Chicago's pizza places have more security than my local bank.
Try and tell me that blacks aren't violent.
Chicago's pizza places have more security than my local bank.
Try and tell me that blacks aren't violent.
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This can't be real
at least the price is decent
it's real.
"Google glass"
Pizza hut has shitty prices the, the learned from the Jew and nickle and done the hell out of customers.
Papa John's is the one and only choice.
Around blacks...
It's all about that Little Caesar's $5 hot and ready pizza
Many of them are also starting to install face recognition and saved images to databases.
little caesars tastes like cardboard
Meh, it's not that good though, but I would eat Little Caesars before I would eat dominos.
Papa always has the best tasting pizza and the best coupons.
you could climb right over it, its a drop down ceiling
this isn't that rare in mostly black communities.
It's rarer to see no bullet-proof glass in convenient stores in a black neighborhood.
Not just real, expected.
blacks aren't smart enough for that.
Most of our tankstellen who are open in the night are only open through the bulletproof glass SINCE THE EAST MONKEYS CAME IN THE EU
Funny isn't it
I had no idea about this. Although it's not as surprising as I thought.
Papa Johns coupons are great. Whenever the Twins win I get 50% off a pizza
It's real, they don't want to get shot
t. every sheltered white who thinks racists are stupid
It's real buddy.
M8 kfc in Harlesden is like a bank as well. They slide your chicken to you through a recessed hole under the security glass.
At what level do you unlock this subway?
Most areas with a baseball team get that promo, here in Chicago you get it if the Sox win.
I always hit up RetailMeNot before ordering papa johns and get sick ass deals every time.
...get a job installing security equipment and make a good living.
I knew some places were bad, but pizza places? What the fuck?
A bit sheltered but I did understand why niggers had a negative impact.
This isn't the 90's anymore, H town is gentrified as fuck now because of housing prices.
You take that back scrotum snatcher
Remove that RACIST glass now!
Go to any ghetto gas station or fast food joint, if they don't take these measures, then the employees will get hurt so often it becomes unprofitable to even have a business in a nog neighborhood.
I used to live in a neighborhood full of Puerto Spicans and Dominiggers. They used to have this set up at all of the convenience stores.
>This can't be real
You've never seen this in person? Must be nice living in a lily white neighborhood your whole life. I grew up in the hood, this is common. I've since mover & can't stand niggers or spics.
desu I've seen an off licence that looked like fort knox in glasgow, mind you that's not saying much
this can't be real
just go to your nearest ghetto. don't have to drive that far in the US.
Hans, don't lie, been multiple times in ya home, and what you're saying only occurs in big cities. So 90% of petroleum stations are normal/european ( whatever it means )
I live in MN but not the twin cities so we mostly have stupid fucking somalians
Not violent nignogs
I'm surprised they keep the drinks out there
stop being a nigga and maybe i'll remove it
>glass for my own goddamn protection so you immigrant-happy people can't punch me for sass
It's real.
I'm from the boonies. But I was doing something in Columbus, Ohio. Had to stop for gas, wanted to pay in cash. I go inside, armed security guard, bullet proof glass, etc. I've even heard that in black schools they have to put cages around vending machines. And the barbed wire they put around black school yards? That barbed wire faces INWARD, it's meant to keep people from leaving!
Wait so how the fuck do their banks look like ? Is there a cop sitting inside all day waiting for a nig to rob it ? They already have cops inside of their schools so i wouldn't be surprised if there was one in some banks and post offices.
Never relax
It's just white people being racist and stereotyping blacks. Also it's poverty that our capitalist society has created that causes high crime in our inner cities.
>Not violent
Pick one
They're too retarded most of the time
I see it happen but not to the level of bulletproof glass
>implying there are any banks in nigger neighborhoods
Last time I was deep in a nigger neighborhood, I had to travel 4 miles to find a bank.
Go to north philly you'll see the same shit
But somehow proud PoCs are more scared of us
I'm sure businesses spend thousands on security features because they're racists, they love wasting money on things they don't actually need, that's business 101
Going to Pizza Hut in a pizza city. Why?
Niggers don't use banks.
1. They don't have money
2. If they do have money, they spend it all.
3. If they don't spend it all, they likely obtained their money in illegal ways or they owe too much in child support payments and sticking it in a bank will raise too many flags.
You're right. The lack of personal responsibility has nothing to do with it.
The only reason why British banks don't get robbed often is because we're an island and if you rob a bank it's nearly impossible to get all the cash abroad to be laundered.
This is actually quite common in black communities. I've visited Detroit quite a few times so I should know.
>burger education
>has zero reading comprehension
don't be daft you just put it through the washing machine
that track lighting is awful and look at the fluorescents ewwwwwwww
Chicago style pizza is over rated as fuck, best pizza I ever had was in Ohio and Seattle.
t. Chicago
If poverty is factor, why don't rural locations need these measures? Even the poorest rednecks tend to not execute their victims in cold blood.
What the hell are you talking about you ugly ass Somalinigger?
>using a washing machine
>not hand laundering the cash like an alpha male would
Because it's genetic
A robber could just stand on top of the out box, push the ceiling tile out of the way, and put his hand over the top of the glass.
>stealing such a pitifully small amount of dosh that its practical to hand wash it
You have to be LARPing there is no way you are this retarded, the one user called the somaliniggers violent and in your cancer inducing greentext you made it seem as if he called the somalians peaceful, kys nigger lover
the image of civic disengagement and dystopia.
Have you never been to a city, user?
He literally said:
>we mostly have stupid fucking somalians
>Not violent nignogs
I literally quoted his post. Who has the shit reading comprehension here?
>not realizing that washing a fuck ton of dollars is what makes it alpha because it makes a good arm work out
Absolutely outrageous bongposter get with the program
lol, it looks like a fucking police station.
>looks like a control room from JK2
They have one of these in Fresno, CA too
>tfw in southeast ky
>tfw i have never seen the ghetto
>tfw i dont see black people often at all and when i do they are usually White/black mixed hotties
Not even our police stations are this sheltered.
They are walk-in but there are heavily-armed and armored officers every few meters
The money is probably in a timed safe, the glass is there to keep them from shooting the cashier for the $10 pizza. If they start climbing over people in the back have time to run.
He saying that there aren't any violent nignogs in no fucking way did he call samolians not violent like you greentexted you autistic fucking retard
This. Currency exchanges are always packed on Fridays with nogs cashing their checks.
Papa John's suck too, their pizza is carboard stale as fuck. Buy some grocery pizza or a local pizza chain.
He actually said verbatim that Somalians are not violent nignogs. I think you're the retard here.
excellent redpilling material
>no refills
Why live
Can that glass stop a .50BMG?
Thank you,
Image of yours will greatly enhance my ''describe in one picture X''
Cheers Mate
wtf not even our banks have glass
Sadly they are wherever blacks concentrate, Newark, Orange NJ and parts of queens, the Bronx and Long Island I've ever been to
8-10 for the pizza 2 more for specialty. this is not a bad deal.
Damn really? 50% off on wins? I'm in Milwaukee, should've been cashing in on that offer.
Post some then bong, the rest is in my EXT partition ,i dont feel like rebooting and my virtual machine tries to shoah my HDD
LOL you think people are lying about niggers being violent?
Even the convenience store where I work has measures to prevent (black) thugs from stealing from us. You aren't allowed to have more than 100 bucks in your drawer overnight.
It's the "Not worth robbing" policy cause you won't get shit from us.