So "much" for the conserative white women


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Honestly I'm not even worried


>So "much" for
what does that even mean you retard?

That's that well versed kid Alex had on his show who was yelling at protesters during Trump's inauguration. It's probably just a fan photo.

Conservatives are just an anti-White as Liberals.

literally who?


He's a nice looking goy


Literally just a trojan horse for the globalists these days


It happens!

Well, conservatives are ones who are against killing future BASED black men.

I'm starting to think being conservative just means your a centrist that likes history.

She's already fucked at least one black guy, this was pretty much confirmed in 2016.

>Well, conservatives are ones who are against killing future BASED black men.
There can't ever be "based" black men.

One White child's life is not worth a million nigger abortions.

Conservatives would support massive non-White immigration into White countries, just as long as it was legal.

Why do so many "proud white women" end up marrying Niggers or Spics? Is that a byproduct of a huge inferiority complex or something that propels them to burn coal? I've seen this a lot, even with those in my own family. How does the sheer irony of it not kill them?



Say what you want about leftists women but these are clearly not into black men. it's very rare to see a leftist women with a black men. it's always the so-called conserative "proud" white women.

>I've seen this a lot, even with those in my own family.
Story time

The bitch does it for attention.

Most girls are apolitical or, if they are political, are left-wing. She knows that pretending to be conservative will distinguish her from other girls and will get her attention. In other words, typical female behaviour.

I used to think it was a stupid meme, but white sharia is seeming more attractive each day.


Based black man.


tfw all the white conservative women just want to be blacked, just as all the qt liberal feminists want a nazi to tie them up and fuck them raw

women are the true degenerates

Most women hate themselves. Nearly everything they do in life indicates this. They are weak with zero self esteem and have to come to terms with being a receiver. I mean just imagine being a woman for a moment. Scary thought huh?

lolol look another shill thread

Dyed blonde hair, especially platinum blonde one, is a major warning sign that a woman is a coalburning nigger slut. They instinctively know niggers like blonde hair as it is the ultimate sign of whiteness and act accordingly.

Racial fetish.


she pretty much disappeared after getting fired from the blaze

good riddance

The photo isn't Lahren you shill faggots.

lmao All of these right wing women that are paraded around are dating niggers, street shitters or jews.

Lauren Southern is a notorious curry burner. Britney Pettiboner has only dated asian men. Tara Mcarthy is dating a jewish man

They all babble on about muh culture and how everyone should have kids, yet these women are all childnless, hedonist, nigger loving thots.

You niggers and stormfags are the worst. This guy looks like a perfectly respectable American, who gives a fuck if she's dating him.

Compared to the retarded leftist niggers and cry baby whites who hang our here that guy is probably exceptional.

tomi a shit
we've always known this

Based black man like based Jews. Conservatives conserve nothing at all.

If you're representative of your average whites I really can't blame them for fucking non whites kek. No idea why anyone would fuck a poo or a chink though when blacks are superior.

>Britney Pettiboner has only dated asian men.



Not confirmed at all. She just refused to answer that loaded question. Fuck off muhammed

>Following or caring about ecelebs

Haven't we all suspected this for a few years now? I've never liked her anyways so I don't really care.

Huh? This is her.

>Listening to any makeup caked dyed hair "conservative" whore
If you want actual opinion or accurate news watch a man, if you want to masturbate look at naked women.

lmao get a load of this cuck

Robowaifus are the better option

That lady looks like the south park version of Bruce Jenner

Orgasm can only be reached by intercourse with a black man.

At least this is what they teach here in Europe. Apprently applies for both men and women.

literally who?


Why does no one like Millenial Millie? She has great bozangas

There's not even a picture of them kissing. The only thing that was shown was that particular picture from a party or a wedding or whatever the fuck.
Searching for it only shows liberal gossip sites talking about it aswell, that particular picture.

Get the fuck out of here TMZ.

This isn't news. Everyone already knew she was a nigger lover.

the absolute state of her vagina

Isn't she a to the bone cuckservative? This sort of shit gets their rocks off, John McCain's probably jealous

Reality writes itself.

She was classic psycho-op like the other one with leaked negro cock suck video.

>attractive blond woman larping about white nationalism and white genocide
>make white nationalists follow her and put her on pedestal
>crush their morale by pairing her with negro

lol you Sup Forums cucks keep getting cucked, no wonder you're so mad

>a literal 6/10 at max brain potential
yeah, go ahead and off yourself lauren, you aint that cute.

