I'll start: milkpowder. Stays good for like 10 years and contains almost all necessary nutrients.
Perfect warfoods?
Other urls found in this thread:
hardtack works well for storing and is calorie rich.
unlevened bread
meh, milk powder is expensive.
Is this the civil war now?
beef jerky/pork jerky best fucking thing ever
maple syrup
meat if you can keep it frozen. ive got deer ive killed years ago that i eat every once in a while. good stuff
Protein bars.
Gorgeous, delicious, deculture.
Don't have to cook them, relatively dry, long shelf life, expired bars dry up but not spoil. Vitamins typically added to the mix.
Instant ramen bricks. Very dry, could be eaten would cooking, can be cooked by themselves with only water added, could be combined with any opportunity dogmeat.
Rice. Very dry, cheap, efficient.
*without cooking
Is Honey good for emergencies?
You gotta keep it dry or it'll go to stink and give you horrendous gut problems. Once opened you really need to use with a month.
Ramen will make you go anemic if you eat it daily. Stay away from that garbage as it contains no nutrients. Get yourself canned fruits and vegetables
It lasts for hundreds of years. It doesn't have a huge amount of nutrients beyond carbohydrates, so I wouldn't make it your primary source of food.
>what is fibre
>what are micronutrients
>what is cancer caused by casein
sounds gr8 m8
Islamic cum, europeans will be force fed plenty for free when the jihadi war comes.
thank god we're asian
>what is dairy induced endocrine disruption
Very heavy shit. Only for stationary locations. Nutrition in war time isn't vitamins minerals and God's blessing of "eating clean". No. It's macros. You must maintain proper intake of calories and water above all else. Optimize for calories per gram of packed food, preferably ready to eat.
Sorry Sven, I love what your country used to be but I can't resist, Pic 100% relevant.
Also actual MREs are nice to have. Very expensive.
olive oil
>Walmart brand
Enjoy your China-sourced milk laced with melamine.
>unleavened bread
Jew detected.
Get foal replacement powdered mare milk. It'll make you strong like horse.
Salami, ham, chorizo... Any kind of dried and salted meat. Also cheese.
Long-lasting fucks fulls of fat and protein
And obviously canned food
>lactose intolerance
Nigger gtfo
nice trips
Anything dry that lasts. Rice, beans, pastas, jerky. Expecting the apocalypse? Get salt. Or build a smoke house. Or an icehouse for year round freezer without fuel.
This. Super easy to make too. Just a few cups of flour, one cup of water, a punch of salt, and then a half hour in the oven at 375F after mixing it up and forming squares
Spam. Not even joking.
Anyone got that /fit/ infographic for those chocolate peanut butter oat protein bars? They looked pretty fucking tasty IIRC.
>stuff that basically doesn't go bad ever.
Salt, white rice, dry beans, white or pickeling vinegar, lard, shortening, freeze dried anything in #10 can (tvp, meat, veggies, fruit, rice, pasta etc)
>stuff with long practical shelf life, 2 years or more (do your research)
Canned food, peanut butter, dried salted nuts, baking powder, flour, dried fruit, dried meat, cooking oils, pasta, ketchup, mustard, and of course MREs.
Honestly it's not hard to figure out what's good but
i like the cut of your jibberish
Powdered eggs and flaked mashed potatoes have similar storage properties to powdered milk. Milk and potatoes are a notably nutritionally-complete combination.
Most canned food will stay safe to eat for over 20 years. Aside from prepping for urgent bug-out situations, it's best to choose mostly ingredients, like canned tomatoes and mushrooms and beans, fish and meat, rather than ready dishes, so you can prepare a variety of dishes according to your own preference.
Uncooked white rice will keep five years with no special care. Much longer if stored carefully. Whole, dry kernels of wheat or corn sealed in inert gas will keep 25 years or more. Sealed sugar and salt will keep forever.
Peanut and olive oils keep the longest without special effort: about 3 years. In typical packaging, lard only keeps for about a year, but frozen lard keeps about 3 years. Canned lard or butter keeps for decades, and lard can be rendered from fatty canned meats such as SPAM. Oils and fats mainly go rancid due to reaction with oxygen, though they can chemically degrade in the absence of oxygen, depending on the type.
Vitamin supplements will keep full potency for two years, then gradually drop off depending on storage conditions. Mineral supplements will stay good forever.
If at all possible, you should at least plan a herb garden. They can be grown in little space without much light, and even if you have no windows, with modern LED tech they can be powered by as little as 10 watts. Even small amounts of fresh food do wonders for health and morale.
Seeds, yeast, mushroom spores, and useful bacteria for making cheese and yogurt or lactic acid pickling can be renewed forever with some active upkeep. Many can be stored frozen for decades.
Nicotine. Cigarettes. Dip. Rip its. Whey protein. Tuna, tortillas. Peanut butter. Gumming bears. That's about it
14oz powder 88oz water
no chocolate!
Obviously only works if you live in an area that hard freezes at least once a year.
Beans, rice, powdered beef/chicken bouillon. You'll live, as long as you've got water. It's not a long-term option, more of a survival food until you can start growing your own and hunting if shit is really that bad.
Canned and unopened peanut butter will be edible for decades.
i smiled, deserves a you
Fortunately for you, it's calcium rich.
Do military ready-to-eat packets stay edible for a long time? I want something that has max nutritional value but also something that won't spoil for like a decade.
I'd like to put a load in the basement just in case.
Yeah, depending on the manufacturer they'll last a long time. This guy Steve on YouTube has managed to find parts of mres from ww2 that are still edible. Other parts, not so much obviously.
I should mention that Steve1989mreinfo also has eaten hardtack from the civil war that has kept more or less edible. It tastes funky, but it's edible.
Greatest channel on youtube so comfy and relaxing, I eat dinner whilst watching his channel its almost like I have a friend.
There was one traditional tibetan food that is famous for lasting for years without refrigeration, just like pemmican, and they make it using honey (which never goes bad) and ground nuts. They make small balls with that and it lasts them almost a decade.
Still better than the hardtack than some other guy mentioned, because though it's similar ground nuts are way healthier as a base ingredient than white flour.