Shouldn't we get rid of them now that they're being used against us?
Meme Flags
How fucking stupid are you to be confused by someone choosing a flag?
I hate niggers now wtf!!! Communists are ourguys xD
Fucking moron
drumpf is finished,we should just hand over soverignity back to the uk we obviously are too fat and retarded to govern ourselves,we should let the queen rule us instead...
Now you now pain of leaf.
The smarter play is to keep them as they're almost always used by shills. It's almost like they're wearing "I'm a shill flags"
they don't seem to realize that it essentially makes it obvious as fuck that they're shilling
It's over for Drumpf for real this time
I'd prefer if you could just have an option to reveal what's under memeflags and/or individually click/hover on on to see what's under.
it could increase the meme potential while keeping the flags and also not allow people to hide behind them
but it's not like it's difficult to detect a falseflagger anyway
They've been here longer than the Sup Forums faggot flags you cunt. Country flags should go.
No. If anything it's actually helping.
Meme flags were how Sup Forums used to be though. Country flags are the new thing.
t. Empire flag user
Man I really dislike Trump these days
No because why not
Nah, the Kekistani flag for instance allows you to instantly identify a redditor.
i live in my moms basement and eat my own jizz
The mere fact that they are here, no matter the shilling, will always be against them. No matter who you are or what your ideology is, if you are here, you are getting redpilled. You will become /ourguys/ and there is no escape from that. That's why you have spics LARPing as nazis. You will all be nazis in one year from now, mark my words. Pic related
“If you dance with the devil, the devil don't change, he changes you.”
No I think this is a terrible idea
lets let black people into our cities
Its a anonymous board dumbass, not your special club
Maybe we should give Pence a chance at electrocuting us.
Homosexuality is a disease