How the fuck is this not national news yet! She 8 months pregnant and vanishes in the middle of texting her boyfriend? There is something very wrong here...
Young pregnant woman missing and no one cares
I don't care either
people disappear all the fucking time. are you 12?
Probably because she is a normal white girl carrying a white baby, instead of a coal burning feminazi slut that was murdered by TEH EBBIL NAHTZEES.
She disappeared into an acid bath, now piss off
8 month pregnant pretty young woman has value on a black market.
It's a twofer
This most likely.
Trump can't get that wall up soon enough.
>black hair
Yes. We've learned how (((they))) and their minions make use of babies.
I hope I'm wrong.
Muslim & African Uber/Lyft/taxi drivers kidnap white females for use as sex slaves. Wake up, people!
Check the GPS of Muslim & African Uber/Lyft/taxi drivers, officers!
p.s. Not racist. Islam is a religon and Africa is a continent!
Wait, OP. Is this a coal/toll thing? If so, I understand your reasoning here. Problem is, like the Natalie Holloway case, everyone knows exactly what the fuck happened, and no one cares because of the coal/toll thing.
b-but she has white skin tho.....
looks like a spic
>How the fuck is this not national news yet! She 8 months pregnant and vanishes in the middle of texting her boyfriend? There is something very wrong here...
The older I've gotten, the more I've realized people actually don't care about each other all that much, or anything in life really... Apathy has run absolutely rampant.
Looks like Lauren southern with black hair.
who gives a shit slut maybe you should POST TITS OR GTFO
I don't think we can fing her OP
Nah, she's a coonass.
Her boyfriend is white
maybe the baby but not her
Post pics of her belly
>Two less white people.
It's a start.
shes sucking dick in heaven now
Really, faggot. Come up with something original.
looks like shes got quite a few kids already
There's a not insignificant amount of human trafficking that happens in ND/MN. No one in the media here ever connects the dots. Also, Belcourt is a res, so she's a mongrel.
Probably killed by her black boyfriend she was fucking behind cumskins back.
She's ugly, so I'm not surprised. Nobody cares about ugos, not even ugos.
t. Jamal Tyrone Muhdikus
That's because there's too much shit to deal with, people become apathetic when terrorists commit their 30th terrorist attack in the year with the government doing nothing subtstantial agianst it agian, people don't care if some nigga in Detroit or Chicago gets shot dead seeing how that happens like 500 times a year anyway. It's only become worse with the internet and globalization.
What is his ethnicity?
He's an Injun.
Gook or some shit. She herself looks half-Asian too.
I hope you are a nigger.
Since it's North Dakota, I'm guess both have some Native American blood
What did you just say about that young lady?
I'll take your head off m9, I swear on me mum.
That's a pair of spics
Your supremacy is chipping and fading.
No one gives a fuck about you crackers anyway.
Light your tikis all night long.
You're going extinct.
And no one gives a flying fuck.
>Norberta LaFontaine-Greywind, Savanna's mother, said she ordered a pizza before going upstairs to help the neighbor, but never returned to eat it.
100% pure cut mongrel.
Just like your children.
You're a dinosaur.
The world is no longer yours.
Belcourt, where she's from is a reservation, so. Yeah.
>a flying fuck.
What's up with niggers saying that?
do you really think it sounds cool or something?
>hey babe, where are you?
>just buying lotsa baby stuff and taking selfies
>oh boy! I can't wait to raise a kid with you until you get bored and sue me for child support so you can fuck all my friends and snapchat it. Wait right there so I can grab a shovel and then I'll come help you carry all those heavy bags!
>ok honey! Ima gonna take mor selfies!
Wow, dude is like a 4/10 and the chick is like a 6/10. She's out of his league.
Oh, check out the weeaboo talking about what's cool.
>white western woman disappears
Uh, what a terrible loss
Its somewhat difficult to care about young women these days, they're the most insufferable creatures imaginable.
Because things like this happen really often. They're not gonna make every disappearance national news.
Nobody has ever cared. It just gives us something to talk about, and now that there is so much TV and politics, nobody really cares about missing anyone anymore. Disable amber alerts on their phones too.
>White women
nobody cares. Karma coming back to bite you in the ass
her facebook is filled with her and her kids. news stories dont mention this.
whole thing sounds sketchy as fuck. probably film the kids raw and uncut Tam Luzzatto style
Say something nigger,
do as I say.
Taking a wild guess here but I'm guessing some Natives were involved here, maybe one of them was drunk driving and hit her with the car, then hid the body.
>dog filter
She is probably on Brazzers right now.
I'm going to enjoy putting a bullet in your kinds skull.
seriously those filters are the biggest cancer.
probably a half breed. She looks like a coal burner.
>How the fuck is this not national news yet!
Because she's brown. It only matter when a pure white child disappears.
Thats upside down talk. Its 2017
Will never happen Cletus
Also because she's a native. I've read some shit about how natives get shot by police just as much as niggers and get kidnapped all the time but no one gives a shit about what happens on reservations or something.
She consented to her rape by the msm and the eventual zombie army on opinions.
my name is not Cletus, and I consider myself a rational, logical person and I'm not 'white'
Espousing anti white sentiment is only going to end poorly and suddenly for anyone that thinks along those lines.
Quick get the NIMMIWG on it right away!
She's being culturally enriched in a bush. They will rip out that disgusting white baby and replace it with a beautiful brown baby. By force, if necessary.
You forgot the possessive apostrophe.
This is why your kind is dying.
You can't even form simple sentences.
The baby is black, she knew it and that's why she ran away before her cuck found out.
Whatever you say Nigel Muhammad Chandrasekar
>no one cares
fuck you
>>a flying fuck
I thought that was something English (from England) people said
Hyphenated last name
probably black baby
retreating into grammatical corrections
I personally hope that I will be the one to end your suffering.
What's the likelihood of her current boyfriend being related to her two extant children? Odds on the fetus being his?