Millennial Woes DESTROYS Sargoy Of Cuckold
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Really want to see these two in another hangout together, Sargon is clearly hiding his true feelings about whites in his recent videos.
a fat unwashed neet that lives with his parents isnt destroying anyone m8
sorry but that guy is a liability to your cause. you need more jared taylor types not people like this clown.
Sargon doesn't really care about what happens to the white race per say since he's an individualist, but he also wants stricter immigration policies for different reasons, and these policies will be implicitly pro-white regardless.
I honestly don't get the point of this recent demonization of civic nationalists and the strawman about how "they'd be fine with being replaced by brown people as long as they believe in freedumb xP". Of course we want white majority countries to remain while, we never said otherwise and we've made that pretty fucking clear from the beginning. We just don't think we necessarily need to have an all-white ethnostate and literally kick out every single brown person who was born in our countries.
Also Sargon's also only started making these kinds of "Nazis are bad" videos because of trolls who show up in his comments and attack him for not being extreme enough.
Millennial Woes, always /comfy/ as fuck. His soft Scottish accent always calms me down, no homo.
That being said, someone like Ryan Faulk or Mike Enoch would present a far stronger case against Sargoy's shit-tier individualist liberalism in a 1on1 debate.
>Of course we want white majority countries to remain while
why do you care?
He's right. Woes doesn't project success.
based Woesy
Both are needed, you are not.
I thought millennial woes was a girl
Civic nationalism doesn't work, that is why it's mocked. Civic nationalism relies on blank slate theory, which is liberal bullshit
They did a 6 hour hang out debate before.
>Fat Scottish NEET with a drinking problems makes a video on his homosexual adventures in art college.
Woes can be spooky
You're thinking of Roaming Millennial
Because I'm a race realist who realizes that western culture is indeed tied to white people? That doesn't mean I don't have nonwhite friends who I know love this country, were born here, see it as their home, and will have a positive effect on society through their contributions.
Read my post again, I said I want to maintain a white majority.
yeah thanks for the clarification
>Of course we want white majority countries to remain white
But you pursue policies which undermine that. That's why everyone says you're stupid. It's not demonization, it's observation.
I read your post, I'm saying being civic is not enough to do so.
Once you let 2 brown people in they can have 10 kids and there's nothing you can do to stop that. They will just out breed you and take over. Either you oppose multiracialism or you accept you have no control of the demographics and high intelligence couples will have less kids (white, asians)
>have nonwhite friends
you are part of the problem, stop mixing with those shitskins. You won't be happy when you find your wife getting fucked by your nigger friend, unless you are into that.
>the phone call that saved glass-bottled coke
>That doesn't mean I don't have nonwhite friends who I know love this country, were born here, see it as their home, and will have a positive effect on society through their contributions.
Then why not just have 100% non-white people do that?
Civic Nationalism doesn't work because it requires tabula rasa to apply to the nation as well. A black will never understand what it means to be English, because he will never be English. He looks back at at European nation's history and sees people that don't look, sound, or act like him. Add into that that a non-ethnic is often on the receiving end of a nation's glory. We don't have to worry about the opinions of the French when erecting monuments to Trafalgar, but we would if we suddenly became 20% French and those French wanted to remain living as Frenchmen (which they should).
jordan peterson and brian oneal are also guilty of this shit.
its easy to be an individualist in a perfect world when no one is undermining your culture or identity.
racial thinking is just a part of humanity, stop denying it
welcome to /brit/ where we suck off e-celebs that have the american corporate dick up their ass
Ultimately politics is a game of large-scale movements, playing on the sidelines doesn't achieve anything. If you don't defend white interests explicitly, they will die out. Overly intellectual babble with caveats every other sentence doesn't achieve anything, but only makes white interests seem even more marginalised; when our only defenders are mealy-mouthed cowards.
This weakness is what has enabled the left to ratchet the debate and continue to pull the right's arguments further and further to the left.
By all means defend non-white interests when we finally have the power to decide our future. But that choice is not ours to make until we have an identity and are prepared to act in our own interest.
TLDR: Until whites are in a position to defend themselves, your arguments only further ensure thier destruction, you're playing the middle ground in a rigged game.
What policies? Stricter fucking immigration laws? Mass deportation of illegals? For fuck's sake, sometimes I wonder where you get these baseless ideas from.
I'm fairly certain blacks weren't outbreeding whites in America back when it was 90% white. That's what I want to return to.
This is the ultimate come away from this video.
>tfw Enoch Powell would have destroyed Sargon so badly he would have cried for 10 minutes and started rounding up muslims
Where the fuck are our great minds?
enoch, while a strong critic of neoliberalism, can be baited on nigger-tier topics like holocaust denial
>If you don't defend white interests explicitly, they will die out.
You don't fucking understand, I am defending white interests, and so is Sargon by proxy. You think we actually want to take in endless waves of third world immigrants? You think I don't know the consequences of mass demographic replacement? I'm literally on your side and it only took one fucking Murdoch Murdoch video and a bunch of leftypol shilling for you to be clawing at my throat.
