Hmm, think again Englanders
>Hurrrr the Falklands belongs to britain
Literally kindergarten-tier argument
I guess Canada should own Alaska because it's closer to them?
>Argentina - Straight line
>UK - Curved line
This is not even close to being a fair estimate
Which country does ops flag belong to?
Who won the war though?
Come and take it then. Didn't work out so well last time did it.
u mad tho bro????? XDXDXDXDXD
>Hide your flag
>distance from Commonwealth to Falklands: 0
>distance from Argentina to Falklands 403.5km
So who does it really belong to?
u mad cuckboy ?
By some redneck with his stolen Internet... nice try Diego
t. Flat earther
Rule the wave EVROPA
Why have you got a race in the horse, bog trotter?
dont get mad that your whole empire collapsed now
Mate, the only thing that make the brits remotely stressful during this war was a french missile hitting the starboard of a transitionary class of destroyer, and even then they keep their cool and fucked you in the ass so madly your gaping anus is still showing scars.
Hi Scotland, the majority of the Falkland Islanders are Welsh.
Try to take them and we will nuke you. Have a nice day.
Just take it back off them then brah
Go on, we've got your back. Go kick Britain's ass. You can do it brah. They're weak cunts.
the UK is more or less a failed state these days, especially with the emails we have between Corbyn and some imams about how best to implement sharia law once May is gone
"If I should die, think only this of me:
That there's some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England."
shit nigger not enough islands
hello subhuman. Allow me to explain property ownership to you. Land is property that can be owned. I can live in, lets say, Florida, and own land in Tokyo. Despite the geographic distance, that property is still mine.
A person who attempts to take it is a thief.
England owns the Falklands. Trying to take them shows a criminal behavior. The Argies should be more concerned with the impending Venezuelan collapse and how that is going to be a little problem for everyone in south america.
we shouldmm give us the palins and the polar bears naow
>ywn raise the jack over conquered lands with the lads
buying an FAL is the closest I can get to this
Fun fact: France is the second largest, and sometimes the largest EEZ of the world.
And our navy is, at best, on par with the brits, and waaaay behind the guys who happens to be first, aka you, USA. Our politics are fucking jews.
Well played, OP. The Fucklands are always good bait to get the poms riled.
The Falklands has never belonged to Argentina, who have as much claim to it, as America has to Cuba or Bermuda. It was uninhabited when discovered, has never had any indigenous peoples, and, at one stage, was owned partly by Spain, but mostly by Britain. Spain aren't interested in regaining their chunk, and so it British.
It is up to the people of the people of The Falklands to decide their destiny, and almost all of them (98.8% last vote) want to be part of Britain.
Stiil proves my point: we can fuck up two countries on that list with our navy, but not the second, and the fifth is a very open match.
Let's face it: we don't put what we actually need in our navy, ie a second air carrier for at least a permanent naval battlegroup, and a good flotilla of fast ships conceived to fuck the shit up of those chinese, thai and brasilians illegal fishermens.
Stay mad crypto-argie
At this point it's more or less a show of (often former) imperialists countries, not a butthurt fest. See how many argies have posted here. It's good to vent that pent off frustration.
Funny thing is. Where ever britain leaves, the populace admits things were better under the UK.
>Jamaica, 60% say things better under brits, 17 say otherwise, 23 not sure
>Hong Kong natives want the UK over china for obvious reasons
>Africans asked about the brits: we were poor then and poor now but they built schools, hospitals, farms etc.
>America: 62% white.
So its understandable.
People who live there overwhelmingly want to remain a territory of the UK.
It's the same about every other former colonial power, except maybe Italy, since Lybia and Somalia are such shitholes I don't think there are even human beings with the required cognition to remember something.