The owner, Larry (((Silverstein))) gave the order pull the building. In other words it was brought down by humans, not because of fire or damage.
It was demolished.
The owner, Larry (((Silverstein))) gave the order pull the building. In other words it was brought down by humans, not because of fire or damage.
It was demolished.
Other urls found in this thread:
Did you know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11? And I have proof:
Which means... 9/11 is fake
Which means the war on terror is fake
Which means, our government declared war on its civilians also.
Which means, we never needed the TSA airport bullshit.
Which means you should have voted Lambright, the future is bright.
This is Larry "PULL IT" Silverstein.
Well it was definitely a kike or kikes behind it, So im not surprised.
This building in Hawaii could collapse at any moment.
It is a well-known fact about steel-framed high-rise buildings that have had a fire.
citation needed, fucko.
Kike sure looks like that.
I was wondering when these threads would come up. 9/11 threads that is.
>tfw buying buildings
>tfw when insure it
>tfw it collapse in the next months
>tfw winning billions of dollars
>just luck bro
post lucky larry. I find building 7 hard to swallow. I saw the planes hit the other two but 7 wasn't that close and for it to freefall just as the others had was pretty weird. Lots of spooky shit in there too when it fell.
Reminder that Wayne Lambright is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne Lambright was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne Lambright over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne Lambright to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne Lambright eventually learn. Wayne Lambright has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne Lambright is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne Lambright's 20s. Wayne Lambright also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne Lambright's hands, not even that can be done. Wayne Lambright is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne Lambright for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne Lambright enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne Lambright fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.
No shit. The building just collapsed.
Well there was another thread(it died) I saw 20min ago with people posting who surprisingly had no idea about Silverstein calling for the building to be pulled.
So he assessed that so much damage had been done, and then decided to "pull it" - which to you means demolish it?
So during the fire they decided to wire it with explosives?
Are you retard?
Btw, I've asked this before but still haven't got any answer.
Were the tapes from the surveillance systems of nearby buildings around the Pentagon ever made public? I believe the Loose Change documentary said the FBI seized them and were never heard of them again.
can you provide evidence where "pull it" is official jargon for controlled demolition?
Its quite possible that he was referring to the decision to pull all fire fighting resources from the building which occurred several hours before collapse.
Many eyewitnesses saw the building leaning, creaking and the belief that it was going to collapse on its own was quite prevalent among responders on the scene.
Cant make a legitimate argument based on semantics.
You mean this one
>The owner, Larry (((Silverstein))) gave the order pull the building. In other words it was brought down by humans, not because of fire or damage.
Even children know this.
It was pulled. Not free fallin
>but 7 wasn't that close
it was across the fucking street.
It was wired with both tower in 2 weeks before the "attack"
Im telling people it was brought down by man, not by fire or damage. Because it seems a lot of people dont know about that still.
>are you retard?
Sure sounds like youre the retarded one here
Then why were there no explosions heard at the time of collapse? super secret silent demolition charges?
It still boggles my mind when people don't know about WTC7 as well.
So then what does it matter if he said that he decided to "pull it" during the fire? I think this video does more damage to the cause than it helps.
They threw a rope around the top and pulled it with some strong firemen, what's there not to get?
Is there no higher power to expose these fucking terrible Jews?!
Is the whole world so afraid and is there no army great enough to take the punishment that would ensue from such a exposure?!
Why must we be in a everlasting state of questioning as to how and why these events take place?!
If you actually believe this (which I do) why does Sup Forums villify Muslims? They were framed for 9/11 and framed again for Iraq's false WMD claims.
Any actual terror attacks post 9/11 should be counted as blowback by a billion+ sized victim pool trying in desperation to save their homelands from lying murderous invaders.
It was supposed to be phony. It was a psy-op guys. "Look at us, we are ruthless, don't fuck with us" And it's working. People are scared, they feel powerless, they are being very demoralized.
damn it's clear from that picture of it engulfed in smoke and debris that there's no way in hell that little building could have been severely damaged by the two gigantic skyscrapers next door falling down
ginger lying faggot spaz, there is no excuse for you to continue living, you are taking precious resources that you have done nothing to earn, you have only been a detriment to society and might give suicide some real thought.
> (OP)
>This building in Hawaii could collapse at any moment.
>It is a well-known fact about steel-framed high-rise buildings that have had a fire.
Ever wonder just who establishes and distributes these "facts"? Hopefully not the people burning down steel-framed high-rises.
