Start prepping, buy land and build your own house, start permaculture and plant trees, learn how to hunt and know what mushrooms and berries are edible and start homeschooling your children. We are running out of oil and soon our civilization will end.
Start prepping, buy land and build your own house, start permaculture and plant trees...
i got out of the dollar and put everything into gold. YOU SHOULD TOO
What am i going to do with gold?
Permaculture is the ultimate redpill, in that it's more redpilled politically than basically anything else because it focuses purely on building up your immediate community's independence and resilience, and also because it gets you laid.
Schiff is legit. CEPT for his views on Bitcoin.
MT signing in. Land is expensive now and only getting cheaper with the downfall.
Ahh, that's a nice dirt farm
Unless you live somewhere remote as fuck, permaculture will bring you death.
(((You))) are a faggot. I agree with all you are saying but the world is not running out of OIL, ever. I work in the petro industry as a petroleum engineer and you are spreading lies. There is plenty of oil, reserves, algae, bio, gas, methane. The world will never come off petro.
Gold is a shitty investment as well.
This whole thread needs to be deleted.
I'm doing exactly that and I can tell you one thing: It's all so tiresome. You are asking too much from lazy faggots that are dwelling in here.
SAGE thread
I'd build a house but roofing is expensive af
>We are running out of oil
No, we are running out of oil that is economically viable to pull out of the ground and refine. That's why Venezuela is shitting the bed so hard, their oil is shitty and they can refine it at a profit at these prices. Well that and communism.
>start prepping
>thinks Sup Forums is independently wealthy
fuck off you stupid fucking tard
Sell are your possessions like computer, game console, phone and so on and take welfare (or work for sometime)
>Gold is a shitty investment as well.
Gold isn't an investment, its an insurance.
Silver on the other hand has lots of industrial uses and unlike gold its based spent when its used. You cant (not economically viable) extract silver from consumer electronics, once it used it basically gone. Its also being (like gold) massively suppressed by paper contracts.
Physical silver in the ultimate redpill.
>Sell are your possessions like computer, g
Computers are fucking great, every one should get a sturdy milspec laptop, a generator and a good SSD and just fill it up with the equivalent of 30 tons of books.
build a cybernetic suit and forge golden bullets to defeat the horde.
Apparently the best thing to do with gold is take it monoatomically and it makes your brain a superconductor which is good.