HAPPENING, pop concert in Netherlands evacuated because of terror threat


Other urls found in this thread:


>Name band 'Allah Las'
>IMAJUN MUH SHOG, a terrorist threat in a muslim city.

'terror threat' = nothing unless its the IRA

Muzzies don't phone in warnings because the whole point of that is to avoid civilian casualties and destroy infrastructure

And I don't remember any incident where a backpack left somewhere blew up much later (boston was like a short fuse thing similar to a grenade) yet that's what most of these lost property terror scares are based on

They're conditioning us.

I put my money on a fake far right extremist to both shut people up about muslims and also demand budget increases for our intelligence company (aivd) and police.

It's nice to see some action being taken, at last. Well, precautions, at least. Apparently, our intelligence services warn often about terror threats but nothing is done in response.

IIRC terror threat is still at "severe" for UK, don't know about the rest of the EU, though, I imagine it's similar.

Yeah I've seen a few articles suggesting they don't know why this concert was targetted, but it's clearly due to the band name. Hope they find the scum behind the threat.

I don't know what they expected.

bump. be this thread on autosaggy or is it just super busy rn?

Pop of peace.


>Terror threat

We couldve had another happening.

Fucking killjoy

Beautiful city.


Yeah it's funny when whites die

Successfully prevented!
>MFW when still no major bombings have taken place in the Netherlands.

I can't even be bothered to turn on the tv, our voters did this to themselves. I was not one of them.

GZ Netherbro!

Any extra info for us? Pls keep us posted.

I can only feel grief for people who are redpilled and don't ask for this

My leftist friend died in an attack and I didnt care

lol tje band name when asked about it: "we just wanted something that sounded holy, we didnt mean anything religious with it"

>it's nice to see
In the past we didn't have any terror threats. Now there's constant evacuations, interruptions and limitations on our freedoms.


Everybody dies someday, kiddo.

Why didn't you listen?

these people have published fake news before so i don't believe them this time either
Plus, this implies trump hasn't destroyed the terrorist threat throughout the world, which he has
So, this is a slide thread, and you are another shill

Part and parcel of european life

Fair point, but it is better than just letting it happen, because in the UK it seems that after every attack our intelligence services say "well... we did warn you" and the perpetrators were already under surviellance or on the "watch list"

Our country spends 8 billion £ a year surveilling about 5000 Muslim radicals alone, yet they only "prevent" an attack on avergage once a month.... You may remember that we had three in one month earlierr this year. Granted, one was not carried out by a Muslim on the watch list but still..!

And Europeans still wonder why America doesn't want sand niggers in their nation.


hey guys i dont speak teaboye what's the meaining of part and parcel

sinceere question no bully pls

These stupid mussos dont they know it's a holy month of peace for them they shouldn't be at war they should be on their way to mecca.

It means you will succ brown hairy cocks and you will like it.

Yep, this is probably staged. Cause there aren't any white people in Rotterdam.

Our Muslim overlord of Londonistan infected us with a brain virus that makes us unnaturally passive. "Part and parcel" was the incantation he used to release the swarm of viral locusts upon us.

tell us about your confederate statues user

did somebody say "POP?"

Thats what they tell you, in reality there is wayyyy more. They never gonna admit it, but they know what is coming in the future and have all eyes on it, on all sides of the political spectrum.
The only option for the gov is total surveilance and drifting into totalitarian-mode. theres no state of law solution for this problem on the long run. And we all know that, its just the beginning.

This comes shortly after it became public the police held back the identity of the Amsterdam central station car terrorist. The metro stabber was also a sandnigger, as was the mudslime the police shot on the streets of Den Haag.

That it was.

no, its bad we needed a attack to open the eyes of more people, and so that we have new material against GroenRadicaallinks and Shills'66

They got him!

That's no solution. It's just stocking up on bandages and being prepared to seal wounds forever.

What's needed is the identification of the source of the problem and making sure it can't cause harm.

>be nigger rapper that is failing in the US
>someone those retards in Amsterdam loves him
>go up on stage
>don't feel like performing cuz you crunc
>police shows up
>can't find the white people trying to kill him
>CNN covers this for another week screaming that white people are bigger terrorists than Muslims
Literally nothing happened.

>allah las

Yea, was thinking the same thing

But for how long? I hope it never happens, but lately, there are a lot of attacks in Europe.

