Hatred of jews is irrationa-
Hatred of jews is irrationa-
>I distinctly heard him say ‘Jew’. He said, ‘Jew want something to eat?’ He said ‘Jew’!
They're parasites.
They're basically admitting it now.
I find it amusing that they pretend to misunderstand.
Jewish honesty is the bane of their existence. Their unabashed hatred for the goy will be their undoing. They're doing our work for us.
Their holy texts speak of 1000 goyim slaves for every devout Jew.
Jews are successfu-
The idea goes Jews are replacing whites with various shades of chocolate people, not literally taking the place of whites.
>tfw your so stupid and arrogant your prove your enemy right for him.
but he walked Bob Dylan on stage in '76!
Those brown people especially Catholics do not like Jewish Talmud or Zionists. Silent Majority is waking up.
They play dumb. Typical.
Since you cropped out where this is from and who wrote it, I'm guessing this wasn't written by a Jew. Otherwise big if true.
BASED black people. We should speed up the rate at which whites are replaced with niggs. That will show the kikes!
look at this shylock
Holy shit. The author is a fucking Rhodes Scholar. This isnt some nobody. And the publication is pro-jewish.
> To some Jews, these proposals might sound bizarre, even offensive. We’re supposed to help people who want us dead? What about all those non-Nazis who face economic and cultural problems? Don’t they have a better claim on our concern?
Read more: forward.com
> "We"
He IS jewish and genuinely saying these things wow
This is how Jews feel too, they openly admit they are the 1%, the elites, the higher echelon of society all while claiming whites are the ones pulling the strings.
Jews run America, if you think America is a racist or unfair then why the fuck would you side with kikes? Any communists want to answer this?
Jews are SoCroaches it stands for Synagogue of Cancer
Look at the second post, retard
Please don't tell me that's edited
Commies and the left in general are useful idiots for (((global capitalism))). The fact that they don't realize this really speaks volumes about their intelligence.
Indeed (((class struggle))) is a Jewish ploy to divide. Class collaboration is the true solution.
I met a communist recently who had the audacity to claim that fascism is just a plan of "porkie" to divide the working class,
when most of these "porkies" are Jews, and when they keep supporting the left.
Even so-called "environmentalist" movements were started and funded by Big Kike(tm).
Hell as far back as 1991, BP was already funding the (((greens))), which almost seems ironic.
But the thing is, they served a larger, (((global))) agenda.
It's funny that those who seek to divide the very fabric of society, by calling people Bourgeois and Proletarians, think that the fascists, who want unity, are the ones being controlled to divide the people.
Especially considering how supporting of National-Socialism the "porkies" have been.
when does the gas start
that was good bantz from the jews nonetheless
why would a jew want to dress on asspirational clothes like polo shirts when they're already richer than most of you and can dress like shit because they're not insecure about their wealth and socioeconomic status?
the unitetheright rally demonstrated that nazis are more materialistic than they let on
is this from a video? anyone have a link?
This is what Jews actually think of the goyim. They are extremely narcistic and hate you. Most are extreme Zionists and push degeneracy to weaken the goyim. They push miscegenation to destroy the gene pool. They are evil mother fuckers who must be stopped. Their ideal word looks like mulato consumerist cogs who are in debt to the Israel ethnotstate where they can rule the world from
They are not honest. This publication is simply meant for Jews and the msm won't point out what they say in it because they are run by jews
And they wonder why
Jews are the most evil people on the planet
Something must be done.
What is that modern art cancer shit?
He knows.
Post archived link. I want to read it all
Holy shit, they really fucking hate us don't they?
I thought "Jew will not replace us" was a lie by the media? Is it still going on?
What programming framework was the final solution coded in?
Ruby on Rails.
Churches have become too feminized, liberalized, and Boomerized. Even some of the best congregations still have some aversion to traditional Christianity
The torchlit rally in Charlottesville was chanting 'you will not replace us'. They changed it to 'jews will not replace us' for a couple minutes. Guess which part the media has been repeating ad nauseum for days now
I heard "they will not replace us".
Not "jews will not replace us".
Leftists made it up.
But, even if it were true, leftists focus on the "jews", and not on the "will not replace us". Why is that? replacing an ethnic group (genocide) is ok, while opposing your own genocide is not ok? what a twisted standard?????????
>The author is a fucking Rhodes Scholar.
And he's pretending not to know what they mean by 'replacement' so you know he's a hardcore schemer.
I typed brown not black retard.
See here goyim:
>save jews from ebul nazis
>constantly blow money up their ass for nothing
>die for them in made up wars
>this is your reward goyim
There's no better example of diversity+proximity leading to conflict. The jew/gentile dichotomy proves that living separately is the only way to avoid these situations.
you think this will help, more power to you
famous comedienne Ruby Wax is jewish
>you and your kind
>your dirty kind
>jews are white meme