You finally achieve a white ethnostate

You manage to deport everyone that isn't at least 99% white European out of your country to achieve a white ethnostate.

What now? How do you prevent racial mixing in the future?

if its on a minuscule scale nobody gives a shit. also depends on the mix. i dont care if chad wants to breed a japanese qt.


What's with this board and yellow fever? I have NEVER seen an attractive Asian woman in my life.

>asking why there is yellow fever on an anime image board owned by a jap
really makes u think

Is this a trick question? We mix a little and end up turning that extreme minority white. So what if it's like a 20% to 80% mixture? They're mostly white.

> Poles
> white

Anime weeaboo, they are no different than bronies or furries.

>What now? How do you prevent racial mixing in the future?
Pretty easy, no immigration.

The bigger challenge will be battling degeneracy, and doing it without being dystopian.

We had an ethnostate as recently as the 80s. It is literally the reason this country even exists.

As another note I would be fine with an 80% majority for a white ethnostate. So what if everyone looks slightly Italian by the end of 400 or 500 years.

>What now?
I guess party with the 4 remaining people.

>make non-white immigration illegal
>anyone who leaves the country loses his/her citizenship
ez pz

>What now?
>How do you prevent racial mixing in the future?
Declare all nonwhites invading into the country as outlaws and pay 1000$ reward for a head.


The problem here is that its all white women who run the risk of eventually getting blacked.

>What now?

> i dont care if chad wants to breed a japanese qt.
Hatred for your own race is disgusting

Those are r/donald migrants that hate anime. This site was spawned by weeaboos you retard. The entire layout is a copy of a japanese site.
Sup Forums is normie territory like Sup Forums since the election. If you dont think it is, you're one of them.

What if someone is mostly german, 80% white, but has some native american dna mixed in. Would they be excluded from your ethnostate?

because you never leave your house. Japanese women here in Quebec are begging to get White men, go hang at the bar Tokyo Club

You have a racial based caste system
Anyone who mixes automatically becomes a second class citizen, literally

Most people naturally don't care to mix outside their race. The mutts of the americas both south and north were almost always the product of men with no other source of pussy. It is not like the conquistadors were going to wait years for a Spanish woman to come overseas to bust nut. Same applies to mountain men of the north.

The quantity of race mixing we are seeing today is objectively the result of constant propaganda and brainwashing. It will naturally all but completely cease the moment you know who is removed

>How do you prevent racial mixing in the future
Don't let in any immigrants...

How is that even a question? You want nigger dick, you leave the country for good and live in nigger state.

>unspecified background
so bullshit, why the fuck would your background be ever unspecified? people who answered that are either turbo retards (but white), or mega leftist cucks "there's only one race - the human race" (also white).

Mah nigga


>proving my point by posting retarded anime images
I know how this shitty vietnamese brothel fanfiction forum started you wanna be gook, but just because a forum was started to talk about anime doesn't mean every corner of that forum needs to be all about anime in perpetuity. There's no difference between you and a brony, you both inject pictures of your fetishes into discussions they have nothing to do with. Hell, the average faggot is more well behaved than you guys, at least they aren't constantly posting pictures of assholes in threads for no reason.

>that photo

Jesus Christ, what a blessing.

The point is that Sup Forums has always been like this but you r/the_donald posters think anime posting is some new phenomenon

First thing I thought

>Goddamn that's beautiful

>What now?
People will segregate and hate based on something other than race, like wealth or religious beliefs. I hope you're not expecting some utopia

>other background
>"primarily Vietnamese"
>tfw there is a Vietnamese diaspora in your town

They're taking over lads

And the first thing almost half of america will think? Not including the rest of non-white world with their self hating traitors in tow?

>"Too many white people, there needs some racial equity in this family"

This fucking planet sucks.

>tfw ywn have a 10 lovely blonde imouto family

Pass laws that mongrel offspring aren't citizens / marriage to outsiders are not recognized and don't result in citizenship being conferred upon the outsider.


>Giant Vietnamese diaspora

Time to blanda up senpai. Get to bleaching.

>How do you prevent racial mixing in the future?

they can't race mix if there's no other races around

i don't even necessarily want a white ethnostate. I would be happy with 85% white, 10% black and 5% other. But the USA is very different from european countries

This is the problem. What are you people planning to do about travel? Are you going to deny all travel into and out of the country? It's pretty obvious you haven't thought this through, at all.

I've never been to reddit or any of that shithole, I was a Sup Forumstard where posting anime was fine because it was a complete shitshow. On Sup Forums however, it's kinda nice to at least try to make your image slightly relevant to discussion, not just some stupid anime with a nondescript expression that adds jackshit to the discussion.

He doesnt get the point color me surprised.

>How do you prevent racial mixing in the future?
Let people racemix for a few generations/centuries, then remove all the mixed people, there, you have people who are much less predisposed to wanting to racemix.

>isn't at least 99% white European

>White Ethnostate
Pick one

>how do you prevent
You don't allow nonwhites in and strip of citizenship-deport after those who mixed
t. Richard Kalergi

Want to take down the number? Start pouring acid on nonwhites

I wouldn't.
I don't want a nation of 93 IQ golden brown people.
I want one comprised of the type of people that created all this.
I would rather balkanize off 1/3 of the U.S., maybe the Midwest + Pacific NW to be 100% white than have the entire country at 85%.

Give earth it's greatest gift of all. A highly tailored CAS9/crispr virus that rewrites the gonads of all males to carry the most desirable genetic traits for human advancement and long term survival. The virus will be perpetuated via vaccines, food, and water. Each generation humans will become more and more perfect, until one day someone will go..."what happened?" and an old first gen man from south africa will simply smile and nod once before passing on, his last breath "The Boers won...we finally won."

Yes, they are going to do that.

>now what?

Conquer new land for lebensraum, colonize space

i just want one of those baby-making women that loves raising kids so i can have a reason to be away from home from time to time