Other urls found in this thread:
>pissing in an ocean of piss
All PRcucks are antifa until proven otherwise
never underestimate the power of weaponized autism
nice try, shariablue!
>Sup Forumstards legitimately believe Antifa wrote that when it's full of Sup Forums language, uses the word "retard", refers to their own followers as easily impressionable, and continually compliments Sup Forums as rational and strong
Of course
Fuck you Sup Forums racists
#NoMeansNo #AntifaRapes
most of antifa are white, they'll be easy to convert to our ideology.
We do this for free, they consider it a "war", and anything that hits us only stimulates us, as they waste resources trying to bring down and eventually exhaust themselves to death on it.
They haven't even started and they lost already. Hopefully they'll realize halfway that Sup Forums isn't actually a "fascist website", just one with free speech, and that the issue is their retarded liberal leftist marxist viewpoints can only exist within a discussion space with heavy censorship and enforced political correctness.
They don't get it, do they?
This is not Kikebook, nor reddit.
There is no 'wining' on Sup Forums
Actually, there's no real debate too.
People just read a thread, have a laugh at people's retard level, and maybe gather some relevant information to them. They might contribute something, for better or for worse.
I see it as a constant battle of retarded thoughts.
Once in a while, you get an inspired one.
Communist shills only come out as retards with their obviously copy-pasted walls of text.
Way to show that's not your opinion, kiddo.
>claim to recognize Sup Forums as a battle of retarded thoughts
>can't tell OP's image is an obvious fake
And now you realize you're one of the retards too.
We will wear your guts as garters and have you seig heiling in no time. It's what \pol\ do.
Didn't even look at the picture, desu.
Antifa have literally become a meme of Sup Forums, so in a way they are an experiment of Sup Forums and not really capable of being otherwise.
When they "protest" they actually create memes for us.
So far behind the curve.
>mfw antifa will gradually become redpilled while staying here
We're not all oldfags posting thumbnails like you.
Huh. Maybe this is why we had that flood of black dick pics earlier. I only noticed the pictures when somebody made a post about it, however. I don't think these guys are ever going to learn that they simply cannot flood this board out. The eye simply becomes trained to not even notice these posts.
There is no such thing as bad marketing. Keep coming liberals. we are growing stronger by the day. AHOO!
wtf is goyim? is the best time saver if you respond to the idiots. They may actually try and see they are apes being used by jew master.
they dont know what they are messing with
they are not the first and not the alst who will lose
Considering the fact that we are already lost and our autistic souls burn in binary hell - what should Antifa do?
Infiltration? If you are longer than a year on this page your brain transforms
Calling us autisitic nazi internet idiots? Ok. Confirmed. Here we are.
I think they just can't handle the real free speech. Free speech is full of hate, love and truth.
Its obviously made by someone on Sup Forums to troll Sup Forums because of how many retards will buy up anything as long as its on an infograph
>they simply cannot flood this board out
thats because the mods protect this board more than anything else. Nobody ever tried to spam it because mods are too fast in protecting your bitch ass safe space.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums got flooded plenty of times and for hours at end, mods always take their sweet time cleaning those up.
Ok so basically
>Anyone who ever questions us, mocks us, criticizes us, says we're wrong, disagrees with us, or expresses any doubt or resistance to our ideas whatsoever is a deliberate spy/agent/shill set out to destroy us
>btw liberals are insane and totally intolerant of other opinions
Let's sway their minds with the most failed political ideology in history.
Terrific game plan.
feels good man
I'm surprised more KeK-Frogs or ANTIFA don't consider the possibility that they are being influenced or manipulated by the same source who are doing it to each other. From my observation post, that chance is increasing.
>us, us, us, us
A mod or mods did a quick clean-up of the dick pic spam (thank you), but those pics were up for a while and my point is I didn't even notice them until another person started to complain. We get "raided" here so often that it's just static and hardly noticeable.
The shit you people will believe is... unbelievable.
only like 3 threads. nobody notices 3 threads. a flood is when more than half the catalog is the same pic like the easter frog flood.
The same aussie that did that to Sup Forums 10 times tried that on Sup Forums and got range banned almost immediately.
That is how much of a safe space Sup Forums is compared to other boards.
Not sure why mods love babysit Sup Forums so much, I know they've moved Sup Forums domain to somewhere else because of the ADL warning, it used to be the US now its unknown.
delete yourself
Antifa are all Mindraped losers
remember to call them that when they call you fascist/racist
found a shill
Antifa are literally Mindraped Fascist losers
- Marx was a journalist spook working for wealthy elites. He was also a wealthy elitist and married into a banker/financier family.
- His writings to his father reveal he literally was a Satanist. Not exaggerating here.
His job was to undermine meaningful change and to make sure the masses never really went after the financial elites.
He and Trotsky were both journalist spooks, and therefore frauds.
The Bolshevik Revolution was about destabilizing Russia and murdering Orthodox Slavs because of a millennium of hatred between Eastern European Jews and Slavs.
Marxism and therefore communism are incoherent ideologies (his job was never to think clearly and devise an ethical or correct political theory) and ultimately they were a ploy to commit barbarous genocide against Slavs in Eastern Europe.
Marxism is murderous and not about stages of human development.
Communism is murderous and not about stages of human development.
Kindly stop posting your genocide-representing commie swastikas.
If I determine the enemy’s disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it nor the wise make plans against it.
—Sun Tzu,
“The Art of War”, Datalinks