Hey Sup Forums, college fag here. I attend a small liberal arts school in the US and I'm curious on Sup Forums's preferred majors and fields of study. I'm looking into Comp Sci, but from what I hear its pretty challenging. What field of study will land me phat stacks and a loyal anglo cutie for a wife.
College Tips?
Medicine, you can come to Poland we have no niggers.
Well, If I was Goy, I would go study medical-engineering.
It won't lend you much in America but Israel will give you a work permit faster than you can say "I have a degree in medical engineering"
Please listen to me user.
Comp sci isn't that challenging, but it can be math intensive depending on your school's curriculum. Programming is easy, math isn't as easy, but programming is rarely math.
It's a solid path to a potentially good career, but you'll need to move to a city. Also, you have to do internships, multiple. Do at least one every year, this matters more than your gpa if you aren't planning on grad school.
The only legitimately good alternate path is something in business, preferably finance. This is good for you in particular because comp sci skills WITH finance is a really fucking rock solid tool set. Grad school is also a viable path after this for even greater yield.
Under NO circumstance do you pursue STEM unless it IS comp sci.
leave as quickly as possible, that's my advice
college is basically four years of indoctrination into communism, even in Comp Sci
What you should do: learn a trade and live by yourself in the woods
hmm interesting, I was thinking about minoring in a type of business as well, and I know a lot of people in finance. good tip senpai, will look into it.
not viable then, I want to live in burgerland a little bit longer
Developer here. Don't go into comp-sci. The industry is cucked af. Plus if you're not into it, you will fail miserably.
How is it cucked? It sounds somewhat interesting to me, but I'm pretty new to computers in general.
So... mass manufacture housing?
Like you can take a cantina from the harbor, buy it , renovate it, and sell it super cheap to Goyim!
I'm not falling for (((their))) brainwashing, and I have little to no skills trade-wise. If I wanted to go down that path I would've gone to vocational school.
If you are worried about difficulty drop out while you still can. Fight for what you want in life or just give the fuck up.
3/10 bait
You are clueless, OP, but im in a good mood today so here is a little redpill for your goals:. Are you getting student loans? If yes, get the fuck out asap. Learn a trade (HVAC, welding, electrical engy, plumbing, carpentry, mechanic, machinist), start as an apprentice and work your way up, build a solid skillset and network. Show how hard working you are and people will notice you. A few years down the line you can start your own enterprise in that field and earn very good money.
you've already fallen for their brainwashing by thinking college was an option in the first place, and by thinking that you cannot learn a trade or some other traditional, white skillset. I don't blame you - (((they))) are subtle. But now you know, and you need to leave while you still can.
Why go to college if you arent in STEM?
> liberal arts
Nah you're fucked. Go for IT certs or trades.
Not getting student loans, half of my college tuition is already paid for through scholarships, the rest will be split between me and parents, but I've already amassed a bit of money plus I can still get scholarships as the years go on. Yes, I'm clueless, that's why I'm in college. I'm hoping to find something interesting to learn about and use for a career.
I know the "go to college" meme is over emphasized in our day in age but cmon, theres gotta be some potential where I'm at?
Please dont fall for the comp sci meme.
Source: Im a CS post grad student
Most dumbasses never graduate or end up in a helpdesk. The ones with at least some skill end up as a codemonkey, shitty pay and stressful work conditions as a freelancer though, they do have a lot of experience though.
If you have genuine interest in the field and some experience under your belt (microcontrollers, C language and some object oriented language, as well as some calculus and linear algebra you should be fine) Bear in mind that it is a rapidly evolving field and being able to learn new stuff fast and adapt is vital, hence why I said you should love the field.
Being Interest != Love
If you really want to do college route, pick business, suck the right dicks and network, join a student club and show your worth by organizing events or helping there.
I know people who've used their degrees to get stable and honest jobs?? Where's the explanation for their success
Comp Sci will land you a job below minimum wage because they can pay poos that wage. You will also never move up in your company because they have no reason to promote you.
It all depends on what you're good at, and what you enjoy. I deliberated for a long time on what I should do based on monetary needs, but eventually decided that I'd do something important: teach. I'm in the process of getting my Master's now, I plan to teach high school while working on my PhD. My mother is a teacher, and I greatly enjoy history. I'm also not a liberal piece of shit like most teachers so I can hopefully help those kids like me and my friends were who are right-wing and want someone to help reaffirm that, and to teach the whole of history, not just the parts Shlomo wants me to.
