Whose side will you take?
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The side that bombs them all
China. Obvious choice.
They do the needful
China. They really have a solid civilization and are less heretical than the other two.
>They do the needful
Pajeet learn Englis harder.
>Pajeet detected
>This will be the war that will turn India into a superpower in 2020
Pakistan and China will be converted into whole designated shitting countries.
All three
>being British.
>Whose side will you take?
Popcorn side. This is going to fun to watch.
Does China even want India?
I work with Poo's and chinks. Chinks are definitely based but poo's follow orders.
>also Pakis makes the Chinks lose by default
They'll take all the land in the world if given the chance.
China China China China China China China China China China China China China China
Well repeating numbers do tell the truth. Their desire for land was breed into them by Genghis Khan's DNA
Money on china, but, heart goes to India.
Either way we win.
This hurts Polen. I knew everyone else would love to see us hurt, but even you polen, I never imagined.
INdia, chinks have no soul and pakistanis? really? lmaooo
How are you people rooting for China? Pajeets don't like toilets, but they can at least go on this website and have freedom of speech. The commie chinks have their entire internet system censored.
Forget the dog-eating slant eyes. I'm with the Indians. I also respect them for being the eastern bulwark against the expansion of Islam.
> Ghengish Khan
> Chinese
don't worry pajeet I'd support you, Chinks are taking over africa but you guys hate muslims so you alright by me. Also you not commie.
Of course you'd pick your homeland, chang.
India because they are really funny when they try to seduce women.
"show pussy bitch now"
>t. Cheng Pao, newest "Canadian" citizen
They raped china pretty hard didn't they?
bitch lasagna
chinks aren't even human
Pakis, Chinks and Poos need to nuke eachother.
why can't all 3 be destroyed?
ok i rape now
India, of course? What sort of stupid question is that? What they lack in toilets they make up for in fit as all fuck Bollywood girls. Plus their comedies are actually funny.
China is a shithole that is about to collapse yet again. And Pakistan only exists to be nuked eventually, putting them out of their misery.
We can test out our shitty new rampface aircraft carrier if things kick off, too. I bet its shit and doesn't even sail there in time to do anything.
America, always and only
show bobs and vagana
>Pretend to side with India
>drop a million of them over China
>Chinese die of septic shock
>Carpet bomb the indian supply lines
>Indians die from curry withdrawal
Oooh, tough decision. On the one hand, China is good at organizing and reducing their population numbers. On the other, China is Communist, and full of censorship, whereas India is better at keeping it real. Hard to say.
Sino-Indian war when?
The Commonwealth Empire of Australia of course.
India, because it's the biggest democracy in the world
Not China, because they copy and steal western stuff, and the Chinese Communist Party did mass-cultural and ethnic genocide against Tibetans, Ugyhurs and innocent people in China.
Pajeets are literally virgin niggers
They do everything a nigger would do but in a virgin way.
India. Just so that the threat to Asia and competition to the West would be removed. It was a mistake for the West to ship most of their manufacturing to China. It would've been better to spread it out throughout Asia so the West would not only have some control of each Asian country but it will prevent the creation of economic rivals that can rival the West. Surprised the Jew didn't see all of that. High IQ my ass.
Thanks, based mountainjew.
based anglo, knew we could get along.
Haven't watched bollywood in long time so not sure about that but I recently watched music videos from this movie and liked them:
you mean "The American Protectorate of Australia"
trips, see major confirmation by kek.
Pakistan and India. I have Pakistani and Indian families in my neighborhood and they are so kind! Peace!
India. Pajeets may not be able to poo in the loo, but at least they're human. Chinks are soulless locust, who only consume and destroy.
whichever kills more non-whites
A chicken in every pot, a car in every driveway, and a poo in every loo.
Commies go to China
Wouldn't it be incredible to have a world war not fought over Europe?
there was a scandal about china drawing maps claiming some Indian territory was theirs lel
They always do that shit.
Indians, the other side is literally commies and terrorists
>Getting involved in any way
Just let the cunts fight it out. There are about 3 billion non whites in those countries, nothing of value would be lost
What are they? protestors?
get out of my way Im busy!
(and so will pakistan)
I see you want Stalin back
Pakistan is a failed state. I'm not sure the partition was a good idea and if given a real plebiscite would Pakistan vote for unpartion? It may be more popular than you think
I support partition of Kashmir to end this autism
I see you want Montezuma II back
Time to sacrifice south american monkeys on chichenitz again!
Nationalism will bring us victory!
Don't listen to those niggers pajeet, i will cheer for you, fuck chinks.
>some anglo yurotrash imperialist fucktards carve up territories into ((states))
>give land whos people do not feel they belong to this state their lands.
nah your brain is just full of fuck
I prefer curry to chink food
that mogol QT knows what she likes
would penetrate
Read a book, also your comment makes no sense India for all their flaws is a secular capitalist country, if China or Pakistan win is a victory for Commies and Jihadists
Also show your flag pussy.
Want chink food buddy?
>siding with terrorists and gommies over poos
Definitely India. I'll take the street squatting beef worshipers over the dog-eater / mountain sand nigger muzzie alliance 10 times outta 10. And also, I kinda dig India's caste system. I'd like to see one more well enforced here in the states desu
Indians, they are the only minority in Ireland who works hard and integrates. The Indians are bro meme is truth.
youre telling me to "read a book" when your shithole of a nation didnt even exist back then??
you fucking stupid jungle monkey boy!!!
India. They are smelly, dirty and shit but it's still better than the souless gommies and mudslimes
India, without question.
Poo in Loo is mainly just bants, no real malice behind it. Otherwise India has been a long term ally to the Anglosphere and it will remain that way.
Pakistan are literal muslim shitcunts training terrorists to attack the Anglosphere and China are ants. A billion Souless communists and a direct threat to the sovereignty of my country.
I support poo land
wat?You're the one who said the "you want montezuma back" bullshit
Fucking autistic chink, your kind is everywhere in my country, there is 2 million nipons and around 1 million illegal chinks the fleed to live in my country because there was literally no more room left for more inbreed shits in your overpopulated countries full of radiation.
>1 million illegal chinks
prepare cuz there's going to be more
did he eat his arm too? he had a left arm in the last vid
India ofc. Even if they shit in the street i have a huge boner for their women and they are fighting islam.
Start feeding the chinks to the Jaguars, nothing good will come out of all those chinks in our countries.
India, because it'll be hilarious just watching them use shit as a weapon
Whoever actually poos in the loo.
I like India because their women are hot but china wins in every conceivable timeline
Why do we keep having this thread? I'll go with India though