Anons und sonstige Autisten!

On October 15th the Austrian electorate will be asked to vote, currently the political landscape looks as follows:

Greens (environmental marxists): dead
SPÖ (socialists): internal power struggle
ÖVP (center-left): 28 year old candidate kek
FPÖ (center-right): not pulling in enough votes

NEOS & Team Stronach: meme tier

I want to meme the Austrian election by dropping a redpill I wrote where I evaluated information on asylum seeker crime and native crime, big shocker, those niggers commit over x46 as much murder as natives. I have compiled some charts on the topic and will post them below.


Parliamentary Inquiry about asylum crimes:

Österreichische Gesamt Kriminalität 2015 (ÖGK)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is per capita rates (crimes per 100 000 of each demographic group) compared by dividing the asylum crime rates with the Austrian crime rates.

In most cases the percentages are useless because they represent x15 or x46 as many crimes in the asylee demographic group, but whatever.

pic related is a chart where I plotted some of their most heinous crimes per 100 000. As you can see the green dots (asylees) group far above the red and blue dots (Austria total and Vienna, respectively). The y axis is logarithmic because of how retardedly high nigger crime rates are.

The reason why Vienna was singled out is because it has a higher nigger population than the rest of Austria and this is reflected in its localized crime statistics.


you already had elections this year m8


shouldn't have been, that was last year when they rigged the vote twice against Norbert Hofer.

Pic rel is a cool propaganda poster.

These are the important ones and the circumstances could no be better since Silberstein

Bump, help our Austrian user out.

also yeah the SPÖ recently had their inhouse kike gassed by the police for fraud or whatever.

This jews track record included working all over Europe for leftists and I think he was tied to Clinton as well, check this article for info:


Kek I hope Pilz will get gassed and ripping the greens apart on the side





>Ave Maria statt Sharia
>Wald und Berge statt Asylherberge


spiegelnde Zahlen geprüft

also saved the shit out of that pic


I have a .txt with more of these somewhere.


>Green voters in Bobo districts with no asylum homes spared migrant crime
>bärlauch fully activated

Voting Pilz just for that - not a fan of either party, at least i get to say fuck you to the greens.

you're effectively voting ungültig then though, kek


gas the bobos

oldie but goldie

Who /Kurz/ here? Probably the most redpilled center right politician in Europe.

Oh dear you must be


care to elaborate?

I don't know what you see in him, but he thinks like a boomer and will never drop the baggage of this statement:

"the average immigrant is more intelligent than the average Austrian" t. Kurz 2015 during the nigger invasion

Mozartkugel statt Negerviertel

"elections" where they just happend to find 700k pro-EU Leftist votes in the last hour so Hofer wouldn't win.

Guess you lose again, small government people who just want to be left alone! Here's more migrants instead. Fucking insanity.

I'd be very, very surprised if this election doesn't end with a blue/black coalition

I just hope to god that Kurz fucks up until then and that the FPÖ is the stronger force

>doppelte nummern geprüft

In the (((polls))) Kurz is pulling away from everyone else.

The FPÖ is so low energy right now. They are not even trying.

Maybe he is getting the job done. But because of his connection to Soros I don't trust him enough to combat migration hard enough.

I will stay with FPÖ

I hope he kills the greens in the end. They are completly retarded.

I know someone who thinks Kurz is a cryptokike, the only credit I can give to this theory is his last name.

I was considering voting Team Stronach until Lugar went back to the FPÖ.

By all means do. We need the coalition to happen, I hope that Kurz is not controlled by Soros anymore.

But he actually did something against the jihadis and their schools, right?
He started the whole discussion with the study he ordered.

Austria's right wing party is pro-Israel
>By 2010, under Heinz-Christian Strache's leadership, the party became more friendly towards Israel. In December 2010 the FPÖ (along with the representatives of like-minded rightist parties) visited Israel, where they issued the "Jerusalem Declaration", which affirmed Israel's right to exist and defend itself, particularly against Islamic terror.

As opposed to the Greens who are anti-Israel

OP's pic makes no sense


once you're in the jews pocket you're in there for good, you know that they do shit like getting you drunk and drugged and then filming you doing illegal stuff so as to blackmail you into being their slaves right?

The ÖVP made a smart move using Kurz, he was the only one of them with a media image, the rest of them are all shriveled up foreskins who are either apathetic or selfish.

None of the political parties available in Austria right now view things through a strictly racial lens (the way they should) and that makes all of them unappealing to me since I believe the FPÖ to have been cucked into civic nationalism.

>Liberal Jew
The first wants to have a greater Israel, the second world domination. Do the math

>OPs pic makes no sense

You mind elaborating on where I endorsed the FPÖ in my OP?

Is an ÖVP FPÖ coalition possible after the elections?

