What is your honest opinion on Richard Spencer?

What is your honest opinion on Richard Spencer?

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Glow in the dark CIA nigger.

controlled opposition

I think he should reestablish contact with the mothership and request new instructions.

A perfect litmus test - anyone who respects and follows this square headed faggot is a retard not worthy of defending.

A god amongst men. Watch him in 2010 (7 years ago) propagating the same shit. Most of you weren't even on Sup Forums 2 years ago:

Skip to 7:30


controlled opposition

He is a detriment to conservative values. A weak willed doe boy who has never worked a day in his life. He distracts from the conversation about ideas with race instead of culture.


Nigga head gettin thiccer by the minute

>What is your honest opinion on Richard Spencer?

Takes orders from the FBI

remember, no had even heard of the 'alt-right' until shillary brought it up


What's with his forehead

>teehee sweetie look at my shoop
He must be doing something right to trigger anti-whites so hard every single day.

His head looks like a fucking lawn gnome


Shill detected.

The alt right was invented to replace the right because it was too cucked.

If you don't like the alt-right and white nationalism go back to cuckservatism and see how it works out for you

Spencer is a feminized beta, borderline homosexual. Just the type of guy the Jews would put in place as controlled opposition.

Some of these subhumans are going to kill him

He mostly attracts shitskins, whenever they see a Spencer thread they fly in and scream controlled opposition because they fear for their lives

Irrelevant. Seeing him made into a boogeyman during the election was damn funny though.

Antifa screeching


1. I think alt-right term is cancerous.
2. I think he needs to read more books & sharper.
3. I think he needs to lose 20 pounds.
4. I think he needs to stop hanging with degenerate unemployed losers.
5. I think he needs to stop holding rallies. They're futile.

He comes 30 years late to the party.
All his ideas are refried, not adapted to what the world is like today.
I appreciate the effort and love the leftist butthurt, plus the free speech part. But all and all he is just late, we need something very different from what he proposes.


eh pretty cool guy doesnt afraid of anything

conservatives are a detriment to conservative values. they have conserved nothing. name one win.
they fired derbyshire from NRO for being homophobic.
spencer was a conservative and trying to connect with people in these circles but then realized they all just want to be honorable losers. there are too many neocons (read: trotskyites) in the conservative movement. that's why he abandoned them and started his own thing

folks here never heard of him because they have all been blue-pilled into thinking american conservatism isn't dead

The alt right wasn't "invented", although it's an organic reaction to the cuckservatives as you mention. White nationalism is important to some of the alt right, but not all.


>doesnt afraid of anything
Except success

>remember, no had even heard of the 'alt-right'
it was around a lot longer than that. clinton popularizing it was her mistake

>we need something very different from what he proposes.

Like what you fucking retard? Go back to cuckservatism?

How did that work out?

>1. I think alt-right term is cancerous.

Because you are a shitskin who will get wiped out by an alt right death squad

>5. I think he needs to stop holding rallies. They're futile.

If they're future Spencer threads wouldn't be filled with shitskin screeching

lol you faggot
i'm pretty sure you're eager to give (((tuff guys))) like bill kristol and david frum blowjobs

He's not as smart as he likes to think he is, in terms of both tactics and ideas. Still not sure if he's a shill or not, but the fact that he's managed to even slightly shake the "all racialists/nationalists are drooling boneheads" image from the public mind is a plus.

A pretty good asset for the left.

I think he has organized several successful rallies and has pushed white identity into the mainstream public consciousness. He has also repeatedly called out the Jews. Anyone counter signaling him is trying to divide and conquer.

He is a media whore and a socialist. He is not good for the alt right because he is fake right. If anyone asked you if you support him just tell them you do not endorse socialist.

Hey, for a guy's who's not supposed to be a drooling bonehead, he sure has a bony lookin' head.

>Shill detected.

You wish faggot.
I'm not saying it didn't exist.
I showed a five year window of that search and its didn't take off until after this speech. That one year snapshot you showed is a portion of the search history for that term.

Do another interweb search of alt right and see the date on those news pieces. My cursory search showed the MSM had to explain to the world what the "alt right" is.

literally who

He's retarded. You've have to be to consider yourself an American, yet want it to be an all White Ethno-State. America was created by the labour of Chinese, Irish, Native American, and Black chattel slaves. Identity politics in general should have no place in the world's leading multicultural society.

Richard Spencer is not an American, and does not hold the constitution in high, nor in any, regard, does not believe in freedom and justice for all Americans, and has single-handedly destroyed whatever movement disgruntled white Americans had.


>no one ever heard of him and then he got recognized
>no success
pick one, shill

It's important to us. Get redpilled on Spencer here.

