What are the origins of it? Are you people simply evil? And why is there such wide acceptance for immorality and evil in the West? Why do you imagine utopias and accept destruction? How are Westerners raised? Do your parents beat you? This bothers me
Faustian soul of Westerners
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Shout out to Goethe's Faust translated by Walter Kaufmann!
Always remember, Faust sells his soul for knowledge, not power. Human as fuck.
Because the fundamental moral guide stone, our belief in God, the infinite and the objective, was BTFO by the rationalists and empiricists, which over time led to nihilism and now post modernism with us questioning literally everything we once believed in or held true, now including science in and of itself.
Nothing matters except your subjective experience bud, so do what you like. Or pick up a cool new belief system like Communism or Fascism to try and fill that whole in your soul.
Germanic blood
>was BTFO by the rationalists and empiricists, which over time led to nihilism
but they arose in the West and this is what is interesting to me - what was the foundation in the West for those rationalists to appear there? Was this a matter of a strong secular authority? Belief only in brute power? Are you violent people in general?
>Do your parents beat you?
>implying beating your kid isn't far more common in ex Soviet countries
but you know, history didn't start with the Soviets
fuck off slavs
i love spengler and i studied him for a long time but this shitty bait deserves to be saged and deleted
just like all the slavs on this planet btw
Greek philosophy.
Are you implying that child beatings in ex Soviet shit holes like yours is more prevalent because of western European countries?
Shut up mountain kike.
I think it ironically was that belief in God that led us to this point - at its core it was putting "Truth" as the highest ideal that all man searched for, so the West, with its material excess was able to devote large amounts of effort and time to this pursuit which led to the scientific revolution and the death knell for traditional Christianity.
But that's just my layman's opinion.
greek philosophy has nothing to dow ith the faustian soul
the apollinic soul is the complete opposite of the faustian soul
stop typing you dumb teabag before i come and stab you with a plastic knife
wrong , the faustian soul is the will to SURPASS god and his creation
why doy ou just spout random shit ?
redpill me on the "Faustian Soul". What is it and why does it matter?
I'm saying that I don't give a fuck about Soviets, because this isn't the question of this topic, you dumbass
>with its material excess was able to devote large amounts of effort and time to this pursuit which led to the scientific revolution and the death knell for traditional Christianity.
but isn't this material excess itself a sign of this Faustian spirit? So this Faustian spirit must predate material wealth, so the roots of this activity must lay somewhere else
I'm not talking about any idiotic idea like a Faustian soul which magically applies to all westerners. Greek philosophy directly led to science, Hegel, Marx, and eventually to the post-modernists.
Talk to me like that in real life and I'll snap your neck you fucking mountain jew.
You're the fucking dumb ass. The only reason I mentioned the Soviet Union was to make it easier to identify the eastern European countries I was referring to.
Kys you dumb polish subhuman.
>the faustian soul is the will to SURPASS god and his creation
Ok, we know how this manifests itself in philosophy (creating utopias) and in politics (political radicalism, totalitarianism, strong state control in general). But how did that manifest itself on lower levels of social structures, for instance in families? Because there certainly must be some will to cooperate among ordinary people, to achieve those faustian goals. Is Western Europe the land of satanists or what?
ROFL you are so fucking retarded
greeks can't even into 3 dimensions properly
do you understand that?
only a philosophy cuck that is so far removed from reality and mathematics/sciences/human advancements would come up with greek philosophy as a root for the faustian soul and its acheivements
You're a dumb fucking kid that knows nothing about the history of science or philosophy.
i don't know if white westerners are any more accepting of evil than other races. here in the US, whites are pretty badly pozed, but Latinos and blacks have had their social fabric horrendously torn apart. I've rarely ever met a Latino/a who wasn't a jewish golem. As for blacks, they vote 90% democrat, that should tell you waht you need to know. Imo the root of the acceptance of the state of affairs is the west's wealth, at least in part, but also the superficial veneer of normality that many people still enjoy. so long as the material comforts are there, and so long as a semblance of the nuclear family is here, people won't really be able to see things for what they are, especially if you come from a decent family. People accept the immorality because they don't actually perceive it well. I think I read that something like 80% of millenial women aren't married. I doubt its better for millenial men. Crime will definitely increase as well(more delinquent ethnicities are now 40%+ of America's youth, single motherhood, etc.). if people fail to react to these phenomenon, then I don't what they will shock them, short of a war or apocalypse. Anyways thats my answer with regards to why its tolerated. The origins of it, i couldn't tell you, maybe marxism+feminism+civil rights+rampant consumerism that let it multiply like a virus. Is it inborn? I doubt it. i think people simply conform to social norms.
reading your ad hominems
still better than reading your dumb shit about "greek philosophy"
keep it up teaboye
Destruction leading to a rejuvenated healthier outcome is matter of factually the course of nature.
