Why do you think it's so important to have kids? You save so much time and money without those little snot nosed brats running around. Life is short and you should focus this time on yourself and having fun, not changing poopy diapers. Me and my gf swear off ever having kids, we can just adopt one latter if we ever change our mind, so it's not like we have anything to lose.
Why do you think it's so important to have kids...
>Me and my gf swear off ever having kids
good, two less defective individuals in the genepool
the problem solves itself
The species is going to be extinct within two centuries, anyway. Having kids at this point is just cruel.
I have a vasectomy. I've never wanted kids and after coming here, I realized that I won't be giving Jews another source of income and labor.
It's missing a fourth panel where the female dies alone, scared, and abused in a nursing home because she has no relatives to care or be there for her.
Me and my wife have a one year old that I'm planning to raise as a proud white skinned human.
It's a pretty big gamble to hope your kids will give a shit about you.
It's only natural they will unless your and/or they are a piece of shit.
I guess if you're a shitty parent.
Even if you aren't, people leave their parents in nursing homes all the time. The (((economy))) kinda forces them too.
this, its actually pretty sad. my great aunt and uncle dont have kids, their in their 80 now and we always invite them over for birthdays/Christmas and such, they dont have anyone else to spend it with. my parents are taking care of them in terms of driving them around when they need to go out of the city, giving them options of retirement homes and such, because they reached a point where they need the help of younger people, but there's just no one else to help them. really is fucking sad. wive cant cook worth shit too, never did, so they always go on about our home cooked meals when they stay over, she doesn't even own a stove.
>You save so much time and money
I'm glad irresponsible poorfags like you who can't into time management aren't having kids. World is better this way
>you should focus this time on yourself and having fun, not changing poopy diapers
except that children are a ton of fun once they grow up to enjoy the things you enjoy by passing things on. They're not babies forever unless you're a shitty parent, which you shouldn't have kids in the first place
>It's a pretty big gamble
shit parents don't deserve it, don't have kids then
then teach your kids not to make poor economic decisions, not just for their sake but for you own
>choosing a life of hedonism instead of continuing the bloodline that your parents and their parents sacrificed blood, sweat, and tears to pass on to you
They have treatments for low t nao u no (I'll just pretend you aren't an old bag in disguise)
my dad was an asshole and I still give a shit about him. you have to fuck up pretty hard to lose any respect from your kids.
Basically show up everyday, and at least pretend to give a shit, and your kids will probably turn out all right.
It's important on an individual level because sane beings feel the desire and feel rewarded for creating and rasing their own children and ignoring said impulses is dangerous on one's own psychosomatic health; while the absence of this desires often denote stumped emotional development, straight up biological imbalances and stressful environment.
moving past the individual desire, there're also people who value the human race and culture as something worth preserving due to ideology expanding a similar importance the self gives to itself to the group he's part of, the absence of this desire may denote an isolated upbringing and sociopathic characteristics on top of the lack of empathy.
a similar empathetic groupthink is the one telling people to desire doing what the others do, this applies to having babies, but you can often see it abused for marketing purposes.
finally we have the ones willing to make babies just to have someone to have power over, receive advantageous opinions and situations from the society they are in and to have someone looking for them in their old age.
because normally you want to and value giving life to someone and preserving what you're part of
if you don't want to, that's fine, just avoid ending up adopting someone, you'd be terrible parents.
>those little snot nosed brats
Why do people always force a deprecating attitude towards children in order to justify not having children?
I wouldn't mind having children, but I'm most likely not going to. Women, their abuse of the government and disregard for marriage have ruined everything.
>Get married
>Have kids
>Spend all money and time with senpai and kids.
>Wife decides one day she wants to fuck someone else.
>Takes house that you bought and paid for.
>Takes kids.
>Makes you pay a monthly settlement directly out of your wages for kids and her.
>You are left with no home, no money, paying for kids you never see while your ex wife slams jamal.
That is the future for 60% of men who get married.
This happens for the 'economy' reason if the elderly person in question has serious medical needs that a working family can't provide. Otherwise having the elderly in the home is economically more viable than sending them away if they have retirement or SS checks. And that's ignoring other utility of having them around.
I grew up with my grandparents and not only did they help with keeping the house in order and contribute to keeping the house running in general, they would watch me and my siblings if my parents couldn't since they both worked. They weren't expected to babysit all the time on my parent's whim; if they wanted to go somewhere for a fun weekend or something they'd go and my parents would deal.
The real (((scheme))) is splitting families away from mutual collectivism with a strong family core. Having families is a longterm investment and doesn't reap immediate rewards but in the twilight years, or hell in the terrible event some horrible accident occurs. If that happens there's family to fall back on and help you as long as you personally weren't a shit to your family.
I'm sure a life of hedonism and instant gratification won't leave you full of regrets on your deathbed.
