Why are Democrats so against voters needing to have IDs...

Why are Democrats so against voters needing to have IDs? Does it not make sense that every voter should have records and identification?

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They are very obviously reliant on lazy niggers and illegal voters.

Because they pander to incompetent subhumans who can't figure out how to get an ID, or illegals

Cause it's not about voter ID. Republicans claim it's about voter ID then all the sudden they close polling stations in black, hispanic, and student areas.

>Does it not make sense to have records and identification
Identification yes. Records no. I don't want the state keeping record of my political affiliations.
But the reason Dems don't want voter ID is because they want illegals to be able to vote, and they vote early and often

Maybe they close them because no one shows up.

Because it can't be handled nationally, only state by state, so there would be costs transferred to the citizen in order to create the IDs. Something like that.

It would be nice if we could have the same thing as europe and have IDs, if for no reason but to shut everyone up.

Some illegal aliens vote. Dems say "oh it's a small number" but the point is in many states the margin of victory is a small number. If voter ID was required always then many illegals would be stopped from voting for the Dems/

>I don't want the state keeping record of my political affiliations.
This. I miss living in Texas, which has open primaries. In Florida, you have to register with a party to vote in their elections.

>so there would be costs transferred to the citizen in order to create the IDs.

Wow, 15 whole dollars.

No they close them try to prevent people from voting Democrats. Have you seen the lineups? American elections are 3rd world tier thanks to Republicans.


its literally only to get votes, the dnc is extremely paternalistic to a point where its racist. dnc needs to be dissolved, same with jews in the media and in porn. literally jews and the dnc has made this white and black divide again and im sick of it like all racist jokes aside, were are back in the 70s again and it is not the fault of blacks or whites simply....the jews

By records, I meant mailing addresses and such.

Because the only way to win is with dead peoples SSN and illegal alien voters.

And if you dont think the millions of illegals that stole your SSN# to work didn't use those same #'s to vote? your a nigger.

I have never understood why you don't need an ID to vote but one is required to by beer and smokes.

The democrat party are rank criminals and use illegal votes.

nice feets

12 million mexican reasons

Because without illegal voters 42 states would be landslide red.
No, I'm not joking. Look that shit up.

Well that just makes sense. How else would they know which district you should be voting in? This becomes much more important for things like school board elections.

Keep in mind the only actual illegal voting that took place went for Trump

That's wrong.

Furthermore if women, and non tax payers didn't vote it would be nearly 100% red.

Good point. The leaf got us boys, let's pack it up, not a single illegal immigrant voted in the last election.

>Why are Democrats so against voters needing to have IDs?
because a sizable number of democrats are braindead welfare-dependant basket cases that can barely read.


even worse some genuinely believe illegals should be allowed to vote, and to vote for their own citizenship, I wish I was making this up.

I never understood this about Burgerland. Even in my 3rd world hellhole they've implemented Voter ID.

Who is this image of complete perfection?

What the fuck are you talking about cancuck?
What do voter ID laws have to do with closing polling stations?
You do realise the only reason they are not enforced is so that illegals can vote right?
Even their racist reasoning for the law is provably false.

Every fucking country should require an ID to vote, it's just common sense

L.A. has 144% more people registered to vote than live in the city/county. I'll let the anons in this thread that aren't fucking leafs make their own conclusions.

The digits

>ICE gets most of their deportations by pulling illegals who voted
>News instead reports on something that doesnt happen every other day

Steve Bannon registered to vote in two states despite Trump's cries of 'voter fraud'


>Wow, 15 whole dollars.

That poor people would get for free anyways because of gibs.

>ICE gets most of their deportations by pulling illegals who voted

right wing retards just make shit up

u retards are literally fake news you're not even ashamed of it

completely untrue, legal citizens voted twice for hillary as well. Illegals voted for Hillary.

Your right to vote is in the constitution, if you are required to have an ID to vote, your constitutional rights are being violated.

It's exactly the same as gun licensing.

>republicans can commit voter fraud as well, so it's ok
Is that your retarded point? Neither one should be able to fucking do it

Yeah, but they'd rather spend that on rims and gold fronts.

you know the reason why, and it ain't racism.

If it applies to everyone. It cannot be racist.

But they use the racism to block it.

No voter ID. Fraud fraud fraud until it is stopped....by voter id.

Well, how else are they going to commit voter fraud?

LA alone has 1.76 million illegal registries. You have posted 2 to the contrary.

Also, insider.foxnews.com/2016/11/30/ice-agent-counterfeit-drivers-licenses-illegal-immigration-voters-registration-elections
>Muh faux news!
Said the leaf posting the guardian

We have voter IDs here and all is well. Nobody closes stations in black, native, Chinese, Lebanese etc majority areas.

i voted for Hillary in 3 counties

what you gonna do trumpets?

You can vote without ID in Canada dude

You need one piece of gov't ID to vote whatever it is that you have. Have you never voted before?

yes poo in loos all have voter ID's in india. A BILLION FUCKING PEOPLE.

but the "greatest" nation on earth (300 million people) ...this is impossible.

dude, seriously

nothing we still won :^)

No you don't, I've worked as a poll clerk. You can vote with a bill with your address on it and a someone to vouch for your identity.

