I mean its obviously an imposter. Why was this never called out by conservative media when its so painfully obvious that its not actually her?
Why did everyone forget about Hillary using a look-a-like impersonator after her 9/11 health scare?
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Why did none of the "Alt right" media guys call this out? Anyone with eyes can see whats up
It comes across as too tinfoil to normies and without any hard evidence you end up looking like an idiot pointing out the subtle differences between the real hillary and the double.
>the election is over so who cares about hillary anymore
People just wouldn't be interested.
would you mind not using a fucking picture for ants, OP?
Yeah, still not sold on the body double. It was better to point out the obviously staged pathetic press shots with the little girl the SS supposedly let run right up to her.
Indeed. There were bigger and more definite fish to fry. With the body double theory it's a fools errand since the body double is picked explicitly to not be distinguishable from the real person. That being said it's no secret that doubles do get used so is it even that controversial?
if hillary was concealing the condition of her health, then yes
Remember that time she said it was a beautiful day in New York on 9/11?
"hard evidence"
look at the picture lmao. its obviously not her. A politician having a health scare, then sending out a fake imposter to fool the media should be a huge scandal
Imagine MSNBC or CNNs reaction of Trump pulled this shit
Daily reminder that Hillary has parkinson's disease. That's why she's so much away from public:
They drugged her up for debates where you can see how meds are wearing off at the end and how she's having troubles to answer quickly.
It also explains her seizures and specially 911-collapse where she was seen shaking in the van. That was not just "overheating" or "pneumonia". Also her weird behaviour, swallowing troubles and creepy "laugh" are obvious signs.
95% of parkinson's patients develop personality changes. Uncontrolled parkinson's rage is also common. Hillary is well know for her ill-temper. They also have troubles making logical decisions.
There's no cure for parkinson's disease, it will only get worse. She will be dead or shaking wreck by 2020.
LIke seriously, imagine for a second if Trump had a health scare, then sent out a look a like to fool the media. He'd get fucking shredded for it.
this is honestly the only "conspiracy theory" I buy into
I mean it is so bloody obvious
Theres also WikiLeaks emails of her staff looking into Provigil a parkinsons drug.
That's also the reason you haven't seen her in motion since she conceded the day after the election.
Right now the media is shilling her audiobook tapes and playing an audio recording of her reading it. Normally on a book promo the writer would be showing up on every media outlet to say this stuff and promote it. The fact that they can only play recordings means shes not healthy.
\pol\ discovered she's transitioning into a man for 2020 anyway; some bigly memetic efforts went into this last night, including collaboration from \b\; I expect to see it again this evening.
Elderly Facebergers will eat it up.
Was thinking about this the other day
Also should note that the "overheating" excuse was bullshit. It was like 70 degrees and perfect weather in NY that day
As was the "pneumonia". Before the collapse they said Hillarys health issues were an "alt right conspiracy". After the incident exposed their lie they said she was "diagnosed with pneumonia" at the same time her staff was saying it was a conspiracy
trips of truth
Also, it is very obvious. I was laughing my ass off when the media seriously tried to act like that was really her to make her health seem like it wasn't an issue
Currently the media is playing exceprts from an upcoming HIllary audiobook. Anyone familiar with media knows that when someone promotes a something they show up on all the shows and give interviews. Bush Sr did this recently with his paintings. THe fact that they have to play audio recordings, and she isn't showing up in person, makes me think she is not healthy enough for public appearances anymore
If she got elected we'd go months at a time without seeing her
Better picture that shows the double is obviously not her. Not calling this out was probably the most north korea-tier thing the liberal media has done
Leave Hillary alone! She's the picture of health and vitality!
goddamn please tell me those nasty ass teeth are photoshopped
I remember that. It makes me sick that (((they))) wanted president with parkinson's disease who doesn't know what planet she is on.
Tanden replied: “I mean it makes my life more difficult after telling every reporter I know she’s actually progressive but that is really the smallest of issues. It worries me more that she doesn’t seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment.”
Shitlary could already be dead and replaced by clones just like they did with Obama.
the biggest tell is that the double has huge saggy tits and Hillary has no tits
Please archive it
>theguardian com/us-news/2016/nov/06/wikileaks-emails-hillary-clinton-campaign-john-podesta
I like these because then when they lie about Pnuemonia and someone says "why are you risking getting kids sick?" they have to either say it was a body double, she has Parkinsons or keep going further down the rabbit hole of pnuemonia lies.
There were WikiLeaks emails about Hillary sleeping 20 hours a day and having to have assistance just to do shit around the house
The entire handling of Hillarys campaign should be a huge scandal as they knew she was not healthy enough to serve
The pneumonia lie was hilarious. Heres the timeline
>this site and conservative media start to question hillarys health after coughing fits and being unable to go up stairs on her own
>Hillary and her sycophant media blast a narrative that anyone talking about HIllarys health is a sexist alt right conspiracy theorist
>Days later HIllary passes out proving conspiracy true
>The first lie they come up with is that she "overheated", which is quickly proven bullshit by the fact that the weather was perfect in NY that day
>They then concoct the pneumonia lie, and say she was diagnosed a few days ago...at the same time they were saying anyone questioning her health was a conspiracy theorist
It was so full of shit its hilarious.