I fear you are right. I was actually visited by CID today because I mentioned to a mental health nurse at the hospital that I was a member of UKIP...

He had come to ensure that I wasn't in danger of being "radicalised"... I hid my power level to some degree but we had a really good talk and he was a sound dude. I actually stood in my local elections so when I told him that he realised that I am basically law abiding and for law and order over chaos.

I also grassed up a cocaine dealer and someone who I'd heard had procured a gun illegally, that person had robbed my friend a few years ago and beat him senseless so I'd love to see justice for it.

I think it's often a case of the most dominant intelligence service (ie deep state CIA) permitting lesser services to know certain small parts of information, mainly to distract from the fact that the intelligence services are complicit in drug and people trafficking worldwide.

It's one fucking deep rabbit hole.


Allah-las is a white band

There goes your alt-right theory

Sam van der Heijden locked up by Abu Talib!

>This comes shortly after it became public the police held back the identity of the Amsterdam central station car terrorist. The metro stabber was also a sandnigger, as was the mudslime the police shot on the streets of Den Haag
Mossad bro user, i thought NL hadn't had happenings. Can you give me a link to the terror attack?

Fun fact:they still don't have a goverment because the green party refuse to enter because inmigration policy.


All dutchies be like
>Glad there wasnt an attack in mijn kanker city

Safety cucks, sometimes people need to be sacrificed for the greater good, a string of terror atacks is the best way to annoy people with mudslimes, it would be best if it happend at a meeting of one of the kartelpartijen.

(AIVD Disclaimer, geen drijging hier, ome overheid)

Yes, I agree with you, Finbro, I'm just grateful that some action seems to at last be being taken. Who knows, it may be slow progress, but this could be the beginning of a true clamp-down on terror and a start towards neutralising the true threat. Which we all know is Wahabi'ist Islam stemming mainly from Saudi Arabia and facilitated by various (((intelligence agencies)))

He didn't get away this time!

tfw Leon de Winter posts on Sup Forums from his holiday kibbutz

The Netherlands had already a jihad attack on Theo van Gogh. Lately a lot of the happenings have deliberately been suppressed by media and police.


Why do you call yourself "dutchies"? It sounds like a breed of dog and is also how most of the reddit demographic refers to your people.

Which attacks have been suppressed?

This is not Leon. Just some goy user who decided to move to the jewish fortress.

>looks at the flag
>gassing intensifies

Special forces surround the stadium

Police got tipped by unknown source

A Turkish roach band would be warming up act (could be the target)

They Muslim mayor of Rotterdam will be giving a statement around 22:00

This is not the first time for the band Allah-Las, they couldn't perform in Turkey because Muslims felt offended by the band's name (most likely reason, as Rotterdam is our London/Detroit/Molenbeek)

shut up filty croatian

Do you even read this thread?

No, it's just Islam. Period.

You mean reading every comment? No, I don't have time for that.

pass de dutchie on de left han side

my god

Inval bij de IKVERTREK beweging, meme in bijlage

Why evacuate? They should learn tolerance and get used to getting killed.

The quick rundown on Geert and why he lost:

He was intentionally set up to lose. He is Jewish, and is controlled opposition. How, you may ask? Notice how most of these "alt-right"/"fix europe" candidates are Jewish or have some form of ties to the Jews. They are intentionally set up to foster hope within the Right wing, and intentionally knocked down to hurt the morale of the right wing. Nothing more than puppets that are removed to end the show.

Knowing this, that these losses were intentionally designed to hurt the morale of the Right wing, it is possible that Brexit, as well, is designed to either A. Fit in to this plan of morale-destruction B. Fitting into A, but also playing into something bigger.

I am not saying that Brexit was bad though, I want the European Union to be shattered and twisted from all 4 anglos.

TL;DR: Geert, and many other right-wing "europe-saving" candidates are losing because they are planned to lose. Their losses will deal a morale blow to their believers and the right wing.

Depends which jews. He's mostly for Israeli jews. You can keep your diaspora and do whatever you want with them. We don't want them.

(((Pew))) research center.... That's bullshit about Pakistan, reminder that they spent years routing out the Taliban from their territory and operate a Brit style legal system with sharia lurking in the background. Egypt and Jordan have been heavily targeted by Mossad and Saudis for decades, whereas Lebanon has put up a much more steadfast and stable resistance and remained far more secular and moderate.

