Ever notice how 99.99% of all terrorists are MALES? For some odd reason, Sup Forums never addressed that.
Want to defeat terrorism? Defeat patriarchy.
Ever notice how 99.99% of all terrorists are MALES? For some odd reason, Sup Forums never addressed that.
Want to defeat terrorism? Defeat patriarchy.
you might be a little retarded
Good job addressing my argument. You were reduced to resorting to ad-homs because you can't refute it.
Are you saying both sexes should commit terrorism equally?
Males will always represent the warrior class. That's just nature. So whenever any denomination feels compelled to fight for a cause, the males of that denomination will make up the foot soldiers and be the ones to get literal blood on their hands. The females will play supporting rules in their own way.
just proves woman have no convictions.
You'll never get rid of patriarchy, you're inferior.
Thanks for agreeing with me.
Yes lets turn all men into emasculated little cucks. I'm sure they won't resent that and then become violently bitter.
That's actually incorrect. Many of the Boko Haram suicide bombers in Africa are women. Same with ISIS in the middle east.
Okay, I'm bored, I'll bite. What the fuck does it mean to defeat patriarchy? You gonna go shoot some men and spend the rest of your life in jail? Please Germany, enlighten me.
Ever notices how 99.99% of terrorists are NON WHITE males? For some odd reason, /pol never addressed that.
Want to defeat terrorism?
Defeat all non whites.
I'm not agreeing with you. Any cause that's been fought for in human history has had supporting females. Females play a vital rule. Just because they don't make the grunts don't think they're not also responsible.
All this image does is prove that female victims of patriarchy are overrepresented.
how do you know what their genders are?
there's 67 different genders, so your statistic is BS
>I'm not agreeing with you.
You literally just paraphrased what I said, so you actually are agreeing with me.
And I would like to thank you for that.
>there must be someone out there who really thinks that
>Ever notice how 99.99% of all terrorists are MALES?
See this right here? I don't agree with it. You're basically saying the only terrorists are the literal grunts getting their hands dirty. And the grunts are the men. It's way too simplistic.
historically nations with women leaders started war 30% more often.
>See this right here? I don't agree with it.
You don't agree that most terrorists are males?
but every terrorist ever came out of a woman, so women are terrorists by proxy
>but every terrorist ever came out of a woman
They were put there by a male's penis.
I still want to know what it means to defeat patriarchy
If we're talking about the grunts and strategists sure. But in any society females play a supporting rule, peaceful or not. Your 99.99% figure is way off because you're not counting their supporting rule as being part of the same cause.
To destroy civilization and return to hunter gather tribes
okay, what's the plan? Seriously, do you actually have a plan or is this just mental masturbation?
>Want to defeat terrorism? Defeat patriarchy.
Or strengthen it.
Terrorists are often SINGLE males. Get them laid and sign them to soul crushing mortgages and watch what happens.
Male is the gender of peace. Stop being man-o-phobic.