Hey Sup Forums, remember when we used to be libertarian? Back before all the alt-right statistics and r/the_donald cucks moved in?
Pic related, newfags don't know who this man is beyond the "It's Happening" guy.
Hey Sup Forums, remember when we used to be libertarian? Back before all the alt-right statistics and r/the_donald cucks moved in?
Pic related, newfags don't know who this man is beyond the "It's Happening" guy.
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Doesn't it feel so good to reminisce?
Stop living in the past, OP.
It's fine. Libertarianism is merely one of the stages towards Fascism.
You will be one of us eventually.
Yeah pol has descended into Authoritarianism. But the demographic and immigration issue cannot be ignored.
Yes, it does.
I remember when we were torn between supporting Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. Then Trump called spics rapists and Sup Forums decided to go full stormfag.
I remember. I also remember the Left violating the "live and let live" credos most of us functioned under.
Good times, but the situation has changed. Libertarian thought is ill equipped to fight bolshevism, it assumes that the advesary is willing to listen to logic and reason.
Fuck Ted Cruz. He's just another NeoConservative Cuck who pretends to be a Constitutionalist and thinks we have to promote freedom in the world as penance for slavery.
I highly doubt it. Unless you all start including trannies like myself and institute socially libertarian policies for those who serve.
nigger it was a fluid transition from libertarianism to natsoc.
Before it was libertarian it was practically liberal
Trannies like yourself should not be posting on Sup Forums
Many here started as lolbertarians but realized that you can never convince iq 85 shitskins of the virtues of the non-aggression principle and small government
Did he invade your safe space, poor little Nazi
the military should be privatized and as such discriminate against anyone they want
When your demographic has an exponentially higher incidence of mental health issues and medical costs, you're a liability
I've been here longer than you I can near assure that. Too many of us AnCaps/Libertarians would shoot the shit out of you for violating the NAP.
So you fight your enemy by becoming it? Weak. You already act like this your wittle safe space
this guy gets it. take away the nap and a libertarian becomes a fascist
> medical costs
This is a meme that you fell for. They pay for more viagra for men over 50 in the miltary than trans health costs run.
> mental health issues
I take two inexpensive pills and I'm fine. My friend who is a Ranger takes 13 just to not shake and flip out. He's good to go apparently.
Look at things objectively. Even if I'm not to serve in combat arms. I sure as hell can do nursing.
Funny thing is, I bet most of these pol fashies that think me a sissy can't shoot, or even dress a deer.
I can. As stated, many of us AnCap/Libertarian types will fight back unless you find a better compromise and don't just become the right wing SJWs.
Stop making these "pol was libertarians before t_d posts" schlomo. If anything it has gotten more libertarian with the influx of trumpers and boomers.
Sup Forums was CREATED to be a containment board for natsoc posters. So it's pretty easy to tell that you're a newfag.
>Sup Forums was CREATED to be a containment board for natsoc posters. So it's pretty easy to tell that you're a newfag.
This reveals that you're the newfag.
You'll grow out of this friend, It's the first step.
We were libertarian until we realized that our country is morally bankrupt and it is destroying us.
Now we have no choice but to dig in on the right.
It's allays the same shit everywhere, most people are anti-state till the government becomes their favorite color of socialism
Also what are alt-right statistics?
Big government isn't the answer. Having absolute property rights and eliminating the welfare state will end the degeneracy, no more single motherhood, the family would be an economic unit again without government gibs as a replacement daddy, a society of individual responsibility.
The problem is government. A different type of big government will simply end up with its own problems, particularly on the economic front.
Even Franco, the only successful "fascist," only started to turn things around in the late 50s/early 60s when he liberalized the economy. From '59 until Franco's death, Spain had the second fastest economic growth rate in the world.
I was a lolbertarian until I realized the dream could never be achieved as long as we had the marxist plague upon us.
Our call of, "Leave us alone!" fell on deaf ears. SJWs and kikes don't want us to be left alone. They want us enslaved, they want us exterminated.
The shift in politics was only a natural reaction to the aggression.
Good argument. That's literally the reason a political board was made in the first place. Kys.
Except Sup Forums was descended from /n/ dumbass.
It stayed Libertarian up until about the final 2-3 years of the Obama presidency.
Trying to change history, you should be ashamed. Yet I doubt you will. When history is changed all the time, it only matters your conviction right?
Tulsi Gabbard is good on foreign policy and civil liberties, but she's no Libertarian.
Ive noticed a strong increase in hardcore socialist masquerading as neo national socialist, not that its a stretch to begin with. But they just spread their commie bullshit through the optics of a race war they dont even seem to really believe in.
Its just re-marketed communism. liek antifa is remarketed maoism.
Its a war on individualism.
Its a war on God.