I love the video of old Enoch.
>"What's wrong with racism? Race is the basis of a nationality."
Right so you want white majority countries but you don't want to kick brown people out ?
Which is it because by birth rates alone they would become the majority within 60 years. The alt-right has never asked for a 100% white country, they have also made this clear from the start. You think shutting the borders would work but it wouldn't, you have to go further than that and look into cutting welfare, offering incentives for them to go home. Put the power of the law back on the side of the natives etc...
This would NEVER be able to happen with civic nationalists because you don't allow yourselves to see race. This is why we have been calling you naive tossers for so long.
You're not on our side because you're still taking the cuck line of "w-w-well as long as they follow the law and are nice people."
We don't just need laws to stop non-white immigration we also need laws that privilege whites over other races.
Wow. Sargon got destroyed.
I agree, a homogeneous society is the only society in which the individual can supercede the collective, having to be aware of group loyalty is a sign of a fracturing society where people start to draw lines to fight for their group interests. It isn't something that can be intellectualised away with high-minded ideals, especially ones based on false premises like classical liberalism
Yeah man that one is great.
It makes me sad to see him old and still ridiculed despite being right on every count, though.
RIP Enoch. You were too good for us
Hillary Clinton and Shia le bouf disagree
Hope you're doing okay Woes x
I do want to kick brown people out, just not every single one. Like I said, I understand the importance of having a white majority, but I still don't use race to judge people ad individuals. I don't know if that makes me a civic or a white nationalist, or if I'm somewhere in between. But I think that's essentially what Sargon wants too even if he's totally race-blind.
>fighting identity politics with identity politics
He's got an inverse Hitler stache.
Also none of the "founding fathers" of classical liberalism were blind to race.
Woes is better than Taylor imo
Woes is much more sincere and thought provoking, Jared is like a red pill vending machine that doesn't require coins or a button press
>we also need laws that privilege whites over other races
Breeding incentives for whites? Incentives for nonwhites to not breed or return to their homelands? These are all things I'd support. I'd just like to avoid unnecessary violence because at heart I don't believe in racial superiority or purity.
Identity is the foundation of a nation. It's why European nations use the same word for the ethnic group, the language, and the nation itself. If you took all the Germans out of Germany and gave them another language, what would the nation be called?
>just not every single one
So what's your criteria?
>We just don't think we necessarily need to have an all-white ethnostate and literally kick out every single brown person who was born in our countries
Thats a strawman. No one wants to kick out native non whites.
i do
You can't avoid violence now. There's too many other ethnic groups competing for limited resources. Only violence, "the sire of all the world's values", will solve this.
This misunderstands the imminence of the threat, stricter immigration policies and deportations of illegal or criminal immigrants would've worked a few decades ago when the problem wasn't so dire, but even if you stopped immigration entirely all it'd do would slow down how quickly we became a minority by a couple of decades. I agree that all we can do at the moment is implicitly pro-white policies but the grass roots needs to be explicitly pro-white
Pick fucking one.
Native means born here.
Also there's too many non-whites, and race-blind whites, to ever do such a thing in a democratic system.
>muh magic soil
I just want the white race to survive and ultimately thrive ... don't you?
That's a lovely platitude, when an army invades do you send your own army to repel them or are you going to start saying don't fight fire with fire? Fuckwit
>So what's your criteria?
Successful Ben Carson or Morgan Freeman types, mixed-race people, and the cast of HWNDU would get to stay.
Violence is inevitable in Europe, but I think violence can be avoided or at least mitigated in America, or at least it can be restricted to the cities and ghettos.
>No one wants to kick out native non whites.
Wtf! Of course they were.
Blacks pop out kids like rabbits because they are R-selected.
>born here
>Anchor baby born in American Soiil
This is what kills America
I mean born to parents who were there legally.
Jus Soli doesn't make someone native.
Most of them were confined to their own little ghettos, though. They barely mingled with the general population, so even if they bred faster than whites they could still be contained.
No, you engage them in a rational debate about why they shouldn't conquer you and plunder your nation.
>Successful Ben Carson or Morgan Freeman types, mixed-race people, and the cast of HWNDU would get to stay.
How would you gauge that at the border?
And you'll only avoid violence in America if you can get the millions to willingly move to assigned ethno-states. Which will never happen because everyone will want the most successful and resource-rich parts.
You passive little bellend.
Isn't this guy a literal faggot?
Why would I listen to a literal faggot?
His hair looks better like that than the golliwog teir he normally has
>How would you gauge that at the border?
IQ and literacy tests? It isn't that fucking hard.
>breaking news
>one youtube loudmouth destroys another
>people should dedicate their time to this!
You listened to your dad, didn't you?
>and so is Sargon by proxy.
This confuses me though, why is he 'defending white interests'? I've yet to hear an explanation for why Sargon would want a country like Britain to remain white. The closest thing I've seen him talk about is the supremacy of Western/British culture and the need to preserve it but that in no way requires whites to remain a majority in order to achieve. A community of 'British' Indians could fulfill those requirements.