If you're really set on Comp Sci, then go for it, but take some classes on business management, and try to go for leadership roles, otherwise you'll be worth as much to employers as a street shitter 10,000 miles away. I know this sounds generic as fuck, but please do explore all your options and while money is certainly in the top 5 of concerns, it should not be the deciding factor for your career. It sounds gay as fuck, but try to think about the classes you took in high school that you enjoyed. Obviously, shit like art and PE are irrelevant, but if you really did enjoy literature, or writing, or math, or history, or whatever, there's always a career path for it, even if it won't make you as much money as some other options will. God knows I won't be making as much money as a teacher as I would with some other opportunities I had, but it's what I want to do, and I have no regrets, even if my pay was to get cut in half, because that's still plenty.
Why are you afraid of a challenge?
If you want ez-mode just quit college and become a NEET.
Just because it's liberal arts doesn't imply I'm going to major in African American studies or other cucky fields
they've collaborated with the jews. simple. no one ever said it couldn't pay well to throw your dignity and the future of the white race away. i suspect that's why most people do it.
If u are not good in math or physics forget.
Most redpilled jobs are trades, cuz they are cheap to get in(no college fees) and pay well since nobody doed them anymore.
Heck I know one probs 80 iq guy who is a welder and makes as much money as my cousin who is engineer.
Ofc they are physchial tougher, but at the end physchical jobs are always easier than regular desk ones, no stress, no ((big nose boss)) looking over your shoulders and less responsibility and tougher to replace.
Money is important to me but, like you, if I find a job that I truly feel gives my life purpose, I'll forget the cash. But haven't found that yet, and sure I was good at history and English but I can't imagine being a teacher, lawyer, or any other job that uses those skills. STEM has always seemed the most practical, and since I can't find a passion for shit atm, practicality is what I'm searching for.
CS depends on locale. I know 22 year olds fresh out of UNDERGRAD making 6 figures at Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Adobe, and more.
How the fuck is that bait? CS + Finance = Quant finance = I-Banking = BIG FUCKING BUCKS
Stop trying to fuck this kids life
Business IS the most practical.
We live in a capitalistic, business-driven economy. That's the most practical way to earn a living and contribute.
I agree, but isn't their an oversupply of business majors? The main reason I'm looking into comp sci is because I hear their is such a high demand for programmers, developers, etc.
Literally everything is oversupplied, but yes CS is good, but for how long is unknown.
1) Massive tech bubble
2) Massive importation of foreign workers
3) Massive influx of self-taught and growing numbers of graduates/programs every year.
Today's in-demand job is tomorrow's oversaturated market.
>tfw finland
>Flunked highschool and still got into 5 year engineering course(Uni ranked at 300)
>Government pays my education, healthcare
>Government pays me to study(800 euros gibs per month with much lower costs on everything thanks to Gov subsidies) (part of it is a loan that has zero interest and I have 30 years + I only have to pay part of it,70%)
>My rent costs me 100 bucks or so
>Basic things in life cost almost nothing to a student so Im free to blow the rest on booze, clothes and stockmarket
>I can just neetout while studying
Feels so fucking good man. Oh also I get to access transfer programs and stuff like going incredibly cheap holidays sponsored by companies. Well, those have competition but sometimes you get lucky and have a week off at oktoberfest or some shit
Feels so fucking good man. I cant even fathom how it is for americans
Medicine is the true alpha field. If you make it to MD everyone will instinctually understand that you are an important member of "the pack". Just tell someone you're an MD and watch as their eyes light up with admiration. Also they can park pretty much anywhere in the US if they have the MD license plates.
>>My rent costs me 100 bucks or so
t. halvin kämppä täällä kustantaa 200 vitun euroa eikä siinä ole edes omaa keittiötä
Hoping that poo in loo education is FAR inferior to my own though, but good point. Who knows, maybe I'll find something else
You just need to stay ahead, focus on a stack. Whatever the meme of the year is, learn it. Right now it's big data/machine learning, get on it lad.