///His old video from 2010 @ 7:30 for shills saying he came out in 2016///


///Spencer having fun in a club///


///Spencer interview on Vice where he made that chick drool///


///Spencer breaking down the alt right and explaining why it's important///



///Spencer's youtube channel///


spencer was making podcasts about nietzsche and the frankfurt school with bowden in like 2008

even if he is controlled opposition, it wasn't always that way

>He is not good for the alt right because he is fake right. If anyone asked you if you support him just tell them you do not endorse socialist.
burger retardation detected
spencer's politics is a reaction to the left, and his politics have nothing to do with socialism. that's a far away concern. demographics, race relations, hierarchy are the actual concerns now. fighting for a 2% tax cut on the rich isn't socially conservative whatsoever

Spencer actually appeals to many normies when they hear him speak, he's a decent public face.

Also he has access to funds and is a friend of some very influential people in the WH (Steven Miller)

But he's way too naive, and he's an attention whore. Also he's basically the epitome of "racist liberal"

Fun fact: he gets invited to parties with libshits all the time.

I don't think he's controlled opposition, just not a good leader. He fucked up pretty hard working with actual plant/retard (((Jason Kessler)))

Richman Spiner

heheh top shill

a shekel for you!

weak b8

You're one ultra-thick retard.

If you think Spencer is successful then maybe you're working for the FBI as well

White people would be better off he Richard Spencer was gunning for BLM

Because Hilary decided to make him famous so she could win the election. It's not his fault it worked

Nothing wrong with white nationalism, it just holds no place in American society.

Neither does Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Arabic nationalism. We are all Americans, and must think of what is best for us as one unified people. Identity politics only serve to bring chaos and destruction to the imperfect yet stable system we have built up to this point. The Alt-Right, Neo-Nazis, Antifa, and BLM alike need to be designated as terrorist groups.

your image says that he wasn't as well-known at one point in time as he is now
how does that make someone a plant?
you need to get your meds sorted out, my friend

Just from a surface standpoint with no thought to his motives he's said and done too many stupid things. "hail trump.." corny ass cringe fest. luckily he doesn't come off as the epitome of opposition to antifa, everyone right of ultra left is painted as White supremacist so it doesn't matter.

>even if he is controlled opposition

He's not you retard. don't even repeat that because you're giving power to shills

This post is proof only shitskins counter-signal based Spencer


The point is to push the overton window, which is why I think he goes all "muh ethnostate"

I'm not sure it's the most effective method. It would probably be better if Identity Europa and the Spencerists adopted a purely Identerian platform and just advocated that:

1. America was founded as a majority white country, and should remain that way
2. White Americans have the right to organize without it being universally condemned
4. Deport illegals

That's a winning platform to awake racial consciousnesses. Then you have people to Spencer's right like TDS advocate for what we all really want, which should gradually move Spencer's fans toward GTKRWN

>White people would be better off he Richard Spencer was gunning for BLM
you need a positive message. the message can't be "fight blm"
what follows after that?
he's been successful in being recognized, getting people to look him up and his work, shifting the overton window.
what does "success" look like to you? what would be successful? president bernie sanders?

>We are all Americans

Non-whites can never be Americans. Whoever told you you're American lied.

Go back.

Read Pic related
report and sage this thread


He's an obvious plant.

Manlet retard, but well spoken, could be a great use to our cause if he pretended to be more centrist/dropped the Nazi shit.

what makes it obvious? people on Sup Forums calling him a plant?

Except, Antifa and BLM are actually killing people, so they are actually terrorists. The alt right and neo-Nazis aren't killing people.

Controlled op or just a fucking idiot.

Never heard him say anything of interest or insight

attention whore + paid shill
>hail trump
>works with the atlantic during election season to smear trump
>torch march
>verified on twitter
>not banned on any platform

at best he has friends on the inside
at worst he is the inside

>Retarded leftists make Spencer famous in an attempt to stop people from voting for Trump

>Trump still wins

>Now they screech because they made the biggest mistake of their lives

Regardless of what you think, the "Unite the Right" rally was so newsworthy it got Trump to publicly say things like the left is destroying our history and our heritage. The most POWERFUL man in the world came out in support of Confederate monuments.

That's pretty effective activism. I believe if the Spencer types drop the WN 1.0 tards like Heimbach/Duke and don't associate openly with more radical people that support them, they can raise a lot of awareness for white causes.

But they need to change their strategy fast.

>you need a positive message. the message can't be "fight blm"

No, I meant the outcome would be better for the white people if Spencer was literally advocating for the BLM

>he's been successful in being recognized

Literally the same way david duke has been trolling and trying to destroy Trump

His dialogue is so so, his debate is shit.

A tactless who unwittingly is working for the FBI, and for free no-less!

Controlled opposition, since he took "the lead" all he's done is make the alt right look like the biggest fucking morons on earth
Based leaf

They are not ANTIFA but a group of 20 people from 8pol leftypol. They organize on discord and blast 80 anti-Spencer meme with different IDs to drown out rational discussion about him. If every second post screams "SHILL" or "CIA" they can kill any pro-Spencer discussion.