The only logical conclusion I can find to explain any preference for whites that he may have is that it simply makes it easier to preserve the culture in the short term. I'd hesitate to call that defending white interests.
New woes video
>I mean born to parents who were there legally
You know that doesn't happens in America m8
In his latest video he explicitly stated that he wants to limit mass immigration and deport illegals. That's about as pro-white as we can get at this point in time. He's a classical liberal, so he obviously hates fanatical religious Muslims and wants them out of his country.
A lot of the pakis are born here. Doesn't stop the vast majority of them being scum though does it
What about fanatical religious Muslims that obeyed the law?
It is, because even Australia is having trouble keeping the non-whites out.
Look at this young Saudi Arabian kid.
Sounds retarded when you've not been brainwashed to believe it doesn't it
I think his guts telling him he should be pro-white but he doesn't want to give up the principles he's espoused for years so he's trying to work being pro-white into a liberal framework and what's come out is some wishy-washy compromised ideas with no real foundation. That's the feeling I get from a lot of civic nationalists
Even if you think that, I can tell by the level of discourse here and on other sites that this will not be the end result. The Jared Taylor sentiment will inevitably transform into an Andrew Anglin / Weev sentiment and it's impossible to stop. I already constantly see people on the right toying with the idea of killing people en masse. The right will eventually become as totalitarian as the left is right now.
>hush... sargoy just doesn't want to go full 14 88 yet, my fellow goys
how delusional can you get?
>sargoy just doesn't want to go full 14 88 yet
He doesn't want to go 88 at all, and neither do I. 14 is fine.
There's nothing totalitarian about wanting your group to survive over the other. Non-whites admit this, why don't you?
He's a quadroon himself and he has a black stepdaughter. He's legitimately worried that these people will try to slaughter him and his children, and I can't say I really blame him given the kind of rhetoric some of them espouse. debate them ? What ? Is that a treadue quote or something ?
What fucking planet are you on son ?
Sargon of Mossad is a cuck and a nigger lover.
There's no such thing as 'the right' or the left'. Its a spectrum. I don't understand why you think the extreme ends of the spectrum would dominate.
All that a points-based immigration system does is keep out the detritus, you get to be replaced by Southeast Asians and Indians instead of Africans and Arabs. At best it's just a more peaceful way to go.
I still have no doubt that he feels white and he feels English and the natural urge is to want to defend your group when it's under threat
It was sarcasm, you numpty.
So you want to preserve white people and have them thrive, but don't want laws or cultural norms that benefit them in any way?
Great argrument m8, but my guess is you're a fat neet, so you can't destroy anyone either.
>Right so you want white majority countries but you don't want to kick brown people out ?
This. It's just completely inconsistent, either you have a problem with them or you don't. If you don't, why do you want to keep the majority white?
If you do, why do you insist on keeping any of them around?
>I don't like it when my dog shits on the carpet but I always leave one turd on there when I clean up
Do you want to mass murder innocent people? Because in the case of such an insurrection my moral compass would tell me that you're a terrorist and that I should be trying to stop you. And I know I'm not alone here.
It's certainly a step in the direction that most of us want Western countries to move.
My concern with his reasoning is that a situation with enough palatable immigrants will provide him little reason to continue to limit immigration. Being replaced by westernized immigrants is little better for whites/local ethnicities than by a tidal wave of Africans.
He doesn't live with his parents, he lives outside the country because he got doxxed
>I don't understand why you think the extreme ends of the spectrum would dominate.
Because I'm literally seeing it happen right now. The feel-good left-libertarian nihilism of the 90s eventually turned into the authoritarian globalist establishment we have today, and in the first time since Weinmar Germany we're seeing literal communist groups start to rise up. And they're being ENDORSED by the establishment.
Politics always gravitates towards extremes until the pendulum starts to swing back, and I don't see how the right would be any different.
>don't want laws or cultural norms that benefit them in any way
I already said that I did. You're either not reading my posts or you're trying to attack me through things I literally never said.
Look at what's happening in South Africa, and what happened in Rhodesia, if you want a vision of the future of our countries. What makes you think those who wish what we have will be peaceful once they have the power to take it by force?
This could have been done peacefully a few decades ago, but it's too late for that now. You must choose either a slow and peaceful decline into disenfranchisement in our former homelands, or exhibit a desire to assert dominance of the culture and the country for your own people.
If blacks weren't out breeding whites how do you go from 90% to almost 50%? Did the whites just mass suicide?
Like woes said in the video. His ideas would be well and good 100 years ago, not now though. Muslims, orientals, Jews and blacks will never see themselves as individuals like whites are doing right now.
Like someone said here and I hope it's true, shitskins will ultimately save the white race. Hopefully once this is done we see ourselves as a group and make sure WW3 is us against them.
I hope it happens in my lifetime
Why would it be any different? "Stark violence is still the sire of all the world's values."