>Why do people always force a deprecating attitude towards children in order to justify not having children?
They fundamentally hate themselves and their own poor moral choices. They then project this negative emotion outward, onto their possible future children, rather than engage in painful self reflection and face hard truths.
I'm surprised I never thought about it that way, makes so much sense now.
>haviing to share that wealth
Hahah fuck no
Either I continue my bloodline or don't get married, whores need not apply
That's because 60% of men will stick their dicks in the first whore that spreads her legs. But hey, I hear she gave a mean blowjob or whatever.
>committing demographic suicide and destroying the genetic line your ancestors toiled to preserve.
>wife decides
I believe you. Any man(which is currently 90% of them) who thinks in terms of the wife deciding anything is probably doomed to divorce.
It's a beta kind of linguistic thought, the kind Chads and those of the dark tirade never think about. You can objectify a women, but still love her. The same way you love your kids, even if they're dumb drooling objects for the first 6 years.
Until men stop drinking the cool-aid, this cycle won't stop. Those signing up for mgtow, are just deepening the divide between those in the "know", and those who are exploited by women.
Having kids is literally just a waste of 20 years of your life imo.
Anyone who argues "muh heritage / bloodline" is a brainlet, once you're rotting 6' under it'll be of no concern to you that you have or haven't passed on your genes.
You should focus on improving yourself and the quality of life of those around you. Wasting 1/4 of it just so someone can have your surname after you die is retarded.
>Why do you think it's so important to have kids?
Please chop off your balls or get your uterus removed and don't freeze your sperm or eggs
Feels great doesn't it now you'll never have to worry about your body making things you'll never use?
Also don't forget to do it to all your blood related family, wouldn't want them breeding and contaminating the gene pool
While you're at it don't own any property or eat/drink anything either, all those resources should go to people who'll exist in the future
Stop being selfish user
For my legacy
This Generation is a selfish gang of scums that has no cultural or traditional values
>what has the world ever done for me??
If you live in the western world and think like this, fucking kill yourself before you influence others, or god forbid, reproduse
Also this
Thanks in advance for removing your defective genes from the pool, you're making the world a better place
>Anyone who argues "muh heritage / bloodline" is a brainlet
>You should focus on improving yourself and the quality of life of those around you
and what if having kids is a way to improve oneself into being a responsible parent and raise the quality of life by making life so they can enjoy a good childhood?
>implying you owe anything to your parents for having
>feeling constant guilt and an obligation to make your life worse
hows it feel being this cucked?
Posts in this thread just restored my faith in Sup Forums
>Me and my gf swear off ever having kids
If you're such a vacuous, consumerist degenerate that you can't fathom a higher calling than wallowing in hedonism then by all means, please, PLEASE don't become parents. Ever.
How's it feel being a subhuman without empathy?
how so?
if anything these teenagers fantasizing how awesome being childless in their later adulthood will be just reminds me how delusional some of the posters here are
Just donate some sperm if you care about lineage so much.
Your descendants won't remember you anyways beyond great grandchildren
I don't have kids yet and I'm not enjoying the lifestyle on the far right panel.
It's important not to have kids because the earth is overpopulated.
Because what the fuck are you going to do when you're 50 or 60? Sick and old?
Who the fuck is going to want to take care of your dirty old ass?
If OP is saying he doesn't want to have kids he's obviously a defective member of his demographic anyways. So why the fuck would you want him to reproduce? You should be encouraging him to not have kids so his mentality exits the gene pool.
Thank god people with your mindset don't reproduce.
why, the government of course!
>but nobody has any kids anymore so no tax payers
just print more money haha
Earth's human carrying capacity is estimated at 10 Billion, so no.
Surrogacy is redpilled.
because each one of your ancestors going back billions of years have had a kid.
Having fun all the time is for pussies
With only retards having children
My kids will have a major advantage in the future
Those weaklings who 'choose' not to have kids
You are deleting your inferior genes
I never want kids but I hate this comic so much. Having a jetski and extra money to travel around will not make your life any better. The person with kid who sleeps 5 hours a night and works 50 hours a week to provide for them probably has more meaning in their lives.
>but nobody has any kids anymore so no tax payers
No they'll import africans
to hasten economic collapse from too many gibs and not enough gibbers?
if you're not a complete retard you could live like in the right panel and have kids
kids and wealth are not mutually exclusive and people who tell you that either made shitty life choices or are financially retarded
>Falling for the overpopulation meme
If you really believe this you need serious help
LITERALLY THIS. I have no idea why people think those two things are mutually exclusive. If you're not dumb enough to live in an overpriced liberal hellhole and have even moderate skills/work ethic a man can still support a wife and kids and provide plenty.
As a human being you have one single obligation from birth, and that is to reproduce.
If you don't want kids, fine. That is your right to decide. However, it makes you a worthless human being and you need to own up to that.