>that pic
>"Remember, no Russian."
fixed it
Mussolini was very successful for 20 years before he made military mistakes. So much so that Italy's success during the depression was a beacon for right wing movements the world over. Salazar is still loved in Portugal today. Hitler turned around one of the worst economies in Europe.
>used to be libertarian
it's a desire for liberty user either has or doesn't have
You just gave up and became like them pussy.
Cannot tell you how many seeds I've planted and have people come back 5 years later and be Libertarian or AnCap or Mutualists.
This. I will admit, I used to be a solid libertarian, end the FED, NAP, freedom and sheit. But then it hit me:
A libertarian society can only function well if that society is 1) culturally homogeneous and 2) High IQ.
>be ancap/libertarian
>get worn down and tired of jewish tricks
>now Natsoc/WN/fash
Story of Sup Forums
Sup Forums used to be a lot of things, but /new/ was pure cancer and I don't mind a few changes, but then again I was never welcomed here, and now you don't seem to mind.
But, Sup Forums is still a 50/50 Libertarian-Natsoc split op.
Is such a thing even possible?
I'm Ancap. I just think letting crazy people into the military is retarded.
I don't think that's accurate. Any thread on economic policy would certainly prove that this board never really changed, but we don't have those anymore.
For all the Hitler meming Pinochet was way better. Free market fascism ftw
>ron paul Sup Forums
kys, newfag
Just telling you. If you go from a cost angle? You're sorely mistaken. If you go from a mental illness spectrum? Should an individuals record not come into play?
I think the truth is more that many/most people of Sup Forums is in some kind of limbo in between,
Freedom for us
Not for our enemies
Gun grabber gabbard libertarian oh man am I laughing at you
>good on civil liberties
Politics and board culture evolves over time man. No one cares if you are a patrician originalfag who had the ability to fap to children when CP was hard to control.
Join our ranks, and bring Ron Paul with you. Let's march together.
Libertarianism is humility. It is the acknowledge of the fact that you cannot standardize human life.
Sure, in a perfect world. Problem is, just because there's no record doesn't mean it isn't there, and our state/military already threw individualism out long ago. They're bean counters and risk managers. It only makes sense to exclude an infinitesimally small portion of the population which has dramatically higher odds of flipping shit and killing themselves.
Omfg I love it's happening threads, they are so exciting
It's happening!!!!! (LOL)
you cannot standardize human life.
>Libertarianism is humility. It is the acknowledge of the fact that you cannot standardize human life.
No, humility is accepting that the very structure of society are not decided by us but by our own nature. Fascism is just the modern version of tribalism which has always been with us since the beginning of time.
Libertarianism is close in some ways, but much like leftism you still try to conform social order to what you think you want rather than what you *are*.
Humans are individuals, but at the same time they belong to their groups (tribes) and act as such.
You will never convince most people to become ancaps because that's just not in their nature.
>You will be one of us eventually.
Not OP, but no.
That's Rand Paul, right?
Being libertarian is about having arguments.
Arguments only work if the other side is listening.
The time for arguments has passed.
>the redpills get worse bwaaaaaah
Name one actual redpill that is even remotely shocking. I will not lie if I am actually shocked.
>The problem is government. A different type of big government will simply end up with its own problems, particularly on the economic front.
You won't get anywhere by eliminating government. You can have fascism with competition and private property, and a relatively free economy, but the important part of fascism is its tribalism and therefore its protection of the race and the nation itself, which would be slowly eroded otherwise.
You will always have a government and a governing elite ruling class, but what you need to avoid is being ruled by people who are not of your own, and that's why fascism is important.
The jews and the rest of the (((international elite))) treat countries not like kings did with their own countries, but like they did with conquered nations, slowly destroying them.
They have no stake (they can move anywhere) and they are loyal to their own (((tribe))). That's simply a fact of life, you can't wash tribalism from humanity.
You see this is the problem, even if you don't act like you're a tribe, others will. That's what jews do in the elite.
They hate you because you are not one of their own, and you like a fool want to be "fair" and treat everyone equally. That's just a way to end up exploited by others.
Also raising economic objections against fascism is missing the point.
Hitler himself said that economic policy was not his priority.
superior post
Thanks, forgot about that.
It's his father, Ron Paul.
Yep. I still believe in all that but it would require strong borders, the repeal of the 1965 Immigration Act, and vigilance. And with Demographics it will soon be impossible without mass deportations and/or voter disenfranchisement.
op is a faggot.
this board was always about this:
>Hey Sup Forums, remember when we used to be Nazi's? Back before all the libertarians and r/the_donald cucks moved in?
>Pic not related, newfags don't know about /new/ and why Moot shut it down.
The libertarian immigration in is comparable to the r/thedonald