Why do nazis deny Ashkenazi Jewish IQ?
Why do nazis deny Ashkenazi Jewish IQ?
But there's only 14 million jews, and there's 1 billion white people, giving you a much better sample size, making the jew conspiracy more likely, also its an ideology. Shit b8, shit thread.
1,000 human beings is statistically proven to be a fine sample size for most metrics. 14 mil and 1 billion are obviously different numbers but as far as sampling vs populations the difference is negligible.
go take stats 101 you unemployable faggot
Maybe they have higher IQ. Meanwhile whites have real sympathy for their peers. A quality allowing them to build societies. Jews on the other hand?.. Leeches
>grasping at straws this hard
get a job cuck
This is not an argument you can back up with evidence.
>Why do nazis deny Ashkenazi Jewish IQ?
They don't.
This is precisely why I don't hate Jews and only hate niggers.
Nope, it's because Japan is the most atheist country in the world.
This picture literally makes no sense. No one denies their IQ, in matter of fact we realize that because Jews are so intelligent they are able to position themselves in positions of power that allows them to benefit themselves while destroying western culture.
They don't dumb fuck. Learn the arguments before you attempt to refute them.
LOL at flag
The evidence is exists for hundred of years. Jews travle around and get kicked out of every country they come to because people recognize their leeching. White people built the most advanced culture that has ever existed on earth.
I don't.
They are very intelligent and their status in society today shows it.
Ashkenazi are Italian/German converts. Look at the IQ in israel and you'll that's around 94.
>inb4 we have tons of nogs and araps in Israel! right? so does the whole of europe and the US.
literally (You), fucking jej
Don't respond to me nigger
The problem is Jewish behavior not IQ differences
We don't that's why they were able to gain power, it doesn't change the fact that our race has a right to exist, and progress to become better. Also Whites are more creative and have higher emotional intelligence then any other race.
Who's denying it?
The problem is they have nothing to show for it.
Where is the great civilization? Where's the art? Where's the creativity?
Doest matter, kill the jews.
>whites have sympathies for their peers
>*looks at white liberals shitting on white conservatives*
Its not hard to be a subversive kike in a white society. Exploiting trust is EASY. Creating a high trust society on the other hand, is terribly difficult.
You guys want some red pills on the parasitic tribe?
>Where's the art? Where's the creativity
Heavy Traffic is pretty good
Kikes are formidable enemy. They wouldnt have been an enemy if they weren't smart.
Jews have much higher in-group preferences than whites.
I do not deny their IQ, what I do deny is that their success is based only on merit.
Even if their IQ is one standard deviation above ours, we still have 50x more people among whites at genius level than they do, yet in certain industries they infest we always see the same pattern: They push out all non Jewish competition.
Therefore it is not without merit to conclude that they employ tribal hiring practices.
One of their guys gets a foot in the door and as soon as he is in he starts hiring/firing based on race.
The very idea of doing this is disgusting to whites, for them it isn't though.
Similar patterns of abusive behaviour and double standards can be seen with usury.
In Judaism, Christianity and Islam usury is strictly forbidden and all of these groups follow these laws.
The only exception is jews who have an exception for non jews. They treat their own morally but it's fine to abuse goys. Disgusting people.
> homo
> redpills
Only thing you'll be dropping today isn't redpills, it's your pans for the fat hairy leather daddy you've got.
>we live in meritocracy where the highest IQ always leads to the top positions of power
>the only reason people claim there is a conspiracy is the fact that jews are in positions of power, not what they do with these positions of power.
Smart people are denied positions of power all the time for various reasons, the most likely explanation for jews reaching their positions of dominance in western media etc nepotism. There were a few that managed to get into these positions, who helped out other members of the tribe until they dominated the industry. They have since used these positions to make antisemitism the worst sin that can be committed, worse than any other form of racism, with the justification being the history of jewish persecution, mainly the holocaust (which is de jure illegal to deny in many western states and de facto illegal to deny in many others).
tl;dr it's not that the jews aren't smart, but that's probably not how they got to where they are now.
it's also not because they simply have power, but it's the way they use it to their collective advantage which makes people question it
>whites have the most sympathy for their peers
>literally the most divided community in the world
top kek you fucking retard
> Why are there so many Jews in positions of power...
