Anyone else just want america to burn to the ground and for russia to rule the world?
Anyone else just want america to burn to the ground and for russia to rule the world?
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I want America to burn.
won't change anything
I'd rather it be China. Zionist infiltration is not as deep there. Asians also covet whites and want to be them, essentially. no gomunism plis
Japs love whites. Chinese hate whites.
I rather turn USA into a conservative Authorian nation.
It will be nice to have every nigger american, white trash degenarate, and kike banker and media subverter dead
Why? Russia economy is awful, their leadership would just as bad.
Stop speaking foreign languages.
None of that would happen.
I just want him to put it in my boipucci
You know a lot of us burgers have English ancestry, right? Wales and Cornwall here, family came over in the mid 1800's looking for work when the mining in Cornwall died out.
No. I like living in a rural +90% white state. I do however want to see the rest of the world burn, excluding Europe & Australia. Maybe Japan.
Would Russia really just run rampant on everyone if America ceased to exist?
Nice try, Shareblue poser.
Shut up faggot let me dream
Without US/NATO, Western Europe would be in their gun sites.
There really need to be more memes comparing him to Goebbels. He even did the finger wagging thing once.
It will burn before I let child molesting mafia run it with us as their slaves. Trump was elected to jail this mafia, this is un-kept promise that is much bigger than Obamacare or any of the others. Nothing will change if it is not fulfilled, and we the American people know this. Trump was elected as a last chance at a peaceful and lawful solution. We are 8 months in, and our patience is at an end. Fun and games are over. It is going to get better, or it is going to get real ugly then get better. Getting ugly will be a bloodbath like any civil war, but that will not deter the resolve of the righteous.
Can we get a confirmation that he was the one that wrote trumps speech yesterday when he said "our patience is not unlimited".
I think he enjoys larping as a nazi lol
1. That's false in current year
2. Even if true, so? You're an awful global influence
>God: You've been a bad goy Goebbels, so as punishment I'm going to reincarnate you into a Jew.
>Goebbels: Oh yeah? Watch this.
I highly doubt Russia will ever rule the world.
Das rite. Na koleni suki.
Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and every single non-white on the planet just vanished, raptured away or taken by ayys or something...
What would you do then?
op jew guy should get some rogaine and some glasses
is he that guy that larps as a nazi and rips stuff off from here for his speeches?
what a gross jew
we deserve better
whites would start fighting amongst themself
anglo vs slav, wop vs nord
You tell 'im, Achmed.
>op jew guy should get some rogaine and some glasses
>what a gross jew
you shut your dirty lying cosmopolitan mouth
hes perfect the way he is
The man you're replying to is a Paki
What the fuck are you talking about? Russia, who has a GDP smaller than Italy, will never rule more than the shitty asiatic steppe that they already have.
Oh here's an idea for a disgruntled alt-right bioresearcher - take some super deadly virus and modify it so it targets only niggers (there must be some gene that niggers alone have and no other race) and then release it and enjoy the fireworks
Nah I wouldn't want America burned to the ground. Too many beautiful things here. But I wouldn't mind seeing Russia become sole hyperpower of the world. Let's see how they'll do it this time, without the communism.
Fuck off Kremlin shill. God I hate these Russian proxy faggots so much. Go suck choke on Putin's cock some more.
Go away Putin
that disease already exists its called sickle cell
Anti american master race reporting in
The Chinese are basically Jews anyway.
Fucking kek thank you user
>russia to rule the world
We will not rule but guide, we will show an example to whole world that nations can go to future holding hands and helping each other, world of equals, world of nations respecting each other, world of mutual aid, world without selfishness.
Oy vey!
>Anyone else just want america to burn to the ground and for russia to rule the world?
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Modern American couple
Kill yourself filthy mongrel and take your midget faggot president with yourself, cringy commie