We are built of natural forces
Why do you piss in the face of nature?
Why do I want Utopia? I can not fathom the level of cowardice and nihilism it requires to want anything less, if not for one's self than for your children.
a cuck like you?
And when did you come to that conclusion? Because to me a utopia and destruction is from the very beginning worthless, because the former is a too bold view, and the latter doesn't build anything, so it makes no sense to engage in this. What formed you in the USA in this way?
why are you arguing abou the faustian soul if you are not faustian?
why don't you learn german instead and come closer to it ?
fucking slavic subhumans
for those wandering, here's the definition of spengler himself:
>>Ich will von nun an die Seele der antiken Kultur, welche den sinnlich-gegenwärtigen Einzelkörper zum Idealtypus des Ausgedehnten wählte, die apollinische nennen. Ihr gegenüber stelle ich die faustische Seele, deren Ursymbol der reine grenzenlose Raum und deren »Leib« die abendländische Kultur ist, wie sie mit der Geburt des romanischen Stils im 10. Jahrhundert in den nordischen Ebenen zwischen Elbe und Tajo aufblühte.
and if you want a pdf with all the passages in the book I deemed most interesting to remember, grab it at:
>fucking slavic subhumans
you, however, really hefted yourself racially to master levels with that comment
faustian soul = tending to infinity, knowing and applying the concept of 0 and infinity , mathematics in n-dimensions as opposed to 2 dimensions (euclidean geometry),
enslaving and defeating (human) nature in every aspect (defying god/creation itself) as opposed to being a SLAV(E) OF NATURE
as well as getting defeated by his own creations (machines and automatization) which is ultimately inevitable ; that's what the decline of the west is about
>enslaving and defeating (human) nature in every aspect (defying god/creation itself) as opposed to being a SLAV(E) OF NATURE
Fine, but I'm just wondering, why was this mindset created in the West and not for instance among Slavs, Arabs, Africans, Asians. What kind of traits appeared in the history of the West, that led to the creation of this mindset. Was this the pagan embrace of culture or what
You are obviously entirely ignorant of history. Why bother posting such dumb shit?
Spengler tohught of this as "godly sparks" similarly to seeing/using fire for the first time (this has nothing to do with "intelligence" btw, it's "genius") .
It's clear that Faustian (nordic) culture started with the introduction of the number 0 in mathematics, which laid the foundation for everything as well as meant the replacement of apollinic culture (which is completely irrelevant in modern science btw)
So yea, the number 0 i.e. "India" might be the "origin" of the Faustian development in nordic countries ultimately. So there are two Faustian "souls" (nordic and indic) ; however they are faustian in different senses, one manifests itself in the real world (machines, colonialization expansion into the infinite) and the other spiritually (religions, spiritual conquest of whole east Asia stemming from Buddhism f.e.) Spengler solved this by seperating "indic common culture" with what "brahmanistic" (brahmanistic soul).
That doesn't answer your question why slavs and others didn't/don't manage to have it, but the Faustian soul comes from a very predatorial "urbild/urseele", prideful and driven by the idea to kill anybody that insults ones own pride/ego/position by being "better". For Faustians there is only victory or death, anything else is not acceptable. Paganism has very little to do with it, f.e. Asgard isn't well defined in elder religious texts, but later on it was claimed to be somewhere "flying in the infinite".
Faust is redeemed in the second book user.
The fall represents all humanity
The redemption after is the west.
another funny thing to add btw is that funnily enough
many german prototypical faustians when they grow older want to learn about the "other" faustian soul (spiritual) and convert to hinduism/hare krishna or similar eastern influenced sects, they think that there is "more" out there that they can learn understand etc.
and for (modern) indians its exactly the oppposite, they view nordics as gods (of engineering, technological progress etc.)
the nordic faustian soul is the most impactful and the greatest culture to ever exist on this planet, nothing will ever come close to it once it's gone (inevitably, because of his drive for ultimate and absolute efficiency the creation of a machine that will replace the faustian human himself)
>inevitably, because of his drive for ultimate and absolute efficiency the creation of a machine that will replace the faustian human himself
exactly, this is what Slavs don't have. They realize this constant drive for a utopia will end in self-destruction, which is why Slavs seem to be more calm and humble
Anyways, the origin of this mindset to me is still a mystery, it's like hundreds of millions of people being ready to engage in acts that aren't well thought out and that create inevitably a natural skepticism because of the inherent limits of human nature. It's as if you people are on drugs or carry some historica continuity of mobilization of violence that dates back to the very beginnings of your countries