is she wrong?
Is she wrong?
it's certainly not great precedent.
Yes, they aren't activist groups, they are communists, being funded by foreign interests. And I am pretty sure that is prohibited by US law.
Antifa believes in shutting down "fascists" by any means, including violence.
If the shoe fits...
Correct. Including labeling everyone you disagree with ideologically as a terror organization.
If said activist groups actively try to harm other people physically and mentally, yes, they should be labeled as fucking terrorists.
Normal vandalism is to be expected and they're certainly retarded for it but when it comes to harming someone else because they don't conform to their political beliefs, it's ogre.
All terrorists are activists by definition.
And what's wrong with fascism?
"Activist groups"
More like foreign funded fifth column elements being used to destabilize and destroy this country.
Besides, what in the FUCK do drunken and hedonistic undergrad kids know even remotely about our world or how to "fix" it? They can't even fix their own pathetic sociak media addicted lives or the self hatred they have. They are insufferably arrogant and completely brainwashed by ideology. If this applies to you, get help. Either from a professional or from the end of a gun
Couldn't activist groups also stop committing acts of terror though
I suspect OP is a low energy one post by this ID poster.
isn't that what white people want?
Yes, and she's also immigrant filth whose opinions no American should pay any attention to. She's not like you.
Shes either talking about 1 of two things
1. Trump calling Antifa terrorists, which would somehow lead the US into facism
2. Liberal labeling all right wingers Nazi's, making them think "hmm, So this is what a nazi is like? I don't think I'm that bad of a person, I think I have pretty good morals, Nazis must not be that bad. Guess I'm a Nazi now"
There's a difference between activism and anarchism. Labelling anti-police anarchist as terrorist is very different from doing so to peaceful protesters.
No, allowing a group to do anything including assault and murder is fascism, it is the cornerstone of fascism. Fascism is impossible without certain groups being granted immunity from the law.
maybe low energy but i was just waiting to give an update
no, too bad antifa is beyond activism now. unrequited violence = terrorism
This, millennials are fucking hopeless.
Antifa is not an 'activist' group.
They are a communist terrorist group funded by anti-American George Soros.
She has no shame and is immune to even the slightest feeling of hypocrisy.
these are the accepted opinions online these days as you all know. deeply conscerning to see how ignorant people are.
overpopulation is the root of all major problems in the world.
>incapable of self reflection
sounds just like our friends on the left, hypocrisy is a standard
But antifa use violence towards a political agenda. How is that not terrorism?
shes a dumb cunt
there is no 'over population' it's a meme
Yes, she is wrong.
>antifa never killed anyone
who were those DNC shooters, lone wolves?
>le she
Fascism is the way
oh, sorry, phrased it too ambiguously. over-saturation of already high-density areas, aka the only areas able to support such large populations.
>his white nationalists killed someone
And what were the counter protesters trying to do when the rally finished? If they never showed up not a single incident of violence would have taken place.
it takes two to tango.
facism is not caused by only one part. it is a frenzy caused by two sides whipping each other more and more in to it
"right of the people peaceably to assemble"
I don't see physically violent, intimidation, or defacing/destruction of public property in there. Do pray tell what the fuck this cunt is on about?
This. A fucking fifth grader could google Soros and get all the info he/she needed to trace NPOs that back both groups back to him and realize the cunt is backing both sides for lulz and chaos.
The only group "over population" effects the minds of are caucasians, I heard this in the 90's and that was an excuse white people began to use for not procreating, the "fact" of over population has not and does not effect any other in reality.
The only time populations over grown their environment is when welfare comes into play, see Africa or black communities in America.
White westerners are the most educated group of people on the planet.
Spot on. Bailouts like food drops and asylum for people who can't farm will destroy this world.
damn son
Not if they're actually communist terrorists, no.
Duh. I mean, really, it's not difficult to tell between someone flapping banners and someone bused in and paid to riot and snipe cops.
Suddenly #notallmuslims flips to #ohyoumustmeanalllefties
Sort of
The leftists who perpetrate this shit are annoying as hell and terrible people, but nothing more. To label them terrorists and try to silence them strikes me as wrong.
Labeling terrorists org as terrorist orgs is not the same as labeling an activist group a terrorist org.
then the nazis should rebrand as activists
Just checking.
Half of this is reasonable. Half of this is hyperbolic fearmongering.
Using spurious labels of terrorism against your political enemies has always been popular for dictators going for a power grab.