300 euro gibs, 700 student loan a month. 280 to 400 euro for a room/apartment. Rest is pretty similar though. We could have been on your level without retarded immigration politics.
I calced in asuntotuki user, thats for a yksiö btw, not a shared flat
English, econ, history, poli sci -> lawyer
Biology, chemistry, biochemistry-> medical doctor
Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, physics -> engineer
Everything else is shit tier.
>I calced in asuntotuki
No sehän selittää. Peppukipuni ultimaattinen kulminaatio voikin sitten odottaa.
Quit immediately, get into the field you want to be in anyway through any means necessary and then make it.
Just like I did, faggot.
Yeah tell that to all the pajeet and nog MDs that infest western hospital. No one respects them.
The only alpha field is investment banking where you make more money than god. I can park anywhere i like because the fine is pittance to me, if my car gets towed I pay someone to collect it for me.
what do you do?
Take off the meme flag so we can see that you're a LARPing Romanian gybsy pig shit.
I'm doing compsci at a top 40 school. its hard as fuck, but you have to commit because its worth it.
You NEEEEED to do internships, and hopefully get into a co-op program. Co-ops can be taken during any year, and ive seen average people making 35 USD an hour in places like umass. Then they get promptly hired after graduating.
Being a genius or a rich faggot help, but working as hard as you can gets you the farthest, and will make YOU a rich faggot. Dont listen to the memes because those assume you are a lanky worm in the first place, like most people are.
Why? Can't make a decent counter argument because you're some stinking fisherman? The flag I post under is irrelevant.
If you study a science, make sure it is engineering-based or contains 'engineering' in its name. e.g. 'Chemical engineering' rather than 'Chemistry'. This is how to make the big bucks
Finance is a great field, but we both know you won't get the kind of universal respect that being a doctor does.
Being a doc is double-edged
Some people respect it, others get pretty snotty because they feel inadequate.
It's also this weird field where EVERYONE feels like they know as much as doctors because they took high school bio and some undergrad chem.
Like, nobody pretends they would be good at IT because they set up their internet at home, but everyone feels like they understand genetics because they watched le science man on tv talk about it
College is just going to waste your time with bullshit and strees and NO JOB. They dont teach you how to get a fucking JOB.
1. Run away from the humanities.
2. Don't study a foreign language.
Follow these 2 steps and it should be okay.
Trade school is good, but not for everyone. I'd only suggest it as an alternative to the good job STEM fields, like engineering or medicine, and over shitty majors like sociology, philosophy, etc.
This is why college gets a bad rep
You're educated so that you can fill multiple roles, progress through a CAREER, and be more productive with opportunities at upward mobility, in theory.
The problem is that it's not really appreciated in that regard anymore, because most employers are hiring for disposable jobs, and not careers.
Fair point. ALTHOUGH - there's plenty of people who think they're hot shit at IT because they installed Windows once.
t. worked at a computer repair shop
It would have been a perfect workplace if it weren't for the customers.
>Comp Sci will land you a job below minimum wage because they can pay poos that wage.
This is not true. Overseas contracting is low price,
but you get what you pay for.
Quality is low, it barely meets the specs, and it's hard to maintain and upgrade.
>You will also never move up in your company because they have no reason to promote you.
This is true. Unless you have a lot of social+business skills, most companies will pigeonhole you as a coder and it will be hard to get into the higher ranks.
>but working as hard as you can gets you the farthest, and will make YOU a rich faggot.
This is not really true.
Being a good compsci guy will buy you a nice house and comfortable lifestyle,
but to jump to the next level of RICH will take a different set of skills or some right-place-in-the-right-time luck.
It's not about "majors"
You have to understand you could be fucking John Locke the author of modernity.
And you would be failed for having the wrong viewpoint...
It is about discrimination. You need to find an objective course. This is usually STEM.
Or lie your ass off. (Which you will never do well or competently and will still receive poor marks).
Navigate nimbly user.
Yeah, rich is a totally different ball game. Very, very few jobs will make you 'rich', and it will never be quick. The only ways to 'get rich' is through investing, or being an owner and selling to someone else.
But you basically have to already have significant capital to invest with(rich family), or equity(already high value house) to get a business loan for either of those.
