You assholes have been trying to break us but you will not divide us. Our leaders are ready to break Nazi skulls and scalp the KKK and alt right alive in the streets. Its not fair that the pigs arrest us when we are doing the job they wont; saving Amerikkka from the racists and fascists. We will not stand down, and we will cause a revolution.
You assholes have been trying to break us but you will not divide us...
Other urls found in this thread:
Come on dude, you can make better bait than that.
What the fuck did you just say to me?
im lol'ing at all your winning, though.
Relax and visit the link you know you want it
We don't care about you goys. Go back to fighting with BLM you nutless loser.
kys, faggot
612 Wharf Ave, come get me you dumb nigger.
Can't you read? It's obviously bait. Please make better bait next time.
Thats a pizza place....
What's your name and where do you live? Just wondering. You think this is a joke LOL
You're weak.
Your bloodline is weak.
You will not survive the winter.
So English is your second language?
Explains a lot.
673 First Avenue, that's where I work.
I will make sure to post this on our discord. Be afraid VERY afraid!
Send me a link when your done.
kys, dumbass nigger
>the joke
>Your noggin
u cant fite or nothin
i will fite u & i will kikc ur ass
mr poo poo face man
Dumb ass*
You're already divided faggot. We have moles in all your chapters and turned your IDs over to the FBI.
Is this satire or somethin? Its true.
We couldn't possibly be baiting both sides with the hopes that you will all die?
Could we?
We are the FBI
you mad
pepper balls, indeed.
So you admit to promoting violence
Terrorist classification when?
Communism is illegal! You faggots are going to gitmo!
>you will not divide us
Poor choice of words OP.
Fuck off leaf
I wish I had money to go to one of these antifa rallies, I would legit get me some commie scalps
Your side is full of FBI informants, which is why you haven't accomplished shit.
RPG larpers need to stick to the parks and foam swords. You kids are going to hurt yourselves playing superhero.
Don't feed these niggers (((you)))'s. Sage these faggots and drop a red pill or some gore. Then move on.
Bubba will divide your asscheeks in prison, Commie.
>scalp the KKK
It's illegal to assault Federal agents.
I honestly don't know who you think you're fighting but I just laugh at you guys getting the crap kicked out of your spoiled asses by the working class. Antifa is just a bunch of butt hurt spoiled bitches. Except more ass kickings
lol just shut up
at least your dumbass got 1 righ
We really need another great war and draft. Weed out these turds. Silly hipsters can't hold down a job for a week or pay their own rent, can't survive without daddy's credit card and some skinny jeans, but suddenly they're "revolutionaries".
Yeah you guys are total anti-fascists. Preventing free speech and blocking the press is really heroic.
Please go die now.
You're real idiots.
Actual Nazis are in hiding right now.
You're gonna wreck normal citizens that just want to express informed concern about what's going on in their country.
Stop this bullshit before you self destruct like the Nazi larpers did in Charlottesville.
ya think ya hawt shit, doncha
You mindless lemming. Believe in your programming. Your leaders are using you as shills, while they hide behind you. They will not do the dirty work, they will not go to jail, they will not face the tear gas or the rubber bullets, and they will not even acknowledge you when you fail miserably.
Looks good to me user.
And you're insane.....absolutely bat shit insane. There are no Nazis. Neo Nazis are a incredibly small fringe. You're fighting the working class and they will smash your ass.....I've seen your gun club here in phoenix....we laugh at you idiots.
Maybe a shower first?
If you guys start hunting people that you know nothing about you will solidify everyone against you guys. I've screen called your bullshit and reported it to the FBI. You will go down.
yeah sure, but are traps gay?
Someday we will infiltrate your movement, find out how much you are being paid to ruin American history, culture & progress; and we will fuck you up.
Until then, keep fighting our super sekret imageboard. It must hurt to know your 9 to 5 is shitposting on the worlds second largest eskimo tranny porn imageboard.
i always laugh when i see antifa on Sup Forums, desperately trying to get their message to us
it ain't gonna work, pal
> amerikkka
Shouldn't you support the russian puppet?
We already did.
We were the ones who re-created them to begin with 4 years ago (lulz got out of hand)
They're too stupid to even realize it though.
Remember that apartheid was the PINNACLE of nigger living.
Do it. Every action causes a reaction. You'll be doing everyone a favor by throwing the first punch.
>want to help the 65 millionon the run from war and terror
>be nazi because don't want to care for the 100 000 criminals who came illegally
Thats by the gentleman's club right?
Poor bait.
Have a sage.
>Our leaders
And who is that? You subscribe to a commercial culture and hold the same opinions as all the large corporations.
Your mom called...your hot pocket is done.
keep making terrorist threats online, it will make your stay in the fema camps even funnier
fuck that. these niggas wont survive a summer. they are nothing.
it was a trans-fag. It didn't have any nuts
>you will not divide us
hi shia
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
lol the nazi trump supporters are so triggered just look how hard they are trying in here.
Sure kid.
Phoenix John Brown Gun Club Facebook page wants you to know this important info, in case any your people are locked up.
Thank you for defending our community and actively resisting. If you are at the action today, PLEASE help distribute the jail support number. Phoenix ABC will provide jail support and legal referrals for anyone who is arrested during this action.
WRITE THIS JAIL SUPPORT NUMBER ON YOUR BODY WITH SHARPIE. You will not necessarily be allowed to have access to anything like a cell phone or piece of paper or card or anything else that might have our jail support number on it. SO MAKE SURE IT IS WRITTEN ON YOUR BODY.
If you need to call that number, someone WILL answer it unless they're on the line with someone else on the inside. They will reach out to your people on the outside and help you communicate needs. They will also walk you through what to expect as you're processed through the state system, and make sure that folks are there to meet you when you get out.
If you do find yourself kidnapped by the state, remember to stay calm, say nothing to them that you are not obligated to say for identification purposes, if you choose to identify yourself to them, and call us!
Remember, you're inside for us, so we're out here for you. Love and solidarity!
Plant the flag somewhere and livestream it. Then make a big deal about it. I'm bored lately.
Either bad bait, or a retarded unemployed 19 year old basement dwelling faggot. Sad no one can even tell the difference.
soon to be terrorist group acts as loud as humanly fucking possible, meanwhile, SWAT gets extremely excited over easy pickings like you.
This is good that they're wearing black. Black silhouette against light background is very easy to hit out to 100-150 yards even for fairly average shooter.
Know how to get to cover when your comrades are dropping to the ground. Improvised suppressor and subsonic ammo is hard to detect in urban setting.
Take that cock out of your mouth and kill yourself you subhuman vermin
Just like the faggot scum are triggered by logic? Muh evil white people want to be treated equally? Racist! What? I'm an intelligent person who can think for myself
this lefty/pol/ loser is pretending like he goes outside.
Even ANTIFA would laugh at you.
fuck off, nazi
> what's your name, and where do you live? (implying a one on one fight)
>I will make sure to spread it on our discord (immediately calls for backup)
You commie dudes can't really do shit on your own.
If we get you declared a terrorist organization, it's going to open season on you. I will gladly lawfully open fire into you.