Where at? Every time I've voted you need one piece of government ID. And one document proving your address.

Being registered in 2 places is not voter fraud you fucking moron.

>Republicans reinforcing the need for a voter ID is racist and they're only doing it because it benefits them
>Democrats rushing to naturalize illegals and even turning a blind eye to illegals potentially voting is democratic and altruistic

Voting is an important decision and if you can't give enough of a fuck to even register then perhaps you shouldn't have the right to decide the future of your country?

They can't vote dumbass.

How do you vote with dead people then?


As a follow up, all of these pieces of ID you can only get as a resident of Canada. ID is still ID.

>Being this dense
You bus the people across state lines to have them vote in the other party's states.
How can you not get this, there was video where the DNC literally admitted and went into great detail about it.


>For example, we contacted Los Angeles County directly this past June. At that time, county officials informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.

You already know the answer to your question.

we're talking about us elections

Canadian elections are clean af

Other than Conservative voter suppression of course.


I don't get it either. Getting an ID isn't that hard.

I guess cost could be an issue, but finding a way to reduce the cost of gov't issued ID seems super easy.

Hell why not just issue ID automatically on your 18th birthday. Just use your most recent school photo or something.

Holy shit you're fucking retarded. You don't understand the difference between registration and actually voting.

Who Is Registered to Vote in Two States? Some in Trump’s Inner Circle

Stick to UK affairs and vote Labour.

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=T4_Yrwb4rh8

Does it even matter outside of swing states, though? LA county will be Democrat no matter what

why does this girl have a boy's face under those uncountably infinite layers of make up

Who is this charming female?


right wing retards with their pizzaspiracies are dumb af

They had to make up millions of illegal voters to make themselves feel better about losing the popular vote


Look at those requirements for ID my friend

>40% of the population isn't legal
>does it matter?

We have laws that make it illegal for to it cost anything to vote. That's part of why it's such a mess, you would have to pull from the taxes, or raise the taxes in general, and no state governor will do that, and national gov is not allowed to do this sort of thing, so it becomes a mess.

Well if you're registered in cali and wisconsin, and you're a liberal living in california, then you go and vote in wisconsin, where you need an ID and show ID.

How is that not voter fraud?

>vote labour
I vote for Jeremy Corbyn to be sent to the gulag

If pic related is an illegal there is a 90% chance she has at least one silver tooth...

>and no state governor will do that

many states have programs for free I.D.s

>right wing retards
Obomaleafnigger confirmed

Buying proof

this , a chinese girl I knew thought she should have a right to vote in this country because she lived here

obama leaf likes to spin shit, that's kind of his forte

please show us one instance where republicans have closed polling stations in black , hispanic, or student areas

now liberals care about the constitution. I thought it was just a old piece of parchment. the 1st is constantly attacked under the guise of hate speech. and the second amendment is somehow antiquated

Being registered in 2 places doesn't mean you're voting twice. This is how I know you're fucking retarded.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Nearly half of counties that previously approved voting changes with the federal government have cut polling places this election.

Mass poll closures in battleground states create potential for Election Day chaos
It’s the first presidential election in 50 years without the full protection of the Voting Rights Act.

Those Insane Early Voting Lines Were a Direct Result of Republican Voter Suppression

How would that even work? "Hey everyone, if you're voting democrat, please raise your hand and move to the back of the line. Keep them up until you're at the booth. Oh sorry, first guy with his hand up, the polls just closed 4 hours before schedule."

Then what's your point you fucking mongoloid?

That right wing retards think it is

>completely missing the point
I didn't say that though did I?
I said busing voters to red and swing states from solid blue states is voter fraud, and that the democrats admitted they do it all the time.

It should be stopped, one vote for one state and one registration for one voter in the state you reside in.

The dems can't win without votes from minorities. Without the illegal immigrant minority vote, they pretty much lose every election.

Lol no Democrats didn't admit to any of that. You must be fucking retarded. Don't you think Republicans would take them to court, and investigate them, it would be national news. You're so fucking retarded man. It sounds like you got duped by another one of Fake News O'Keefe's videos. Stick to Pizzagate kiddo.

>Why are Democrats so against voters needing to have IDs?
Because that is and always has been voter suppression. This is elementary school history and civics, user.

what the fuck province do you live in
ive voted in both provincial and federal elections multiple times and they require 2 pieces of id in poutineland

gables avenue

Democrats need to cheat

It's the only way they ever win elections

alright you can see the confusion then
>show 1 of these, if not
>show 2 of these
makes sense

>Project Veritas

>It sounds like you got duped by another one of Fake News O'Keefe's videos.

yep i called it

Lol you are so out of touch, at least do some research before you spout off nonsense

>all the sudden
Subhuman idiot

>This is duping
>Claims it's false with no evidence
>'doctored footage'

You have no clue what you're talking about. Please shut the fuck up.

Yes. When has this been debunked?