Nazis & Alt-Right just die

Literally just kill yourselves. You guys hate the free market and individualism. Racial collectivism is just as cancerous as political collectivism on the Left. Fucking fags

>having a sense of community is bad



alright, good luck being an individual and selling people your shit in a world full of savages

No U


Individualism is a group inheritance, its success depends on the characteristics of the genetic population and so far its only been able to work in Northwest European populations and their descendants in the New World. The fact that individualism is actually an expression of Northwest Europeans genetics is maybe the funniest trick nature ever played on a people.

Good luck though, as all the healthy, ethnocentric people of the world continue to reproduce and take advantage of your inability to organize as a coherent opposition

u mad fgt

To take this a step farther, we all know many whites have been largely deracinated. So, next step, its time to deracinate blacks and latinos. Go tell them its time to become Universal Persons and to stop identifying with their skin colour, I'll wait

We hate free market?

Are you retarded?

i will fite u poindexter & i will kikc ur ass
mr poo poo face nig nog man
fite me fagit

Ya we all know this is a real libertarian.

Alt-Right contains classic liberals and libertarians, user.

Many just realize that those 2 work better with ethnonationalism.

That's the joke dweeb.

Political collectivism is racial collectivism.

Look at voting demographics.

Communism and Socialism is cancer if implimented in a multi-cultural, equal society because everyone has a say and they are going to turn into a self serving weapon rather than one that benefits all.

But maybe in a racial homogenous community where everyone has the same values, goals and ideal it might stand a better chance?

I personally love the free market and limited government because I think that's the most achievable in our current reality and my family and children would benefit from it the most. Maybe if I wasn't surrounded by chinks and nogs I'd have a different opinion.


God....Hillary used to be so hott.

Ahhhhh... NO

Be angry cunt I don't care

>made in china

Nice touch

Also Nazi larpers love to he hated, you won't get through to them this way

Stop being a faggot and join our glorious collective.

>t. meme flag Schlomo

Free market is cool
But niggers and jews are not
That's why I'm an anarcho-nazi

Divide the right shill detected.


>muh profits
Fuck off kike. Laissez Faire capitalism only leads to Communism. Ancaps have more in common with commies than we do. They are both jews after all

>everyone I don't like is a jew

>capitalism leads to communism
>anyone who isn't a nazi is a jew

You fucks are seriously just as delusional as the commies. Next you'll be telling us that "Real Nazism has never been tried."

>>capitalism leads to communism
>not a step in achieving full blown communism
Listen up dumb fuck. Marx was not an anti capitalist. He supported it. He saw as a step above feudalism and a necessary step in achieving communism. Capitalism is needed to build the technology and industrial advancements that will be used in the next step in the commie process, Socialism.
Laissez Faire capitalism also does a dew things that smooths the process is achieving marxism. And that is the following
>Opens up borders
Yes corporations love cheap labor
>Free trade
Leads to a more globalized world. Which is what communism wants
>Pisses off workers
Keynesian and mixed market economies protect workers so they would revolt and kill the rich. But under libertarians during bad times when people are starving their only solution is to "wait out until the recession ends lol". This is when workers and poor people say fuck it and go full blown marx. This is why Commies hate reformists. They call them bourgeois socialists. And Marx hated them because they dont destroy the rich they just make like so comfortable for workers that they dont feel the need to revolt. They also hate fascists because their nationalist views put a road block towards the internationalism commies want. But you never hear commies cry much about Libertarians because you guys create conditions that make a commie revolution possible. Damn retards

failed yet another suicide, again, Literally?

Give in, user

Open your eyes OP, I didnt hate fucking niggers until I got a job working directly with them.

Stop believing the horseshit the media jews are feeding you. They are not equal.They hate us more than we hate them, and they hated us first.