What the


>b-but that's impossible!
Here is the impossible and it ate Lee alive

I am okay with this

>b-but that was a confederate!
They don't even care anymore

>b-b-but muh red states will protect it!

I like it, not my country anyway

She looks a lot better white

Three words:

>b-but they can't do that?
Uh uh!


The DC police should be lined up and shot if they let this happen



>not even some revered leftard historical figure
>just some uneducated spoiled whore who's entire source of fame is a leaked sextape


your country is partially responsible for every political decision the US ever made.

how does it feel?

wait, doesnt she have people hair? that mockup makes it look like nigger wool.

>implying the state should step on the rights of a private university to determine what is on their private land

oh wait
it's a shitty public school

Though to be fair, maybe it's best for the statues to protect them from vandals.

>Listening to a liberal rant about this shit and how its amazing to replace these statues with Kim Kardashian etc to spit in the faces of slave owners.
Why dont you replace them with statues of people who had meaning, or helped mankind as a whole.
Charles R. Drew
>Blank fucking stare.
tap it into your phone.
>Stubborn bitch wont do it.

>Elect reality tv star as President
>Erect monument to another reality tv star
Yeah, sounds about right.

>b-but they won't allow them!
In that case, no problem! They'll just defile it!

>buzzfeed make millions writing shit like this to get outrage clicks

If you fuckers stopped going to these sites they would stop writing them, they write this stuff to make you mad to farm clicks.

It's like telling a kid not to shit on the carpet but giving them $10 every time they do.

It's time we took on the Mouse!
Tear down white supremacy!
Stop the Walt Right!

Poor Jesus

The US is officially land of degenerates

Why would they even do that? What were they planning to accomplish? Looting his grave? Looking at his body? Then what?

Have some good stuff

says the poo.

that abomination was smashed in like 2 hours of being placed there

I say let them do it. Then encourage them to go for Jackson, Franklin, Addams... all of them. Then call them out for being anti American commies and quote the founding fathers they defiled to further isolate them.

Armenians don't deserve to exist.

Truly niggers will be the end of civilization

I remember it yeah, they then said they wanted to dig him up to desecrate him like they did with the statue
What would they do with his corpse? Unknown

of all the cuckposting on Sup Forums... I think this single image triggers me the most.

The fact that it went up at all is bad enough
And it wasn't smashed, the wind brought it down


>b-but they
Forget it what the hell is this for?

Is this real? I can't tell anymore

Those things always make me think about the french revolution. They basically tried to cut the french people from their past and litterally replaced the calendar by making 1798 the year 1. It's what is coming for us. The year 1 were people will be stripped from their past thair land and their history. Border won't matter since they is no history to define them culture won't matter language won't matter. They will tear down statue churches and monument. And we will all live in the sames modernist buildings without flavor. Do't let it happen.

Celebrate with me guys!

Yep, even reserve image searched it to make sure

The explanation is the university run by a californian that was in berkley for 20 years.

Jesus had a hard life

>even the criminals that he was crucified next to in Mark made fun of him as he died

>but the right drew first blood!

Austin is basically the most liberal place in the world

but only cowards sneak around tearing down statues at night. Fucking rats move at night

One can only imagine how easily the gun nuts who chant "FROM MUH COLD DED HANDZ" will bend over when the government comes to their door. White Americans are fucking pathetic.

Here's a VILE Omen!


They sure will be protected in the landfill.

looks like the guy who shot that senator in the head

>muh statues

bunch of fucking snowflakes




Literally a drainage for the worst cancerous shlock in the journalistic world

"books" lol, kids these days don't even know what a newspaper is.


>Americans tearing down all of their statues and replacing them with degeneracy

>56% white

>le nation of immigrants

>birthplace of modern feminism, much higher number of antifascist then Europe, black power etc

>cuck porn popularity in America

why are they calling Europe the cucks again?


>liberal shithole turning itself into a literal shithole.

My sides can't take this.



I was joking and those maniacs actually did it.


What statue is that anyway?

C'mon goy, you don't want these stupid statues of dead old white men who were racist slaveowners no less.
Join the modern world, join civilisation, join progress, join us in tearing them down and replacing them with a beautiful corporate advert, or a wonderful statue of an entertainer whose sole contribution to society has been her prostituting herself.
You don't need to remember your history. You don't need history. You just need us. You need diversity.
We have always been a diverse, multicoloured nation of immigrants.

>blaming this on "protestors"

Obvious stormfag lost cause faggot did that one.

I propose we replace Napoleon statue with Bogdanoff statue.

fake and gay

Yeah, and they (people who brought it up) wrote "White Power" and "Fuck Niggers" in the botton to BEFORE they put the statue there to blame the others.

Lived there for a few years, despise that place

The race war is already on, you're losing by the way. You can tell because the statues whites put up are being torn down.

The Rape of Persephone

outrage porn. sage

Nope, a nigger did it
I remember the coverage

I personally cannot wait for Jesus to come back. This world deserves to be rained on with brimstone.


Why that ugly bitch? At least they can replace it with a statue of Taylor Swift

Let them win, but get mad at them after they do it. That's a great idea!!!!

You can tally the statues but soon we'll be the ones tallying the bodies

Letters connected together in a strange fashion

>Punished Hitlercat

Stop giving this dumb nigger whore attention, it's just mindless idiocy.

Nope, they arrested a Nazi Larper. Confed flag on his Chevy pickup and everything.



I'm sure you will be. You know that old saying "Be careful what you wish for?" Yeah sweetie, you just might get it.

(((Every Bergin' Time)))

Dafuq is goin on here?

Total fabrication, but whatever makes you happy son

1992 LA riots

why does this break my heart and make me so terribly angry towards modern society people everything

>says the nigger
>aka the least read demographic in the world
Has he ever even cracked open a grimoire?

>And it's a good thing

90's LA riots

>Statues removed in the dead of night

>Media coverage post-event not prior



Women don't give a fuck for it, it has no use therefore no association occur for the woman. The only reason women here care for it at all is because there's a feminist welfare state. The only ones who truly care about nationalism, who have the biological incentive to it are men, but more out of the reproductive instinct for dominance.

>women are the enemies of nationalism and ethnocentrism

They can, but it landed ALL of them in jail. Good job, retards.

This thread couldn't be wor....

>Why would they even do that?
Because thats what commies and anarchist do.

>white marble
the envy is palpable