>If you actually believe this (which I do) why does Sup Forums villify Muslims?
There's a difference between OPs claims and Sup Forums claims.
You can't tell if OP is the same person on another thread, unless if you're a moderation.
Stop assuming this is a nazi or white supremacist den.
Sup Forums is the most theory diverse place you can find on the whole internet, I believe.
>Is there no higher power to expose these fucking terrible Jews?!
Are there no Americans to do it? Revolution isn't something you can phone in.
Sept 11 was ritual magic. Mark Passio explains it well. A real quick explanation was that the destruction of the towers, building 7, and the strike against the pentagon was a symbolic attack against Jacobs ladder and our higher levels of consciousness. Those in power want to keep us, the slaves, in a low base state where we are easily controlled and that is what this ritual/sacrifice was to accomplish.
he even gives context with the "so much loss of life" part of the quote. pull THE FIREMEN OUT OF THE BUILDING so they don't get killed.
9/11 Happened to make sure Muslims don't fight on the side of patriotic Americans in a Color war/revolution
Also, instead of generalizing Sup Forums opinions to one side or the other, you should reply to individual claims and not their authors.
It's a waste of everyone's time to attack authors. Attack their ideas with facts, observations, etc.
sorry - I have a no click policy- if you cant sum up the video in a few sentences its not worth watching.
They explain that "pull it" means they bring the building down.
OP is clearly a white supremacist using the standard Sup Forums (((jewish))) scare parenthesis.
The actual culprits of the attack were the U.S. government which at the time had a Protestant president. Theres no way a secret cabal of just Jews could have perpetrated it without some Christian elements of the U.S. govt. speaking out. It was not simply a Jewish conspiracy which OP implies. Others had to be involved to hush it up.
>OP is clearly a white supremacist using the standard Sup Forums (((jewish))) scare parenthesis.
I guess by your standard you're a white supremacist as well. You used the parenthesis. Can you understand how dumb that sounds?
Hey look (((I))) can use parenthesis too! Does that make me a white supremacist? No.
I'm pretty sure you're smarter than this.
So...according to this video "pull it" is used when they actually use cables to pull a building down.
thanks for the clarification.
Sure thing kike..
when you have infinite amounts of money you guy buy governments into your favor. We're even seeing that happening today in the US.
It really doesn't matter whether or not the building collapsed naturally. At the end of the day neither of those planes should have ever been able to get anywhere near the towers. All of the (((coincidences))) which led up to there not being a fighter response are proof enough of conspiracy.
Sure thing kike..
when you have infinite amounts of money you can buy governments into your favor. We're even seeing that happening today in the US.
Look man if we're going to be operating on the basis of all knowledge is potentially false (especially the knowledge that contradicts your narrative. Since last I checked everyone seems fine with how planes fly and engines work etc.) then there's really no useful discussion to be had.
Did you just stumble on the ATS archives or something?
newfagi here
Do these threads happen every year around the most wonderful time of the year?
Thats just in regards to WTC 1 and 2 btw... Its already openly discussed fact that they did a controlled detonation of WTC 7 - the only question is how were they able to get it prepped so quickly since it would take weeks to set up a building for that
Way to go Larry! You LUCKY bastard!
>Its already openly discussed fact that they did a controlled detonation of WTC 7
no. no its not.
Just making up lies is not going to convince anyone.
why? why would a conspiracy involve detonating an entire other building? how would that make sense in the super secret planning stages? what if it wasnt damaged from the twin towers collapsing? did the start fires in wtc7 first then pull it? wtc7 proves there is no conspiracy
none of those description of explosions are in ANY way consistent with a controlled demolition.
They are describing hearing explosions thruout the timeline of the day...and considering all the potential things that could explode or sound like explosions from a fire in a giant office building...they bear no real evidence as to a controlled demolition. What does an elevator sound like when it crashes to the ground? What does a body sound like when it falls 80 stories?
...add all that misdirection to the fact that the collapse of WTC7 was- in FACT- silent- without a hint of traditional controlled demolition charges AND that the collapse clearly started internally first causing the penthouse to collapse 5 seconds before the rest of the building...and you have a strong case of twoofers being full of shit.
his claims were 6hrs before the actual collapse...but yea just like a controlled demo...
There's a news report where they talk about how the building collapsed.... But was still in the shot and didn't collapse for another few minutes.
2001 feels like yesterday but the pictures look like theyre from 1960s.
this has been common knowledge for over 15 years you dip shit kid .