Mentally unstable
Get in my oven you fucking kike
Say hello to Anne Frank from me in hell you basterd
CNN sure are
Israel needs more immigrants.
Economy will improve, you know
wtf I hate Trump now!
Anne Frank isn't real lol.
Moms gonna freak!
CNN btfo
This triggers the Sup Forumstard like nothing else. I love it. Good job CNN going through and meticulously fact-checking Trump's nonsensical ramblings.
You brainwashed turd
What autistic cunt went through all those statements
stop giving them (you)'s damn it
actual cnn says 57 jude
I'm brainwashed because I'm able to distinguish facts from fiction? Yeah, I'm definitely the brainwashed one.
open borders for Israel. Diversity with make your country great.
>guranteed replies
jesus the amount of autism emanating from CNN is astounding.
CNN is fake news
it's 577
I agree. CNN is definitely mentally unstable
lol yeah you are. bitch. your facts are fiction asshole.
Yes. We know this is the new meme you've been cooking up since Sunday. Go away Mr. Tapper.
keep posting shit and he'll say the 578th
I know it is because Sup Forumstards so desperately want to defend Trump but they know they can't argue against basic facts. So they just circlejerk each other by commenting "fake news" and other such nonsense.
Sup Forums loves this though, so do I.
Which ones? Give specific examples. I'll wait.
Cancer News Network
>he's "unfit"
He was bursting with energy yesterday.
Facts are facts, altrighters.
We are winning and you are losing.
Maybe the ones that are completely 100% delusional think it's funny, but those of you with some rational capacity left really want to defend Trump, but you know your only option is name calling.
lol fucking trump is amazing at triggering CNN
Russia hacking the election-Fake News
Clinton not being a corrupt politian-Fake News
Hitler Being worse than Stalin-Fake News
(they're equally awful)
Trump getting pissed on in a golden shower-Fake News
CNN being unbiased-Fake News
winning the larp!
bullshit commiefag
That poster had a point.
Racism has no place in the 21st century and the world unanimously agrees.
The wrong side of history will once again fail.
>Russia hacking the election-Fake News
This is real news. This really happened. Saying that it is fake news is simply delusional nonsense. You don't get to say it's fake because you want to ignore it.
>Clinton not being a corrupt politian-Fake News
>Hitler Being worse than Stalin-Fake News
>Trump getting pissed on in a golden shower-Fake News
>CNN being unbiased-Fake News
You're strawmanning really hard here. CNN has never made any of these claims. You seem like a paranoid schizo.
lol that's you, asswipe. You MUST be a member of the alt-left.
vroomf is stoopeed
pls impeech hem
>""""hacked the election""""
being a bit dramatic
I'm so sorry that you believe in russophobic conspiracy theories :'(
you absolute moron. irony escapes your dictionary.
Winning what exactly? Winning a popularity contest with the Nazis? Wow next stop global communism
>name-checked Kenya.
hahahah what a day, it will be a pleasure to navigate this river of tears with you lads
thats quite a lot CNN!
>the alt-left
nice forced meme, autist. Where's your kekistani flag?
dont get trigged alt-lefty
Show me proof of Russian collaboration. And since you obivously care SO MUCH about the integrity of our democracy, what about Clinton getting funded by the saudis, asshole.
You're right. They didn't "hack the election" they just hacked the DNC and had a major influence on the election.
>name calling
good argument there bud
>This is real news. This really happened. Saying that it is fake news is simply delusional nonsense. You don't get to say it's fake because you want to ignore it.
the 25 page review on the commissions finding on the russia interference disagrees with you
you haven't read it, have you?
when you try so very hard... and still fail to analyze anything other than you're own pettiness and insanity.
this is a new low, even for cnn.
>6 gorrilion
the alt-right was nothing til clint-licker dropped a primetime bomb on the movement's head, cunt.
we're talking about Russian hacking, not collaboration. Here's the proof of the hacking:
Oy vey!
aww wittle baby is outside his safespace. yes, i just assumed your gender.
Kaikki kunnon Suomalaiset SS-Joukkoihin. Pois Juutalainen saasta Suomesta
>you know your only option is name calling
Oh, you mean like calling everybody a nazi in completely unwarranted situations?
LOL wow you're a retard. I hope you're sterile, don't want the world getting ANYTHING from your genetic stock.
Pääseekö SS-joukoissa sotkuun?
BREAKING NEWS: Freddy Krueger and Jason Vohrees fighting at Camp Crystal Lake no one safe!
