>Sup Forums used to be hosted in the US now its hosted in unknown
shouldve axed Sup Forums before it became an alt right neo nazi safe space you dumbshits
or merge it with /fur/ like what moot planned to do
the longer you keep Sup Forums the faster Sup Forums dies
good luck reviving it on Tor ~
Sup Forums literally got btfo
We're everywhere now, Chaim.
>kick a hornet's nest
>watch what happens
Please, play stupid games, win your prizes.
I'm sure that there is absolutely no way this can end up backfiring, definitely
>Sup Forums hosted in unknown
pretty spooky, I guess the servers are in some kind of pocket dimension with Hiroshima himself
>merge it with /fur/
yes, this will surely not create an even greater evil, things worked out so well with that /mlpol/ April fools merger right, remnants of that kept shitposting /qa/ to hell and back for weeks, but please go ahead, stir some shit up and create a few other chans, that are way worse, in the progress
>shouldve axed Sup Forums before it became an alt right neo nazi safe space
You mean a place for truth and actual resistance against global tyranny?
Whats Sup Forums?
Moot wouldve merged Sup Forums with /fur/ the first time the neo nazis here try to put maga hats on random anime girls so you wound up putting maga hats on furries instead.
You don't fuck with anime when moot's around
>mods are still this faggoty and asshurt
>1 post by this meme flag
What threads are they trying to slide?
>Gookmoot has his own pocket dimension
>banned from all boards for posting that on Sup Forums
Really makes you think.
>You don't fuck with anime when moot's around
well, he isn't around anymore, I assume google is now experimenting on him
doesn't Sup Forums have a literal nig mod?
>Sup Forums used to be hosted in the US now its hosted in unknown
Do you seriously expect the NSA to reveal the name of their servers?
>Break rules
>get banned
wtf are you doing?
Why do all leftist shitposters on this site sound like effeminate, sneering, pouting women who are desperately attempting (and failing) to sound intimidating?
reported. muah!
How do u get banned from Sup Forums? just stay for storytimes and dont sperg out, not hard.
>muh masculinity
>muh alpha male
>inb4 manlet
srsly, kys, brainlet
because you are projecting, faggot.
could be worse. one could sound like a rampaging man baby who's so insecure he adopted edgy rhetoric to use at will in order to gain attention on the internet.
more smug-chan pls
also who is moot?