Is this true Sup Forums?
Is this true Sup Forums?
I ain't breaking my neck just to read your stupid manchild cartoon.
>Communism was about organizing production to serve all citizens
hahahahahaha. Serfdom did make all the citizens equal under the feudal lords too
pol pot seemed like a really nice guy, what with executing everyone in the country with glasses and starving hundreds of thousands more to death.
This is what communists will never get, and it's so fucking simple.
>Isn't fascism often misconstrued as communism when in fact communism is about organizing production to serve all citizens whereas fascism concerns itself wit ha government directed private enterprise in direct opposition of international markets?
>communism is about organizing production to serve all citizens
WHO organizes it? Who is in charge? Isn't the very nature that a person is in charge of it mean it isn't communism? And then they'll try to say that nobody is in charge, and that it's communal ownership...but that's never how it works out. Someone will always rise to a position of leadership within a group. It's human nature. Someone will be put in charge of relegating responsibilities.
Thus, these well meaning "everyone contributes and has a peace!" communities will ultimately morph into oppressive dictatorships when the strong rise to the top anyways and subvert the weak communist masses. It happens every single fucking time. Because inevitably these people will want leadership and oversight as is necessary for a complex modern world, and with those things comes greater power. All a communist society ensures is that the peasants are eventually powerless against the own leaders they put into power because they're too weak and poor to stop them since their organization is DEPENDENT upon these strong individuals.
There's a lot more to it, but that's a basic overview. Communism doesn't start out fascist, it becomes fascist inevitably.
I thought the short jew neck and hunchback were just memes. Aren't you people supposed to be able to read backwards and sideways?
the absolute state of leftism in 2017
he's not defending pol pot, if anything he's actually saying "communism and fascism are both horrible but are not the same thing"
Phone posters are cancer
blue pilled as fuck
communism and fascism are both amazing
>Reputation for killing own citizens
>Serve all citizens
Your Soros is showing.
- get a bunch of useful idiots
- promise them free shit, taken from the middle class and capital class (entrepenuers)
- keep them under-educated so you become their patron and a cult of personality forms
- use them to take over government and create violence
- violence allows you to nationalize everything
- keep it for yourself
- kill your useful idiots
- threaten to kill everyone else who resists your dictatorship (aka politburo)
- people are too dumb, and too scared to resist
- laugh as you now become dictator of a country
- export the entire wealth of a country and all its natural resources to get currency in a real country where you hide your embezzled reserves
- realize other countries try to destabilize your country
- realize communism is a key way to install a dutchy or proxy puppet govt
- understand that trade deficits are very bad
- understand degeneracy and cultural propaganda are core methods of undermining your government legitimacy & community pride
- because of populism and foreign pressure, you realize it will be impossible to enforce consumer reform or rebuild society to improve GNP, social productivity or domestic savings / education rates
- Mobilze the country not for war, but for economic reforms
- Form a national business council and force business to invest their capital gains / economic profits into domestic industrialization and hire domestic labor / train domestic labor vs. hiding the money offshore in stock buybacks or other financial engineering games
> use the war council to manage current account spending as a government, to stabilize your currency and improve the welfare of domestic households by way of improving their education so they make better purchasing decisions as well as have more purchasing power parity.
#2 aka. Nazi programs run counter to the globalists who need slave labor forces able to accept currency debasement & credit as a lifestyle.
No, the public never owned the means of production under pol pot. Thats a retarded thing to say.
Thats not the definition of communism. You don't get to add your own definitions.
OP is a niggerfag
Not sure what to make of it, on the one hand it seems to be saying Communism is good, on the other hand it's pointing out that Pol Pot was a commie when he's well known as one of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century.
That is 100% exactly what Communism is. That is exactly what Communism does.
Prove me wrong.
Hint; you can't. Because History proves I am right. Dumbass.
t. retarded 18 year old
That's a lot a words to spell out 'Im a brainlet' 2bh
Fascism - Private property, public control
Communism - Public property, Public Control
Both shit. Ones indirect the others direct. In the end the both amount to the same thing. The collective forcing its will at gun point on the individual.
ids drue tho :DDD
>Oh look, a commie that can't meme, what are the odds.
...or anybody who has actually read the works of Marx and Engels.
No nation has even reached post currency yet, let alone communism.
Not that you comprehend a word that I am saying, or can check your teen angst long enough to even consider a concept like learning about a subject in earnest.
It's especially funny because you could easily tear it down for what it is (such as asking why no nation has even approached communism, and then dissecting any excuse), but you're too arrogant and pretentious to do so if you even possess the aptitude to engage in an honest discussion without retreating to memespew.
Both are authoritarian, but fascism has come to mean authoritarian in general regardless of actual ideology.
Protip: National Socialism is Fascism, and it's those two things, nationalism and Socialism
Additional ProInfo: Nazism wasn't really National Socialism, Adolf just called himself a Socialist to get the Socialists on board
ProAppendixA: Sup Forums might not like this but...
Fascism doesn't have to be racist
Nah I'm just here to laugh at all the subrural retards itt who cant even define their own ideology
Thats a real shit comparison desu. You in no wat argue that the cons inherent to communism arent also cons in fascism, you just automatically assume that the leadership in the latter was wise and benevolent, an assumption which could make literally any government viable.
>/leftypol/ can't meme
Sup Forums btfo
do pinkos even pay attention to this show? Rick is a sollipsist, a nihilistic hedonist, and, if anything, an ancap.
He doesn't give a shit about the proles, or anyone besides himself really.
motivations are meaningless when the end result is the same.
>implying there is anything wrong with mass murder
Liberal detected
They're only outraged when it's mass murder that doesn't support their cause around here. Throwing commies out if helicopters? Perfectly acceptable. Killing 40M people in foreign wars since 1955? Fuck yeah America!