man who physically gave us birth. The man that physically caused me to exist is my BROTHER.
Catholics are the original Christians you dumdum.
The text reads "But you are not to be called ‘rabbi,’ for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called ‘masters,’ for you have one master, the Christ" (Matt. 23:8–10). So then why does Paul call himself teacher in 1 Tim 2:7?
2. John 20:23
3. Our God is the God of the living, also Revelation 9:5-8 shows the Saints bring our prayers to God.
4/5 - Wrong, we ask Mary and the other saints to pray on our behalf to Christ. We do not ask them to do stuff for us.
6. Idols are not always bad, see what God had the Israelite make. Also, idol worship = thinking statues are God, which is not taught in the Church.
No, Catholics are pagans.
Catholics are not Christians.
>we ask Mary and the other saints to pray on our behalf to Christ.
This is idolatry and blasphemy.
>why does Paul call himself teacher
>call himself
are you capable of reading comprehension on things other than the bible?
God gives people authority to be called father
"So it was not you who sent me here, but God; and he has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt" (Gen. 45:8).
BTFO by the bible
And you're another snowflake who cannot tell the difference between pre-New Covenant and post-New Covenant.
How is asking other people to pray for us idolatry and blasphemy? The New Testament literally tells us to pray for one another in 1 Tim 2:1, James 5:16, Ephesians 6:18, even Christ himself in Matthew 5:44. (I could continue to go on if you like).
It's also necromancy.
You could go on listing people who are ALIVE to pray for you, sure.
Once they are DEAD it's necromancy.
And since your argument is literally the most predictable argument possible, did God know that when people died, they were alive in the afterlife when he FORBID communication with them?
Until Heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the law, until all is accomplished’ (Matthew 5:18).
uh o, BTFO twice in one day
How? Our God is the God of the Living (Mark 12:27) and the Transfiguration clearly shows the dead aren't sleeping as some protestant sects would have us believe. Further, Revelation 9:5-8 shows us that the Saints prayers are brought to God - how can the dead pray?
>confession in my church is just walking up and the priest saying "The Lord forgives you for your sins" and leaving
The true way to save Catholics is to bring back the traditional practices of the church, save for heretical practices such as usury and indulgences
see where I replied to the same topic
Why do you reach so hard to protect a tradition of man? Jesus very clearly says "call no man Father". Why do you keep trying to contradict that?
And it was accomplished on the cross, which, of course, is foreign to you.
Literally already answered this before you said it.
Nah, doing pagan things better will never save anyone.
And yet, God forbid communication with the people alive in the afterlife.
Which you have attempted to do.
And failed each and every single time.
1. Your faith is in your church to save you.
2. The traditions of your church are not to be found in the bible.
3. The Vatican is the most evil institution on earth.
No man has the power to make another man father, it is an appointment by God, and one that happens several time in the bible.
"In that day I will call my servant Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah . . . and I will clothe him with [a] robe, and will bind [a] girdle on him, and will commit . . . authority to his hand; and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah" (Is. 22:20–21).
three, three time BTFO
It's like you never heard of the New Covenant.
There is this thing called the New Covenant.
Understand that God is probably not the douche that 900 different religions paint him as and expect you to be 'lucky enough to pick the right one'.
Are you seriously samefagging yourself?
This was asked to matthew after jesus had already been crucified. Protties getting BTFO left and right here.
Jesus had been Matthew 5.....
Do you ever read the bible?
catholicism is less gay than protestantism. At least catholics worship a woman
What the fuck are you talking about?
Ah, you're cancer. That explain a lot.
Raping little boys is less gay than being a Christian.
Great addition to the thread.
Except that necromancy is conjuring up the DEAD to predict the future (see: Witch of Endor). Asking the LIVING Saints to pray for us is not necromancy.
I suggest you read Chapter 15 of this work by John of Damascus -
Though you seem like a fundie KJV only so you'll likely say "it's not in the bible so no".
obviously not
all the gospels were written after jesus death
It's speaking to the dead.
Which you try, and fail, to do.
Nobody in heaven has ever heard you. Nobody. Not God, not Mary, not Saint Pedo, nobody.