I literally keep posting the answer but all you dumb fucks are blind.
Because they dumb ooga booga. All Jews are simpletons reeee
>kill the jews
>communist who doesn't understand the USSR was run by jews
kys retard
>literally the most divided community in the world
That's what happens when you are the most creative race on the planet.
We don't. Also there are more whites by a large margin. So many more that there are more whites with an IQ of 130 or more than there are Ashkenazi Jews total.
Consider how many Jews were prominent in western society until the 19th and 20th centuries.
These were vilified people by most European countries.
No one is denying the Jewish IQ. The jew uses his IQ to actively subvert and exploit the good nature of those who welcomed him in their country. Ask yourself why so many of them got kicked out of so many countries?
>Why do nazis deny Ashkenazi Jewish IQ?
They do?
Can you give a citation please
Most successful legitimately evil are the smart ones
"ashkenazi" are just white at this point. original population is very diluted due to exogamy
Because of their genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. Put them in a position of power and they will try to fuck you over, either by intentional malice or by circumstances of their jewish mania.
Also framing this thread as why "Nazi's" is 100% slide/bait. Enjoy your sage shill.
>implying whites aren't piggybacking off the brown skinned Mediterraneans who enslaved them and civilised them
>implying whites weren't snow apes before this happened
please kys
Wtf even is this meme?
Nobody is denying jewish high iq.
The complaint is that they are so intelligent that they put themselves in high positions and work for their own interests/benefits and trying to destroy the nations from within.
When you have a tapeworm, you don't say "Lulz he is so stupid, how did he get here?"... You try to eliminate the parasite before he eliminates you.
Sure they have high IQ, at least the ones in America, they also suck baby-dick, most of them are Anglo-tier ugly, heavily inbred and their high IQ is mostly due to their verbal skills which adds very little to society, especially when they use it to subvert other countries, our countries, into being shit.
Tribal whites who have no qualms about abusing others who they view as members of other groups. That's why they need to be expelled.
nepotism plus "feeling chosen" not hard there is an actual study on this
This is a meme, no one actually denies that they have higher iq.
>emotional intelligence
Tits or GTFO
The average IQ of Israel is 90, stop pushing this Jewish lie. The reason Jews are in positions of power is shameless nepotism, deception and scheming as they are an amoral people ('goy' means cattle).
Wow, Israelis are really poor people, lol. Guess there's not that much to steal from other sand people.
That's why they don't want to be expelled from white countries.
IQ is literally not indicative after a certain point. You can prepare for a test and score 160, but if you can't even score 90 then there are problems. Besides the way you use it matters more, jews use it scheme and steal.
haha, what a ref!
Also, kys, degenerate.
It's Jewish Supremacy
>'Goy' doesn't actually mean cattle.
goyim like yourself just do an amazing job of behaving like cattle when told to do so
Jewish IQ is higher than the general white IQ but is probably lower or the same as some specific white ethnicities. Besides, IQ is not what has allowed Jews this power it is their complete lack of empathy or pity for their fellow men, Jews are not human.
>thinks nazis are one person
Jewish IQ is not higher, however there is an elephant in the room as to why University's have quotas & skewing for every other demographic ( with heavy subsidization for blacks and brutal standards for Whites/Asians) but jews.
If you remove those quotas for education for Jews, you would likely see jewish involvement in post-secondary fields and education fall towards their population percentage of total US society (3%) vs current levels (60% of university enrollments).
Thats not anti-semetic, it is a legitimate question of social and education policy.
Ashkenazi Jews actually have European DNA and for centuries they've only bred within their own kind, thus not dilating their gene pool.
>Why do nazis deny Ashkenazi Jewish IQ?
No one does? Some of the smartest people I've met have been Jewish or had some Jewish blood.
Yes and most Europeans also have a little bit of Ashkenazi DNA no matter if they like it or not
Scandinavia architecture was actually very advanced. All of those Nations pictured there were ruled by Indo-European Nordics who conquered the swarthy locals.
>He thinks we had time to design buildings and have sex with 12 year old boys when we were constantly worried of how we would survive winter.