"Go to New York," they said. "It's full of culture," they said

"Go to New York," they said. "It's full of culture," they said.

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the green line is by the most entertaining in the city, with the blue A-C-E coming in a close second

>Take Greyhound bus into NYC
>Enter through Harlem with lots of traffic
>Don't see a white person for 20 minutes

There are white people in New York?


Whats wrong with this? All I see is a white man bleaching some kind of puerto rican chick.

>tfw you'll never have sex on a train

Wiggers always try to top nigs in stupidity.

> Going to NYC/LA ever, for any reason.

Yeah, no. That a recipe for disaster.

More like, heroin addicts

that was pretty fucking hot

metro in Poland, notice anything?

>Nigger subway

Are they white? ... In NY?

New York City is just full of niggers and nigger lovers.

What the heck is she doing? Why is she jumping in his lap like that? Haha, fucking stupid roasties.

She didn't even look into the camera while doing it...

lmao bobby smhurda loves to fuck white chicks

No black people, a cute blonde and Hitler.

that guy on the left looks like adolf

how did you manage to encounter white people on the NYC subway?

>tfw a girl will never want your spunk that much
Kill me now

Yup, it is Sodom. LA is Gomorrah.


Hitler is the best part of the Polish metro


Yankee fans are such trash piles of shit

Harlem is Sup Forums for black people, it's a containment location.
Virgin detected.

metro in Moscow, notice anything?

kek i go to the city everyday. fortunately I take the LIRR which is always pretty civilized. I avoid subways at all costs, luckily I can just walk to my school from Penn

Whites? in NY?

Suicidals and autists?

looks fancy but infested with bears

I can fap to that

Okay, but they can't be mad if I whoop it out and power fap to it.

Harlem really isn't as bad as it used to be. Jamaica is black Sup Forums

Waste of space.

So tolerant!


The day of the rope can't come soon enough.

>Boasting about Soviet accomplishments
That's we wuz kangz nigger-tier


Gas or ass! She chose ass..

>mfw disembarking at Penn and there are smelly homeless laying on sheets of cardboard around the terminal

that dude is not white

let third worlders in, get a third world culture

NYC is majority shitskin, of one variety or another. The end result: people rutting in public like animals in heat.

Brazil 2.0, here we come.

it's full of plumbers ?


Who is he calling?

nice trips but debatable. I saw a woman go into labor on the 2 train one time

he went on black friday

>the chad subway

That's pretty hot, actually.

>tfw no qt brown girl to ride you after you both spend an afternoon at the Yankees game

Stalin's granddaughter, to call her a trashy whore.

I wouldn't expect more from Yankees fans, only the dumbest and scummiest people root for them.


drumpf obviously

I know this feel.. You can thank comrade de Blasio

really depends on where you go you on the 123 on the upper west side up to harlem you see a lot of niggers and spics NQRW tends to be more white people, jews and hipsters

white 'people' are degenerate

As someone who grew up in and still lives in NY, the city is detestable aside from day tripping or working in. If I had to live there I'd probably an hero.

10/10, would shoot nosalis in

Jew York is the armpit of USA

the phone call that saved danzig

Little too decadent for soviet tastes wouldn't you say, more in keeping with the style pre the revolution.

If I saw that I would attack them with a bat like a Muslim.

Do you know this feeling when you think something is hot and extremely degenerate at the same time, plus a little bit of envy?

*of the world
I'd rather live among goatfucking Muslims in whatever rapeistan than in Jew York

me on the left

>Working in.

Commute is shit would rather live in the city if I could.

...vs. the virgin bus

also checked

He lives and everyone on the train knows it. Look at that guy next to him. He's thinking that if he makes eye contact he might get gassed like the poor old Jewess next to him. That's why everyone has their head down in prayer.

why is public transportation in USA so fucked up?


>pretty hot

fucking in public like they are in heat or something. Humans do not act this way. Lower orders of mammals do.

You have spent too much time immersed in Jew media.

They are still white, tho

Look at the girls nose user.

He's clearly white, sorry

And like the vast majority of whites here he is showing how niggerish they are

Nah we don't do that, you're on your own on this one bud.

Yes, its how devout Muslims feel every day in the West.

We're all animals with urges. I know it's degenerate as fuck but there's something about how taboo and wrong it is that gives me a bonner.

Having pictures like that would be impossible in France. Niggers/marxist would ruin them immediatly.
I'm so proud of you Russia, you kept your culture and went back to the empire flag despite the brainwashing that the (((marxists))) forced on you during more than 50 years.
Thanks god Hitler killed Trotsky.

I meant Staline*

Did he cum or not?

Public transport is for cities, cities are where nonwhites go.

The USA is 30% nonwhite and yet there are so few non-white towns as opposed to cities. Most cities are less than 50% white when you take out hispanics, muzzies, north indians, and berbers (which our statistics don't).

Outside of cities the USA is very, very white. But that's only because our whites flee from the cities to avoid criminals.

I recently spent a week in NYC. I was struck by the way racial stereotypes played out before my eyes. The black beggars made no appeal to reason, they simply shook cups with change in them. The white beggars always had a sign explaining why they needed money(even if it was bs). The Asians were dirty, but always working at something. The Hispanics all had young children with them. And the whites were desperately trying to repair the crumbling infrastructure.

What's it like being guilt cucked? Those white people are having kids at least.

Hispanic, or maybe Italian

You're such a wiener dude. Who cares if they fuck?


yes...the subway is typically where you find it.

>Public transport is for non-whites

Excuses for the shitty public transport in the US

that is american culture

now compare it to this video of NYC in 1993


Its mother fucking Hitler haha




M-mein fuhrer?


nigger its 63.7% per white and that's mostly because of old boomer fucks.

The have that in Jew York too. Its called Jackson Heights.

Dont tell the dems