You can recognize them by the character-assassination conehead shops and retarded posting style/memes. Their infamous shills like Moarpheus even admit it.

This is their campaign:


Btw a lot of shitskins join them because they're scared of Spencer.

Wasn't a big fan till I watched the Charlottesville stream. Respect him more now.

He sort of has the "gay accent". Come to think of it, so do a lot of the so called alt right neo-nazi types.
Maybe it's just a modern middle class suburban thing? Do they all sound like this today?

no, it would be worse if he was advocating for blm because that would be a wealthy, well put together well spoken white guy advancing their cause

i don't know where you get this stuff from

david duke is trash and the media is trying to make spencer the next duke. the thing with spencer is that he hasn't been involved in scandals and unlike duke, doesn't give the media exactly what they're looking for.

I do wish Damigo will become more of an active face

>alt right look like the biggest fucking morons on earth
the media would present "alt right" in this light regardless of who could get in the spotlight
try getting rid of the nazi flags and the fats if you want a better image

Shitposting is not an argument, go read a book about the effectiveness of National Socialism, then get back to me. Hitler could've cared less about his "people", he only aspired for carrying out as much chaos as possible within the shortest amount of time, and the same will happen for any other ethno-state, ie: South Africa, North Korea, the Soviet Union.

People do have a right to protest peacefully, I agree with you on that, as well as illegal immigration. But ask yourself why America was founded in the first place before claiming what this country should and shouldn't be before you go around throwing ideas of racial superiority.

Nah what Spencer gives Trump is a mafia type situation.

"Yea I'm not racist... but my friend over there."

Notice he never denounces the "alt-right" just retarded people like the KKK and those who identify as "Neo-Nazis"

Basically this strategy allows Trump to say he isn't racist, while still advocating the same policies as what us "racists" want

> I believe if the Spencer types drop the WN 1.0 tards like Heimbach/Duke

He's going to distance himself, he already did it when that retard organizer posted a Dailystormer article.

Notice how he's not banned on Twitter because he can handle himself and he never engages in leftist troll baits on twitter. They provoke him all the time and he stays contained and just ignores them. They literally have no ammo against him - he's unbannable. His paypal and websites were shoahed but he's still alive on social media.

Milo was banned because he's an idiot who engaged with trolls. Spencer is a gentleman

>Btw a lot of shitskins join them because they're scared of Spencer.
this is true
people are terrified of spencer. lefties/liberals are unable to feel disgust (they are literally incapable, psychologically speaking) so they try to spread their fear about him by projecting it

even *if* spencer was a shill, go back and check out media he's produced from podcasts to writings. you can't see he's totally off the mark. this is what they fear more than anything.

>Skip to 7:30
It's a 5 second clip of literally nothing.


>But ask yourself why America was founded in the first place

America was founded as a white ethno state

If the founding fathers saw america today they would have a heart attack

Where were you when the Charlottesville protests were happening? Violence was carried out by both sides, both of which were enamored with racial bias ideologies. ISIS is within a similar vein of thought.

soy, plastics, etc...
there are some headlines floating around recently about T levels dropping over the past 50+ years but a huge amount.
we're all victims of ZOGfood

cia nigger

>But ask yourself why America was founded in the first place before claiming what this country should and shouldn't be before you go around throwing ideas of racial superiority.

America banned nonwhite immigration and nonwhite citizenship. It was founded as a European nation, you can't get around that.

I don't care about "racial superiority," I just want this country to go back to the ideals of the founders, which was that this is a white nation.

That doesn't mean I want to kick out all nonwhites or start "muh ethnostate," just that I want our demographics to return to pre-1965 makeup.

This will require a pro-natalist grassroots movement among whites, immigration enforcement from the state, and immigration reform from our lawmakers that bans immigration and repeals the 1965 immigration act.

controlled opposition

why are you so afraid of him?

He needs to see a doctor about his head.

You can find that clip on the npi channel

Also here's spencer's channel on youtube where he has videos of whitefish montana from 2009


This, all of the actual Nazi and KKK people are 100% controlled, they've been little more than a joke for 30 years now. They're just used to stoke divide and conquer politics.

Why would a white ethno-state actively seek out aid from other ethnicities? Did they believe they were incapable of building their nation on their own? Your argument is full of holes.

>muh white supremacist death squads will getchu
Lol gtfo you dumb nigger. I bet you pee sitting down.

agree with him on some things, he makes some good arguments, but he is ultimately a detriment to making a positive change. i wish he would disassociate with trump.


Because he's too stereotypical, too over the top, and he goes out of his way to set himself up to be publicly humiliated on a regular basis. He does it on purpose. They made him the face of white nationalism to take the spotlight off of reasonable people like Jared Taylor.