Right. So if you're part of an organization that organizes protests, is very likely funded by state actors outside the country, hires pardoned convicted terrorists , engages in political violence, and then attempts to protect the people who did that political violence from justice, using both violent means, and logicstical support like money and lawyers, your activist group should rightfully be called a terrorist group.
This isn't a hypothetical by the way, this is EXACTLY the shit that happened in the eric klankton case.
It's the way antifa operates. Their murderers suddenly are lone wolves with no association with any group.
people who want to label antifa as a terror organization are fucking retarded, if you do then Identity Evropa and the alt-right will go with them
don't sign that dumb alt-light petition
Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization and it's time it was treated as one. Also, ICE should have had agents outside the Phoenix rally last night rounding up all those rioting spics.
yes its nothing to laugh at. they are brainwashed zombies. extremely dangerous if left unchecked to fester
Good. All extremists should be gassed.
Well if the thing they are advocating for is the communist overthrow of the country...
Irony being they labeled right wing activist groups as terrorists and used the federal government to dismantle them.
Placing us in the situation we are in....
>let us break the law or you're fascists
i'm starting to understand
>incapable of self-reflection
>rather than right his wrong, he will double down
I believe they're already going to do that regardless of any position on Antifa.
>Brings fascism back from the dead
>Claims to fear fascism
extremes are relative you dumb libcuck
Shes right, but Antifa waves the red flag of Communism so luckily for us anybody involved has already waived their constitutional rights.
I guarentee you this bitch would have no problem grouping white nationalists or even general Trump supporters under a 'terrorist activist group'.
Then at least don't give them a precedence
the alt right was always just a vehicle to destroy left wing terrorism. goodbye alt right, goodbye obama
Yeah its old
Formally recognize AntiFa as a terrorist organization
Created by M.A. on August 17, 2017
That's the paramilitary wing of the German Communist Party in 1933
They were, literally, terrorists
the berlin wall was named the antifascist protection wall in ddr. the soviet union believed the entire western world was fascist. the antifasicsts were removed when the communist soviet union died. they are ghosts that must be banished from our planet
I don't care
>form a group that has a political goal
>use violence and intimidation as a facet of the group to attain such a goal
>but we're not terrorists because we hate nazis!!!!
But in the instance she's specifically referencing acknowledging antifa as a terrorist organization, she's a gas huffing retard. These people should be rounded up and gassed. Better dead than red.
lol yeah tell that those responsible we'll see how that work out
how hard is it for a middle class fat old American to get an indian qt to impregnate with children until her uterus falls out
asking for a friend
He knew
Pretty sure Unite The Right was an activist group and the left was all too eager to call them terrorists
You know that's a falsely attributed quote right?
If you don't want to be labeled a terrorist group then stop being a fucking terrorist group. A spade's a spade.
>is she wrong?
Yes. Antifa knows they are a terrorist group.
They aren't much different than ISIS.
They are scared because the truth is coming out about them.
So tell that retarded bitch to fuck off.
The truth is being told.
Actually from Barack Obama.
275K sigs and counting, no signs of slowing down
white house must respond now
what are you going to do about it faggot?
I wish I knew mate
How the fuck is it that anyone these days gets the blue check next to their twitter name? I assumed they've made it something you can pay for? Because there's no other way these self-important nobodies would ever be able to get one. Fat cunt
yes. always wrong
terrorism is just violent activism
>backing both sides
I wish the altright was getting money like that, but we aren't.
that's just because you're a useful idiot
the people in charge are getting paid
can't wait to see those muslim "activist groups" debating democratically.
any time now.
>beating up old ladies and peaceful protesters
If they are activists than so are the Nazis kek
Any proof?
None I bet
She's not wrong. But groups like antifa and BLM who riot and attack police aren't activists. They are violent terrorist groups. Activists don't start fires and attack law enforcement.
how about the bunch of nazis/altrighters arriving in the same busses as antifa
In charge? Who?
the people who organize the shit
you think they're doing it out of the goodness of their hearts? lol
Take another look at the pic
You're a leaf, you should be able to speak some French...
>using white nationalists as a plural
>was one guy in a car
These are actual groups terrorist groups "root level" causing chaos in our streets. She is right. But... {enter cnn news psyopp here} if we had a news station that was unbiased we could clearly see who is an agitator and who is a noble patriot.
fuck them too
we were talking about the alt-right though
When is someone going to take care of this guy and his shitty son? It's not like we don't know that we should, there has to be someone mental enough to do it "after reading wild conspiracy theories online."
what's her take on planting explosives in a public area?