Also the reason I made this thread is that the medias new narrative is that Donald Trump is not healthy to serve as President
Meanwhile a year ago they were trying to elect a bitch that cant go up the stairs on her own
They also mentioned that Huma(Her lesbian lover and muslim brotherhood spy) sleeps in the same hotel roof for possible "medical emergency". Killary has catheter bag on her leg and diapers also because parkinson's disease makes her unable to control her bladder.
It's a shame we will never get a full detailed look at the weirdest presidential election
Imagine an actual media looking into the Clinton campaign instead of media being cheerleaders. Theyd have a fucking field day
Seems the people on her account were avin' a giggle
The funny part is all of this is proven in emails. She takes parkinsons drugs, her staff thinks shes on another planet, and she has to have staff near her in case of medical emergency.
imagine for a second if trump did this. Seriously. Just picture what the media would do if he attempted this shit and the media had proof with emails that it was complete bullshit
she had parkinsons disease and the media covered it up. remember this when they try to say trump is mentally unfit for office over the next few weeks as that is their new narrative
She looks so fucking high.
>Obama is a clone
Keep me posted
That's the pill rolling tremor which is very common for parkinson's disease. Parkinson's patients also have strange body odor:
Don't forget her eye crossings which is side effect from parkinson drug.
>body odor
Could that explain all the flies landing on her at the debate like she was a dead animal or something?
What flies?
It was really funny when fly landed on her.
When they do these insane things it's hard to call them out because he very concept they would do that is unbelievable to a normal person. Like saying Obama's birth certificate is fake. No one believes a presidential candidate would do something so insane.
Did anyone ever find out what it was that fell off of her right leg?
Thought it was edited. Holy shit.
I guess it was related to her catheter bag. Can't know for sure. She was seen shaking in the van when it drove away.
She walked one block in that rally before she was taken away. Doesn't look healthy.
The best evidence for normal women is that she switches which side she carries her purse on.
Sounds plausible, I think I heard a leg brace of some kind mentioned as a possibility as well.
Now this is edited.
This one is easily explainable because flys are attracted to the smell of rotting flesh.
My guess is that a LOT of ppl use doubles, and didn't want it to get out.
The blue glasses she was wearing the morning of 9/11 are also for Parkinsons correct?
live in new york, can confirm. 9/11/16 was literally the first day that wasn't hot as balls we'd had in weeks
This was so fucking weird and it didn't help that her campaign was shady about her condition for like a week.
Here's better look.
Clintons are used up trash, till Chelsea decides to stick her dick into the water.
did she dropped something?
True. Theres so much evidence here that this was complete bullshit. And it just got swept under the rug
Ye they were Zeiss anti.seizure glasses:
Yeh something.
Green screen speech malfunction.
I didn't forget, but did you know that Chelsea's apartment had a fully equipped private medical bay?
why the fuck did she tweet this, was it because they were so sure of winning?
don't forget this shit
also that incest with the jiddish press, makes me so annoyed
if the media behaves like that, would even believe the media at any time when they're reporting on hillarys action as a president
Actually forgot about that bit lol
It was so obvious, and her health issues were proven by the emails. And yet no one in the media came out and said "Yo that isn't her" and it just got swept under the rug
consensus is that it's a clip that retains her piss bag to her leg
we were all talking about it
we're the only people who matter any more, normies never mattered and the media burned their credibility long before election day last year.
wtf look at her legs.
It's a metal bar they put in your hand to people who faint regularly. When you pass out it hits the ground and makes an audible ping.
That shit was a sham. She would come out and talk to the press for 5 minutes then go hide in the airplane for hours. Not one journalist ever called this out
She didn't. It was actually Hillary, idiot.
No, it obviously IS her. You can hear her voice in that video and it's unmistakably her.
Who is that?
pepe appeared to us in his first visible manifestation that day
>1 post by this ID
really activated my old almonds
Welcome to our big plane! We bought it because Trump has his own bigger plane but we didn't pay for ours. The now bankrupt DNC did.
Haven't seen that one before?? So all the people were in on it or what? How do you keep that a secret?
How will they find money? The billionaires' accountants must be positively sick after the generals and the special elections.
Why did Dr.drew get fired for even questioning her health?
No way thats Hillary. Hilly has a fat puss. Hnnnnggg.
What about the lawsuit the Bernie people filed against the DNC for fraud? Who would give their money to an organization who cheated them? It's just going to be corporate donors from now on, the same people they complain the Republicans use.
Shit I forgot about that too. Theres so much evidence to this shit that Ive forgotten a lot of it
CNN currently has people on air claiming that Trump has dementia and is mentally unfit to serve. And they fired Dr Drew for simply questioning the medical coverage she was getting. He wasn't even calling out the fake shit, he was questioning the treatment she was getting from the doctors.
im literally shaking at this post
This is the best one I've seen.
I think they guy who actually served the suit turned up dead lol.