They try too hard.
>it turns out everyone here is doing this and we're just remaking The Man Who Was Thursday
>if we pretend our enemies are doing this, we can label everything we don't like a shill undermining effort!
The sad thing is even when you're so blatant with your outside enemy/unification efforts, the average IQ here is so low that it doesn't matter and Sup Forums will fall for this anyways.
Also, tip so you can edit it to be more convincing:
1. An actual liberal would never use the word "retard", certainly not the type to make these images. They would say hick, or hillybilly, or idiot. Retard is offensive language to them.
2. They wouldn't type the way you've typed it. "Create posts showing him as an incompetent goon" implies that the person writing doesn't think he actually is an incompetent goon, and merely wants to present him as one. A liberal would have said "highlighting his incompetence and frequent vacations" or something similar.
3. Almost nobody outside of Sup Forums uses the terminology "changing the narrative". You also used the word "avast" wrong, which a liberal wouldn't. You meant to say "alas", which also sounds weird.
You're going to have to rewrite most of it or this will only fool the very stupid(like the pajeet that responded to you).
I think that's a lot of work for people that come from kikebook and tumblr. I mean, they'd lose their minds over the word "nigger'" all over this board
Larger version.
Lets teach Cuckerberg a lesson
bump 1
>agoo why are you guysz no gommunist antarctics like us boo hoo
bump 2
same graph in artsy b&w
typhoids had a fit earlier lets keep this thread running for a while
Bump. People need to see this.
>eradicating support
going to post a few of these up at college when it starts up again :^)
Why? Because it's a laughably shitty example of Sup Forums roleplaying as liberals?
On what planet is a liberal going to refer to Sup Forums as a "stronghold"? Why is the language so respectful? The image is full of these weird backhanded compliments to Sup Forums that just makes it obvious Antifa larping.("We're so frustrated by them! Sup Forums is strong! We must put them into disarray and stop them from their rational, logical discussion and break their strong spirits!")
A liberal wouldn't say "innocent groups". They would say marginalized. They would never admit to being "irritated" or use such defeatist language in something that was supposed to encourage others to harass you. They would also never say "impressionable generation" when referring to people they agree with. That would be like Sup Forums claiming they love their "easily herded allies". Retarded.
A liberal would never, ever claim Sup Forums was being "rational" and that they must "distract Sup Forums from their rational discussion!". How the fuck do you even get stupid enough to believe this is legit?
The whole thing is just so shittily written that I'm actually slightly mad. At least TRY to make it seem legit without wording it like an awkward Sup Forumstard trying to mimic a liberal. It's not that hard.
Crushing the left is a little more difficult.
>You need to own a car to do it.
You vastly overestimate how PC liberals are. We love to say retard and faggot, we just don't say either in public on record like some retarded faggot.
A member of Antifa is not going to release a public document including the word "retard", retard. Some liberals might say "retard" in private, but most won't. Not that this one example matters that much. The article is full of Sup Forumstard language and is so obviously fake that it's embarrassing. If it were from an actual liberal, the language wouldn't be so soft and apologetic to Trump and his followers.
>"anyone else regret voting for DRUMPF? hahaha"
>"dear god I hope this is working"
looks legit doc to me (((damage control boy))), besides it checked
This image is fantastic. Keep spreading it. It's going to make this place even more paranoid, and any trump supporter that even questions something, will be alienated by the community. You are starting to eat your own. Literal. Cult.
So how was your first day of high school?
>looks legit doc to me
That's because you're a retarded drone that wants this to be legitimate since it reinforces your stupid "WE'RE BEING INVADED! EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH US OR HAS DOUBTS IS A SHILL/JEW!" bullshit.
Look, I'm not even asking you to stop doing it. It's worked out great for you guys so far since this board is certifiably retarded. All I ask is that next time you're a little more careful in how you word it so it isn't so blatantly obvious that it's fake.
>changing flag to mimic neo-nazis posters
literally mimicking autistic man-children to win arguments on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. Top fucking zozzle
do you disagree with this statement thrall?
Yes, of course I do. Dissent is not jewish, you SJW faggot. Are you such a sensitive, retarded pussy that you can't handle anyone disagreeing with you? Can none of you in the hivemind express doubt for Trump? Is Dear Leader infallible and perfect? Are you such a brainwashed moron that you are incapable of questioning your beliefs or the beliefs of the majority?
Because to me, that makes you sound like a mindless puppet.
We're coming for you, Sup Forums. We will rule this board by the end of the year.
ITT: shills making weak arguments as to how this is CLEARLY a false-flag document.
(shills accusing us of using their tactics.)
Antifa does pay pretty good....until the check bounces.
I don't know if this is real, but there is an organized effort to crap on Sup Forums
I've been reading here for 2 years and the vibe has changed dramatically. I'm the anarco-capitalist type and there is some great information buried amongst the shit here, but there have been so many lefties here for the last few months.
Really annoying at times...
How new are you
I have considered all these tactics when replying to the fools on this board.
But then I realize - what's the fucking point?
These are all butthurt losers, powerless, living in a sad echo chamber.
Frankly it's a fucking waste of time.
So I just hang out and get my jollies by making fun of them. Like most of the world.
you cant rule the board when everyone is calling you a niggerfag
studid kike haha