Don't race mix because your children will look ug-

>Don't race mix because your children will look ug-

Don't racemix because it's ending the lineage of both you and your wife, and putting your kid thru major identity problems.

If you think "it might be pretty doe" is a good enough reason to justify this, then go racemix with your sister.

Which zoo is this? That fence doesn't seem high enough to keep it penned in.

>have a mixed race child
>they look nothing like you

I don't know how this feels but my mom sure does.

It's not about what they look like. It's about keeping your race from disappearing.

Only ENGOLDENING is permissible. GOLD is GREAT.

>implying that mongrel is in any way attractive

But that IS ugly.

We're improving it.

This thread again?
Please get a life

Is this shitstain the best mutt you could find?

Is this an actual thing? I'm mixed, my whole family is mixed and I've never felt any kind of race identity crisis. What the fuck?

But aren't you taking the other race down with you by doing so? Wouldn't that make race mixing the reproductive equivalent of Mutually Assured Destruction?

Yes. They are more prone to depression and crime. Depends which races we're mixing though.

I'm White/Latino, so there ya go.

If you couldn't speak Spanish and you didn't look white, you'd feel the identity crisis.

>This thread

sage and report

That ones not so bad. Usually the ones that struggle are Black mixed. Black/White, Black/Mexican, Black/Asian, Black/Jew.

May be because Blacks are known for not considering mixed racers to be "one of them." and obviously due to their dark skin, they don't feel like they fit in with their other half either.

It's just a gay thing to put your kid through. Moral of the story? Don't breed with a nigger. Bestiality is illegal anyways.




>cherrypicking is a valid form of argument as long as i deliver it like a smug fagg-