8 inches>5 inches
average black penis is bigger than white penis so it's natural all women no matter the race will desire a nigger over a whiteboi. sex is all that matters and bigger dick = better sex


Basically, a female relative (I won't specify the exact relationship) expresses white pride and patriotism for our country of origin to the point where you'd assume that she'd be in a relationship with a male of that ethnic group. She wears clothing with symbols/emblems of our country's national football team, writes nationalistic posts on social media, always talks about how proud she is to be from that place, yet she's been in a relationship with an ugly mongrel Central American Spic for years now. She was adamantly against the EU's decision to take in millions of Middle Eastern refugees, is aware of Europe's declining birth rates (thanks to me), has shown disdain for Hispanics and Niggers at times, but fucks around with some loser Mexican guy anyway. She also acts like a typical hoodlum bix nood bitch whenever she's upset. It makes no sense whatsoever, her entire worldview contradicts her lifestyle choices. How can you claim to be such a proponent for white causes if you yourself are contributing to its downfall? I think she's either suffering from a crippling inferiority complex (because she knows non-Whites pedestalize our women and she constantly wants the Mexican's undivided attention) or is just really stupid or both. No one in the family supports her decision. Women are fucking retarded, man.
Pretty much this. Women need to be put in their place by men. It's partially our fault for not protecting them from themselves.

Based black guys have to take over and guerillafy the world. Once all the nuclear reactors collapse, they will be mutated. Us jews will live in the dome bubble, protected.

This is why women shouldn't vote.

This is why women's rights should be extremely limited.

This is why women shouldn't have free speech

You can't argue with this. Deal with it.

don't forget coulter and that infowars woman

and sinead

This is what virgins think.

With my glasses off I can't tell the difference between the two sides

My, what a (((large nose))) she has. All the better to subvert us with? It seems to be a trend over there at (((the rebel))) to hire """conservative""' coalburners. It's almost like they have a hidden agenda underneath all their obnoxious Muslim baiting

Yea. They all are, its ridiculous

They essentially want to be pedestalized by someone lower in status than themselves. They know deep inside that non-White are inferior beings in comparison to Whites, but they also know that they're much more likely to allow themselves to be cucked/bend to the will of a white woman than say a Chad or Omega white guy, as Nigger and Spic communities respectfully see having a white GF as something amazing. They're both doing it for attention. The white slut for the non-white's undivided attention/borderline worship and the non-white treating her as a trophy to show off to his fellow non-white. They objectify each other.

>conservative girl trying to make an image of herself
>asked if she dates blacks
>says no
>career over

What was she suppose to say? So now niggers can ask white girls if they will date blacks and if they dodge the question to not appear racist that means they coalburn?

FUck these stupid gossipy niggers and also fuck tomi lahren that fake bitch go hang out wiht more niggers

>with an ugly mongrel Central American Spic
meh, could be worse

good thing she proved she's not a racist

They don't. I don't know any white women married to niggers

Lana is way prettier than Lauren IMO and has more hardcore opinions

He seems pretty based.

I wonder how much black cock Lauren has stuffed in her pussy as well.

Well, consider yourself lucky, Hans.

Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girlfriends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever.A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2017, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.

Nobody teaches that in Europe you colossal cuck-fantasizing fag

Don't forget Roaming Millennial who has a half black boyfriend.


shoo shoo, leaf

What is your non-white race percentages at in Germany anyways? I can't imagine it being too high just yet.
It's pretty common to see in diverse areas in America... Though they are rarely married (they're either dating or single mothers).

You do realize that black gays are like, exponentially more likely to be HIV positive right? In my city literally 1 in 5 black gay men are HIV positive compared to 1 in 25 white gay men.

I literally hope you get AIDS and have to live with your shitty decisions the rest of your life

Which one?

>nigger lover

Checks out



If you give your daughter a boys name and put an i on the end of it you should expect her to become a stripper. at least she didn't go that far

Heres a redpill for ya Sup Forums, whenever a woman is very pro-her race, shes actually craving the dick of an opposing race. Think of all those BLM chicks that end up being married to/dating white guys. Thet black girl who interupted bernies rally, that one woman for MTV News always crying about racism, and that one woman on cable news that said star wars was racist. All three of them take white cock.

Why is it any surprise when white women who are all about 'the cause' end up fiending black cock?

>the cause

You mean neoconservatism lol?



>Thet black girl who interupted bernies rally, that one woman for MTV News always crying about racism, and that one woman on cable news that said star wars was racist. All three of them take white cock.
Them feigning racial pride is just an egregious attempt to mask his inferiority complex and garner attention for themselves. The same thing can be said for a lot of guys on Sup Forums. They'd jump on the opportunity to date or be in a relationship with a decent looking mulatto, Asian, or sandrat if they could.

Implying she is right wing, and she isn't white either.
Don't let all that makeup fool you nigger.

>bigger dick = better sex

If that were true all women would use cucumbers and not even bother with a real man.

>poses for picture with someone in a public place with lots of other people posing with other people.

GTFO you faggot. pic related - you

Women will always crave what is forbidden. All WN women long for nigger deck in secrecy, when she closes her eyes and looks away from you, it's Tyrone that she's thinking of.

>said i was gay

>lol ur gay

top tier burger banter.

Considering a good amount of women fuck actual dogs I'd say what gets women off is completely irrelevant and disgusting.

Men are allowed to date outside their race... Women can't (shouldn't). For men it's just more important that they have children with white women.

Leave white women alone. We get all the successful non-white women.

Why do white men post this shit?

>canadian flag

o-oh... carry on then

Who cares, it's not like you guys are Chad enough for her anyway.