TRUMP: They are both bad guys, sad!
5777 is the current Jewish year
no kidding
this needs a spurdo face
>shob de russians? ebin :DDD
lol so true
CNN has descended into tabloid-tier garbage that even normie anti-trumpster avoid
SAD! they will NEVER recover.
Accept the first coming of the Messiah now, infidel
i know. and that was a joke.
this does appear very clearly in the article
they are gonna make the dow dump
Don't worry, you'll be at the end of a barrel once the Right Wing Death Squads form.
Yes, I've read it, they go into detail of a massive Russian government effort to influence our elections. How is this disagreeing with what I'm saying? It completely backs up the FACT that they not only hacked the DNC and released the emails, but it claims they did it to help Trump get elected and that the orders likely came directly from putin himself. Really impressive how our intelligence agencies are able to trace this stuff desu.
>Clinton getting funded by the saudis, asshole
Clinton is an evil witch, and getting funded from the Saudis is despicable. I'm not talking about Clinton though and I didn't vote for Clinton, you all sure seem to be obsessed with her though.
Yeah I know, what's your point retard?
holy SHIT this article is terrible. I capped 18 but that has already been shown here . That is literally a "Hitler also drank water"-tier argument.
Check out the professionalism in this one
love it
lol you absolute sheep. You will believe anything written down. You, sir, are a sheep, a willing idiot, a mook, a useful fool, a dictators favorite tool. srsly Get help man. (i do hope im using your proper pronouns)
>Oh, you mean like calling everybody a nazi in completely unwarranted situations?
Strawman. Stop trying to assign the behavior of people you don't like to anyone who's arguing against you. I haven't called anyone a nazi.
>more name calling
good argument kek
good. it's true. i hope they burn in a fire. they have always been garbage.
you can see everytime they coordinate with one another:
- "grab her by the pussy" coordinated Trump-distancing
- charlottesville
- other things
- optics
- many other things
just imagine now what they can do when they are actually in charge of the situation such as the stock market
No you won't, because that will never happen, and because you're massive pussy. Do everyone a favor and take that barrel and point it at your own temple.
kys kike
We all know who the worst of the two is...
keep telling yourself that if it means less diaper changes for you.
>you all sure seem to be obsessed with her though.
you seem to be obsessed with russia tho, faggot
>You will believe anything written down.
Yeah, that's the reason I believe US intelligence reports, you're right. I only believe them because they're written down, no other reason. You're really smart and have a good grasp on reality.
Ahahaha. """Influencing""" an election means nothing. It just means RT wrote some mean things against Hilldawg. Cry more.
And the report gives no proof that Russian government haXxed the DNC. DNC didn't ALLOW the FBI to look at the servers.
Angry shill is angry and still arguing over old fake news.
quit giving the shill attention
I like how since trump started calling them fake news every time, they've completely dropped the charade that they are impartial. This shit is hilarious
Perhaps you should actually read what you link to? It says nothing of value, more than the 'hacking' looks similar to how certain non-state hackers located in Russia operates. They even mention it's only plausible, not factual.
yeah you haven't read it at all
it does not even go into detail at all, unless you count a few screenshots of russian tv going in detail.
it clearly stated that the election was not hacked as stated by DHS in one of the hearings
also you're a retard if you think the DNC = the election
lol you mistake the right for being pussies when its false. lefties are the biggest cowards on the planet, no one likes a liar, dipshit
There are far more issues that the president has claimed fake news. Trump is a joke.
>i didn't vote for clinton
your saltiness would suggest otherwise.
Look at this shit. The link goes to CNN's video of the whole rally. All that proves is that they recorded it. It does not prove that they aired it all live.
Love me some autistic reeeing.
It's truly surreal how every single week trump is able to do something new that sends the msm further over the cliff. Just when you think you've seen the pinnacle of asshurt, trump one ups himself and makes libtards cry and foam at the mouth even harder.
>you seem to be obsessed with russia tho, faggot
The whole topic of Russia came from me responding to this post where this user erroneously referred to the Russian hacking story as fake news.
You just confirmed everything I said about you. Dont believe everything you read faggot, especially from authorities.
I hate the fucking snarky writing style this article uses. "[Narrator Voice] He didn't."
Not gonna lie, former increasingly nervous deep stater here. This is fucking hilarious watching Blumpf crash and burn. But in all seriousness we've got to let John McBrain'd get the nuclear codes.