Funny way of looking at life
If you don't have kids, you have quite literally wasted your life.
ok. im enjoying the shit out of my wasted life though.
Power to you. See you in 30 years when you realize everything you have ever done is completely meaningless.
If these fuckers think I'm going to just say "Oh, no hard feelings guys" after being literally libelled they have another thing coming.
im old as shit come at me bro
Not everyone should have kids. This is not even a "all niggers should be sterilized" argument. There are people that have had really messed up childhoods and having them raise kids would imprint that shit on the next generation.
Does continued existence alone give life meaning?
It will only become apparent once your own parents died and the rest of your family will not give you the time of the day.
not only have my parents been long since dead. my siblings are dead too.
>Hedonism is the purpose of life
>not wanting a small self sufficient family with enough kids to help you and the wife take care of the home and the land you've managed to accrue over the years
I think earth is too terrible of an environment to want to raise kids in.
>Funny way of looking at life
How? For any individual organism success or failure is determined only by whether or not that individual reproduces. So from an evolutionary standpoint your one and only obligation is to successfully reproduce. From an evolutionary standpoint this isn't funny at all, it's the standard way of looking at life.
Obviously kids aren't for everyone. Certain genes shouldn't be passed and some people are so unfit to be parents that they should never have kids. You shouldnt produce a child if you know they will be miserable because of qualities you can't control. If you desperately want children and can't have one for a valid reason, then I pitty you and honestly hope you find other meaning in your life. But if you don't want children, and think you can use an ailment as some sort of moral excuse to not have any, you are just as bad as the people who never would have had one in the first place.
You're going to be 70 some day and there needs to be a generation of younger people to grow food and transport it to you. Unless you put a bullet through your head at 70, children are optimal.
It gives your personal life meaning to know that you have created a child that can now find their own meaning in life.
fpbp. It is according to nature the reason to live
Nobody is obligated to have children out of pure reason. Having children is the natural step from living in a human reality as opposed to an objective one.
And you turn to an image board with an audience that is likely to 80% under 30 (so the age of your hypothetical children) to propagate your belief. Shows how great your life choices must have been!
The solution is simple.
Kill her, her lawyer, the judge and anyone else with a significant hand in it.
>really want to have kids
>but my wife isn't white
What do I do now?
That's a retarded way of looking at human value; but fine, I'm worthless.
Really doesn't impact me in any meaningful way.
So my children can find their own meaning but I can't? Or are you saying they're trash if "their own meaning" doesn't end up being exactly the same as mine, because that's the "correct" way to live?
>wants instant gratification only
>not a nigger
Pick 1
>Why do you think it's so important to have kids?
Wait until you are 85 and alone... everyone is dead that you knew, your friend spends all his free time playing with his Grand kids, you jerk off to Tranny porn.
Trump still won, that "old bag from the Jurassic period" comment hit a little too close to home, keep crying.
My point was that isn't a funny way of looking at life, from an evolutionary standpoint. And through a strictly evolutionary lens that is quite literally your one and only obligation.
Now, from a societal standpoint you're right, you're not obligated to have children. You're obligated to contribute to your society, in some fashion or another.
And I'd argue that anyone that does not want to have children is in fact obligated not to, so their mindset doesn't reproduce. As this guy said,
Not from a reproductive standpoint it isn't
>most of the western people don't want to have kids
>their population decrease dramatically
>meanwhile Jamal is having 10 kids with each of his 4 wives and start moving to Europe
way to go lads
This whole "saving money and spending it on yourself" mentality of millenials is simply wrong and selfish, because good feeling should come from things you've achieved and are good for the society. That includes having a family. It's also why too much sex/masturbation and drugs are bad, because it's fake, and you lose interest in real and productive things when you replace it with fakes
Disregard the word "meaning". They are able to find their own joy and happiness in the world because you fulfilled your duty and conceived, like they should eventually do too
Fpbp also you can have kids AND a jetski.
My father and both stepdads each had at least one divorce. I refuse to be a stepdad if that's my only option (Already turned down one fat hog.
Then you just get a kid that hates you for not having a mother.
Having a job doesn't help. Fat inheritance doesn't help. I'm no chad but girls would just rather date Jamal or a recovering drug addict than me so will likely be forever alone.
Yeah, being a stepdad is some bullshit. There's literally no way you can win, your stepchildren are gonna hate you no matter what.
>Because what the fuck are you going to do when you're 50 or 60? Sick and old?
Go to Pattaya and fuck ladyboys 24h/day
Also 50/60 isn't that old if you know how to care about yourself
Where is she from?
Why are you so defensive about kids ?
If somebody doesn't want them, it's his choice. We have no duty to human race or to anyone.
I personally can't imagine having kids and I am 38.Much prefer to spend money on computer games and sex tourism in Asia.
I have a lot of friends with children and wives and they are miserable.