The racial lense won't win them any votes. You have to be happy with weakening Islam, which is the most pressing problem right now.

Depends on if the jews in Brussels will sanction us again like they did in 2000 or 2002 (can't remember).

the most pressing problem is the overt assault on our race.

What happened to based Hofer? Is he going to come back and let you guys conceal carry your Glocks?


Every single right wing party in europe is pro-isreal

If they're not they get shoa'd

We were not ready for him. He will come back, more glorious than ever.

Care to elaborate?

>circumstances could no be better since Silberstein
What happened? What did that jew do?

It wasn't Brussels, but a group of proud Anti-fascist Nation who didn't get a majority in the European Council

Did you miss the part where the Israelis arrested this Silberstein guy? Netanyahu is /ourguy/

Omg that's OC i made. Here's another one goy

Tried to bribe judges in the Ukraine, two affairs of bribery in Romania. Suspect of bribing judges in Israel, and no one knows what Gusi and him cooked up

doing gods work

Vielleicht werden sich bald die Juden dafür entscheiden, einen Fake-Wagenanschlag auch bei euch darzustellen, damit eure Bevölkerung so aufgehetzt wird. Nicht das das aber in Berlin, Barcelona, oder Nizza wirklich geklappt hat....

pensioners are going to ruin this election once again, you'll see.

there is some strange shit going on with this guy and that Steinmetz dude, they are in some kind of kike war against Soros over mines and shit in some African shithole, I think it was guinea, the fuck is going there?

Yea. Always noice when they pull out the obligatory pensionserhöhung bribe before elections.

have a bump, friend

Is there a place where you can bet some money on the outcome.

I feel comfy enough to put money on Fpö #1

It's going to be red-black as always, conservacucks have their bestest boy now

The FPÖ better step up their game. Strache is way too comfy, they should have found someone younger and more energetic.

Basti is a cuck, but yes he will be your next Chancellor. Kek

He said things for which I would be labeled as KKK by leftist friends and he sticks to them since months.
Also he btfod jihadi schools in the last weeks.
Could be much worse.

Hofer would have pulled #1 easy i think. Strache is just not a very likeable guy to be honest.

In the early 2000s a man named Jörg Haider was poised to become chancellor of this country but the EU officially sanctioned Austria, causing a cuckout and resulting an ÖVP chancellor (despite the FPÖ having been the strongest party).

jews all of them I don't care what mask they put on

I'm glad that kike got arrested, and yes my first suspicion was that it was an inter-jewish dispute, otherwise they would've covered eachother. Some more influential and more evil kike than Silberstein decided to gas him, so we are just seeing the surface of some deeply rooted jewish conflict. No clue whats going on but I'm glad that the man behind the SPÖ narrative is out of the picture, this will have noticeable effects I believe.

>doppelte nummern geprüft

that was some great OC last year

Hoffentlich werden diese Ratten mich nicht erwischen, ich habe vor dieses Land vor seinen Untergang zu retten und meiner Rasse eine Wiedergeburt zu ermöglichen. Im Geist von Miguel Serrano, HEIL HITLER!

I piss on the graves of boomers.


by allah I will shoot myself right here

The thing with the Fpö is that they made had good success with short campaigns before the election. They wont draw it out.

The more active they get the more the media will shill against them.

But Strache is so fuckin cringy sometimes. Anyone remember pic related?

Strache sometimes comes close to JUST territory. I hope they pull some kind of cool trick before the election.

is this a safespace for kurz drones too?

sorry wrong pic

Gott erhalte Basti, den Kaiser!

That BZÖ song back from 2008 was better.

If he had DONE that 2 years ago, well you would be saved. Now it is too late for the cuckservative way. You need pitchforks, shotguns and ticki torches.
>left labels him Nazi
That's the best that can happen. Let their base eat each other, this will lower turn out for them and might benefit that ex-Green, the liberals and the FPÖ. Minority Government should be kept in mind tho.
>By the moon demon
How about you go back to the land of your ancestors and make it Great Again?


Drawing out a campaign backfired on Kern.
>Get anything what actually belongs to you

I hope he makes more silly slogans because the red cancer needs to be destroyed.

don't you know memeri tv memes?

unfortunately. A normalization of pisslamic unculture. Disgusting/10, it has to be killed in the cradle.

Lel i made this one

Glückauf kleiner Bruder!

Also dropping my memes from the last election


Have some Basti heads. Any one has a good source for Kern and HC Heads. Bing is a bitch


Doing gods work user.

This election is going to be great


How about getting gimp out and make some templates




Have a bump and 20 min in paint



Youve got my vote.


Give back Őrvidék(burgenland) you kurva

You can have the Orvidek in my pants Ferenc

Reunification when?

Stop this democratic shit and get back with your Hungarian bros.