Assad is Aluwite Muslim, Imam Talwahidi (the imam of peace) is Shia Muslim. The evil is not in idealogies, it is in the actions of the exponents of those ideologies. Look up pictures of Muslim countries from the 50's like Iran, Turkey and tell me it's the same as the Wahabiism that has been pushed on them over the recent past!

TY, still checking for updates, keep it coming! who is the Turkish band??

Theo van Gogh was murdered long before the whole ISIS jihadi hype started. Regardless it was Islamic terrorism, ill give you that. Luckily it also spurred a major tightening of all the potential Islamic groups in the Netherlands by the intelligence community which has payed off in full the last couple of years. There's a reason why we haven't been hit hard yet.

The whole "suikerspiegel chaffeur" isn't systemic terrorism, K.Karmaoui (his actual name, Farid was a placeholder) doesn't have any ties with any Islamic group within the Netherlands. One dumb fuck's attempt to drive over a bunch of bystanders isn't actually terrorism. Or systemic terrorism (the scary kind) at least.

Which attack?

You can take them. Diaspora Jews belong in Israel. Let them fuck up their own people for once

I would never let politics stand in between the relationships with friends. If you really didn't care about your friend dying he probably wasn't a friend.

So far so good. My family is still in the Netherlands and their neighborhoods are islamizing more and more every year. The war will come sooner or later. Get ready.

There will be no war. We'll come together as one world under God singing Kumbaya

Trump says so

1 week, a dozen terror attacks and we haven't yet reached "Peak Diversity"

Everybody was white and then came cultural Marxism.

Police investigate Belgian white van in the neighborhood


The band's name is Zanger Rinus. Look 'm up, they make some great music

Systematic terrorism

Is that like the British government terrorizing its citizens by allowing Muslims to have child grooming gangs whilst arresting common folk for "hate speech"?

Actually, The Netherlands has a pretty strong second generation Islamic demographic that's moving away from religion. Most of them early to mid-twenties but still living under their parents (the actual immigrants) roof. Predictions are, unless shit gets really bad, more than 80% will drop the Islamic religion when they eventually move out and start their own lives away from their still very religious parents.

So i'm not concerned. The mainstream media being very lax on any Islamic "troubles" have much more to do with trying to curb any right wing propaganda (which goes hand in hand with a very strong anti-EU sentiment, which is the thing they actually reallllly don't want) rather than to soften us up to any Islamic danger.

just nuke us already

Wasnt almost all terrorists the last few years in europe second or third generation?

I'm a Serb you dumbass
Also that image has no power over me

I grew up with that second generation

What you are saying is utter crap. But wise choice from yourself Achmed for leaving Islam

I hope a lot people get culturally enriched

Never mayobro

Yes, which is completely inexcusable. However i cannot shake the feeling that there's probably a lot more to it than being overly friendly towards Muslims. My best guess is that those same Muslims know a whole lot about high placed child abusers. Jimmy savelli (or whatever the sick fuck's name was) comes to mind.

I do remember reading a whole group of said Muslims being arrested though. So i doubt they where "pardoned". Rather it's just kept out of the media.

Exactly what I wanted to say

Until, for a good chunk of them, life turns out to be shit because all the natives think they're repulsive and they can't get a decent job at all. Their parents were middle-class back in Morocco, and in their new country they're the lowest of the low. Watch them suddenly rediscover their faith before 'repenting' for their degeneracy by blowing up or mowing down a bunch of kids and tourists.



Criminally underrated

>more than 80% will drop the religion when they eventually move out and start their own lives.

And then they realize how empty and void of meaning their lives are in western society and radicalize.

And more than 80% of the immigrants will be genetically criminal

Yes it was. That's what makes the Netherlands different than most other European countries. Our second gen isn't nearly as extremist in their religious believes.

Ik kom uit hartje Achterhoek, dus zal niet verkondigen dat ik weet hoe het is om in een islamitische buurt rondom Rotterdam te lopen. Wel weet ik wat de nominale cijfers zijn. En relatief gezien komen wij dus aardig goed weg als het om religieuze allochtonen gaat. Sterker nog, Islam gaat dezelfde kant uit als het Katholicisme. Dat duurde ook letterlijk één generatie voordat het gedaan was. Oja, en ik ben ook geen Achmed.

>implying our problems will be over once these people start dropping their Islamic religion

Islam is just another way for them to identify themselves and form an in-group. They will still hate us for whatever just because they're not Dutch nor will they ever be
