I got 100 German constitutions here.
What are you gonna do about it?
I got 100 German constitutions here.
What are you gonna do about it?
Other urls found in this thread:
odd. they don't look like korans. are you sure they didn't mess up your order?
pretty sure german constitutions are korans by now
First post Germany BTFO post.
I prefer normal toilet roll to be honest, whatever floats your boat though
First post best post
Ours is one page...
They were free and I wanted to see if they'd actually send me 100
Hand them over Hans, the EU makes the rules now
Get fugged op.
That's alot of paper just to say "You don't really have rights"
lol you should burn them
How will Germcucks ever recover?
The UN Charter still designates Italy, Germany and Japan as enemy states to the United Nations.
The Allies wrote and imposed the “Basic Law” (not a constitution), and in spite of the so-called “reunification” in 1990, that law remains in effect today, as an entirely foreign construct. There is no “Made in Germany” constitution.
For Germany, World War II, like the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, lacks formal legal closure because a peace treaty has never been signed between the Allies and Germany.
Berlin is Washington's vassal until 2099
I need toilet paper
Does the german constitution contain politically dangerous material like freedom of conscience or religion?
Like could you get arrested for handing out constitutions and triggering foreigners?
It even got our anthem on the back.
Sing with me, lads!
Does it have the best stanza?
I sometimes wish we were Austria, but we are not
Germany isn't even a real country.
>Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
lmao even your state's official name is cuck'd.
Großdeutsches Reich > that cuck shit
my house is kind of cold
The Weimar Constitution was never revoked.
I'd suppose that Germany can regain its freedom after the Third American Revolution.
I don't have to do nothing about it your Constitution will probably be changed before you even have a chance to distribute them
Factually correct. In fact, the constitution has already changed, although the change was only minimal.
Sworn to be free, no more our ancient sireland shall shelter the despot or the slave..
Or in other words:
Englander go home.
Hah, trade it in and get a quran
>The Weimar Constitution was never revoked.
Wait, it wasn't?
Got it, but lets sing original lyrics!
It was. Most posters here are just misinformed.
The current constitution is named "Basic Law" and not "Constitution", because the West German reps did not want to cement the partition of Germany by creating a new state. It has nothing to do with it being a constitution or not.
It also did not have a plebiscite, because West Germans refused to hold one (would have cemented the partition as well). The US DEMANDED a proper referendum on the referendum, but the Germans refused.
Furthermore, the Bundesrepublik is legally speaking the same legal entity as the Nazi Reich, the Weimar Republic, the Kaiserreich and the North German Confederation.
>Art. 136, 137, 138, 139 und 141 der Weimarer Verfassung sind 1949 durch Artikel 140 Bestandteil des Grundgesetzes geworden. Die sonstigen Normen der Verfassung galten nach 1949, soweit sie nicht dem Grundgesetz widersprachen, als einfaches Bundesrecht fort; nach einer Rechtsbereinigung in den sechziger Jahren ist heute jedoch nur noch Art. 109 Abs. 3 Satz 2 („Adelsbezeichnungen gelten nur als Teil des Namens und dürfen nicht mehr verliehen werden“) in Kraft.[2]
The new German constitutions entails various articles of the Weimar constitution. The rest of the Weimar constitution has been declared nullified.
Constitution nazi police
now what?
>left bonded white book with latin script in german on it looks exactly like right bonded green book with aravic script on it
American (((education)))
Yes, but did they have the jurisdiction under international law to do that?
If they didn't; then their purported nullification is just playing with words and worthless.
yeah we learned about that in uni
continuity of government, just like the japs after occupation
Germany itself decided which articles to include in the Basic Law and which ones to nullify, so yes.
>Toothpaste being ignorant and arrogant
Are you an Am*ricunt on holiday or VPN?
Go hand them out at the Reichstag.
Digits confirm.
Have a (you)
Delisoucsly dry user
order moar
Burn em.