Further, software/CS is another route, but only if you're able to create a product or yugely successful website.
Interestingly, it's the less difficult stuff that has a big pay day. You're not going to get rich by writing compilers, you get rich with a shitty html/css website like Drudge, or a gay little app like snapchat
>Interestingly, it's the less difficult stuff that has a big pay day. You're not going to get rich by writing compilers, you get rich with a shitty html/css website like Drudge, or a gay little app like snapchat
I think this is generally true.
Most of the stuff that will get you rich in software involves mass market appeal and quick delivery.
So what's the verdict electronics engineering or finance?
Reddit is actually a good source for this stuff. Most engineering disciplines are trash at the moment, when it comes to employment.
Some posters are just disgruntled people, but you can see a clear trend in the comments.
Pharmaceuticals nigga
A lot of students don't really understand that "hard" != well paid, lucrative or high employability. Same is true in the working world, in fact it's usually the inverse.
The hardest workers get paid the least, the least hardest get the most.
Finance if you want the potential for big money and to eventually be treated well by your company.
EE if you really love EE and see yourself still being a cubicle dweller into middle age.
What do financefags do anyway? Trade stocks/cryptocurrency?
Excel spreadsheets and suck cock
t. financial analyst
A fun aside:
I took a stats class one time, a topic that came up was salary trends.
Students from poorer families target the harder sciences and disciplines because they think it's how to get ahead in life, that it's what their parents were missing. As we all should know now, that harder sciences pay less on average than many easier majors.
Another interesting wrinkle, is that the income of students tended to correlate strongest with the income of their parents regardless of major.
So then, my analysis of that is that it's connections, networking, nepotism that determines your career growth and salary, more so than individual intellect or choice of major.
So David the theoretical physics major with a 4.0, with a dad in construction will make less than Steven the marketing major with a 2.2 whose dad is a senior partner somewhere.
>going to (((((((((((((((college)))))))))))))))))))
Why not just hit up a trade school and not throw your money into Dr. Shekelsteinowitzberg liberal research fund?
The field is wide open, from being a low-level accountant to being a portfolio manager of $millions.
My best friend's brother has a financial degree, and he is the VP of a bank you have heard of after becoming wealthy on the stock market.
>Another interesting wrinkle, is that the income of students tended to correlate strongest with the income of their parents regardless of major.
>So then, my analysis of that is that it's connections, networking, nepotism that determines your career growth and salary, more so than individual intellect or choice of major.
I agree, but there is another factor:
having wealthy parents allows someone to take riskier jobs that have the potential to pay better. For example, joining a startup company that could fold leaving you jobless, but might pay off big time.
I was a silicon valley compsci guy and I saw this all the time -
peers that were supported by their parents were able to absorb the frequent setbacks of working for startups, such as not getting a paycheck,
while others that needed a job to get by had to stick with more stable companies that merely paid a comfortable wage.
That's a great point, further evidence of this is seen in internships. Wealthy kids can afford to take the unpaid internships at potentially prestigious companies, while poor kids end up working campus jobs for a low wages and far less prestige.
Well I guess I'll listen to Sup Forums again. It's had a 50% success rate in the past.
Do some soul searching kid, don't let us tell you what to do. If you love engineering, go be an engineer. Regardless, no path is easy, so do what you enjoy. You might find out you don't enjoy it in ten years, but you at least pursued a dream.
Because some people actually want to make more than 80k/yr when they're 40
Do comp sci. Pay is great and will pay off any student loans no problem. Student loans are demonized anywhere there are brains, but they're worth it if you can pay them off in two or three years and a decent software engineering job does that.
>it sounds hard
don't be a pussy. You will never grow if you don't challenge yourself. Sack up and if you're interested then do it.
My brother-in-law had a trade job, by 40 he turned it into a self-employed business and now he's making bank. But his back hurts like hell and he doesn't have as much time or energy to enjoy life as a white collar worker would.
Really I want to start my own business making waifubots
Well, robotics IS going to take off soon. It sounds interesting and fun, I'd say it's worth the risk.
But everyone in Israel is doctor or banker right?
Everyone goes to college it seems so it doesnt mean as much anymore
>it seems
Less than 1/3 of the population has a bachelor's degree or higher, and a lot of those are from shit schools