Apparently a lot of you think jews are using presidents and such as puppets to control society
How? Are they smarter? Does that mean us whites aren't the supreme race?
How did jews get control of society?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews control money through usury and currency manipulation. Talking heads on political posts dont have any real power compared to those who control the money.
By jewing everyone else.
They have a high average IQ through selective breeding. They use nepotism as an in group strategy to gain power for themselves.
We're not better than anyone but we have a right to self determination in our homelands without importing the rest of the world.
Some of you dogs are saying that fleas are why we itch all the time and are drinking our blood. Are they smarter? Does that mean we aren't the superior species?
Nepotism. Let's use Disney as an example. Walt Disney was, as the kikes love to kvetch about, very anti-semitic. He didn't like the jews because he wanted to make wholesome family entertainment steeped in european tradition, whereas the kikes loved to push degeneracy. He made sure to keep them out.
Fast forward to today, and Disney's company is totally controlled by the jews. How did this happen? Well after Walt died, others in the family took it over who weren't as keen on the JQ as he was. And at some point, Moishe was able to claw his way onto the board of directors. And then when the board needed a new member, Moishe advocated for his good buddy, Shlomo. And then Moishe and Shlomo both advocate for their cousin Shmuel. This continues, with the Jews using their increasing weight to push for more jews, and it leads to a positive feedback loop until the entire thing is kiked-out from top to bottom.
The general rule of thumb is that ANYTHING THAT IS NOT EXPLICITLY ANTI-SEMITIC WILL END UP GETTING TAKEN OVER BY JEWS. If you don't watch out for them, they'll take you over. Every single time.
Whites might be the master race.
But the finest of dog breeds is mostly less fit to lead compared to a human.
>goy wants to buy expensive thing but doesn't have the money
>jew offers loan with comically high interest rate
>goy takes loan without reading contract
>goy ends up in debt
> blames jew for enabling their degenerate lack of self control
While they operate on being insular ethnocentric, Whites operate on slit your own throat for other races cuckstianity cumbiya eveyrone god's children. Whites an easy out with this recipe.
Cunning and cruelty (I make exceptions here for the good Jews) are not evidence of superiority. If the way you get to the top is by preferring your own kind, and excluding the society that took you in and nurtured you; if you even take measures actively to harm that host population, you are simply villainous, and got where you are by treachery. People are becoming more and more aware of Zionist supremacism and ethnocentricism, and it will not be long before the world puts its foot down and brings it to a permanent close. Then who will dare to call them clever? Pride comes before a fall.
>We're not better than anyone
spics and niggers your equal eh?
hide thread and move on. Fucking ANTIFA tactics of destroying Sup Forums
They are greedier, lack conscience and don't mind killing everything for their own gain and profit. Whites are more altruistic, naive and don't think about ruling others as much.
Brits fell for liberalism once and are now paying the toll for it. Kikes have now started boasting about it as usual. It's pretty standard procedure so far and the statistical eighty years until the next heeb purging are almost up anyway. The only annoying thing is that the Anglo blood-traitor technically is a Germanic. The shame on our line will most likely never end.
They gotbwhere they are by passing down effective knowledge from the kabbalah. Once the best of us have a doctrine that is just as effective we will balance out the power. In the mean time, gas these motherfuckers!
conspiracy of interests
They invented (((Christianity))) and (((Marxism))).
They control dollar printing machine.
They are smarter than you.
All they need is endless power and control on their host nation.
>importing the rest of the world
hypocritical much?
Venezuela or some war-torn middle east shithole FTW
Jews control society?? They sound based as fuck.
they pretend to be white..they're like wolves in sheep clothing
imagine if pic related was all blacks..more eyebrows would be raised
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
jew logic everyone
point and laf
Jews are smarter
They're just eviler
I'm surprised that is a real word... huh.
Plodding, witless, colorblind Anglos only saw individuals, while the Jews saw groups. As a result, the Jews outmaneuvered the Anglos in critical institutions. This happened in the mid-1900s.
Just a reminder to sage and hide