We talk about countries that SHOULD exist.
Other urls found in this thread:
Empire of North America
Composed of the U.S., Canada, and Greenland.
My ass, population: 1 (You)
Nice try, commie.
>Annexing leafs
Why do you want Greenland? It's danish clay.
A big ass military island halfway to Europe
The levant (syria,lebanon,jordan) palestine too but palestinians are fucking shit so they are excluded
Nigger please, you can't be this retarded.
>claims to be libertarian, free marketer and pro-gun
>loves communist shithole for it's capitalism (xD!)
Don't touch viking island.
this too, and this
You must really hate your nation don't you?
Oh shit i thought you polish bois liked him nevermind then
Fuck the East. Sorry Newfies.
>american education
>you must really-----? Don't you?
Most of retards literally love him. Poles might be imbeciles, but thanks God they won't vote for this jew.
I think bc is lost.
Headtax 2.0 and massive real estate reform could salvage most of it. A "Vancouver Special Economic Zone" could be a viable containment solution.
Fuck outta here with that shit dont make me wake charles up dude
>be me
>sees image
>sees flag
Nice try
>All of central asia is the same province
>North africa and nigger jungles in the same province
>Invades all of southeast europe, austria and spain
>Leaves the EU countries with the largest muslim populations alone
Who the fuck made this map ? Is that islamic NEET dreams ?
This is the current Polish railway map
compare both images
Poland did not exist in the 19th century dumbass
My best wishes to the polish people
Bring it back
This but white
It was the only way for him to get a statue somewhere on this planet.
This. Make it a second Israel on the middle east.
Hahahahhahahhahahahaha what a degenerate
>Ottoman empire
>the nation that litterally destroyed itself
>If I keep calling Nazis commies the boomers and t_ders will be on my side!
>Ottoman empire
Holy fuck, please consider suicide to solve your retardation. You're a disgrace.
>burger education
Every. Bloody. Time
Destroy The Impure And The Degenerate.Subjugate and destroy the jew and Unite the Earth and The Human Species.
I'm okay with being cucked by Germany as long as they were slightly less evil than the Russians and they built MUH RAILS to transport wealth out of my country!
Why would you do that to your self, my mulatto friend?
Greater Saxony
>Not knowing its Byzantine Empire
Get off of Sup Forums
Anglo-Frisian Union when? They are our closest descendants on the mainland.
Haha oops
What the fuck is so special about a leftover fragment of a greater Empire that existed?
Grut-Fryslân boppe!
It meant that Constantinople and Antioch and other important Christian cities were held by Christians.
They drove the Poles out of there by force. And the Poles were under Russian oppression so they couldn't really do anything to build railways or whatever.
Die jew die
Agree 145% that Kurdistan should be a country.
Friesland belongs to the Dutch, like Belguim.
It was Christian and once looked like pic related
Of the top of my head, culture, arts, and education
>danish clay
I thought you loved me Sven ;(
>national (((((((((socialism))))))))))))))
>not socialism
>The Dutch
Anglo-Frisian-Dutch-Non-Country Union when?
You kike deserve gas
Still not as good as Rome
try posting that on any serious Polish history boards. I had a question to add this one in one of my mods, had to ask around of a board for details. I got banned for two weeks before the admin realized my legitimate confusion and told me it was like saying Narnia.
>proceeds to worship half-kike
Really made me think.
I present thee, the Confederacy of Germanic Nations.
yes please
>closest descendants
You mean invaders?
Genetically, Brits have nothing to do with Anglo's or Saxons.
They were just your masters at one point and taught you how to speak properly, nothing more.
>Lowland Scotland
>not Anglo clay
>not German clay
Other than that, it's beautiful
>democratic people's republic of korea
>not a democratic republic
>M E X I C A N
>E M P I R E
Wrong, we owe at least 40% of our blood to them with the possibility of it being far higher.
whynot Panama?
>not including ireland and scotland even though they speak a germanic language
Rightful Colombian clay, between Hispano-american brothers we should not have conflicts
This as an alternative to Israel.
In fact white British DNA has barely changed since the last ice age.
A LOT more of Scotland should be included. Half of Cornwall and a good deal of Wales too. AND half of Northern Ireland.
Some sort of affiliated status should be figured out for Czechia and the Balts too, perhaps.
Those territories were ethnically German for hundreds of years and before that they were ethnically Baltic. The Poles owning territories like Danzig only occurred during when they became a super power. Even during the times of the Commonwealth, the area of East Prussia was German under the Teutonic Order. Danzig was also inhabited by Germans. The only really claims Poles can have is on Selisia which was ethnically Western Slav for the longest time until Germans moved in there around the 1500s. Germans settled there and built it up like they did with Prussia and Silesia. It eventually come under direct German control and was an ethnically German area controlled by Germans for hundreds of years until after the 2nd World War. These territories are, in all historic right, German territories because they were settled and built up by Germans for hundreds of years.
>eginning with the Beaker period, and continuing through the Bronze Age, all British individuals harboured high proportions of Steppe ancestry and were genetically closely related to Beaker-associated individuals from the Lower Rhine area. We use these observations to show that the spread of the Beaker Complex to Britain was mediated by migration from the continent that replaced >90% of Britain's Neolithic gene pool within a few hundred years, continuing the process that brought Steppe ancestry into central and northern Europe 400 years earlier.
Try doing some research before you post total BS
No Alaska? :(
Probably should include Scots Lallans aye, not willing to draw blood for irredentism for Prussia even though it is B E S T G E R M A N Y. None of our thedes there now.
Litterally who?
We would first need to
1. Massively purify English of non Germanic loans a la Atatürk, calquing from German if need be
2. Stop claiming to share the same language as the Ameripoors who can continue with degenerate creole English
3. Build 2 walls to keep out the valley-niggers and kilt-niggers
>3. Build 2 walls to keep out the valley-niggers and kilt-niggers
>Implying that wall wouldnt be to keep out you chavs
>all British individuals ... were genetically closely related to Beaker-associated individuals from the Lower Rhine area
how does it feel knowing that Anglos have been your brothers since the Bronze Age? :^)
The Confederate States of America should exist.