>Band Allah-Las
the rhythm of peace strikes again
a happening is when a gas filled bus explodes at the rock venue
>gas filled
Name my Tour Bus Sup Forums
I filled my truck with gas today! omgz am I a terrorism???!!
Exactly if it was found and reported on nothing's going to happen now.
>Please let this be a normal field trip.
Quintessentially British.
Technically all/most buses are filled with gases, as is our atmosphere.
Go back to /sci/ you nerd
Kid Rock or The Rock?
>drudge report
Literally fucking who?
People act like this guy/site is some MSM-BTFO'er but it just looks like some irrelevant shitty HTML page
>inb4 le lurk moar XD
Was here before the trump election you fucking niggers
drudge has been around longer than web2.0, kidderz.
You need fart in your mouth. I will deliver it to you
You really activated my fucking almonds with this one user
i can smell your hymen through the screen.
KYS you stupid piece of shit
With the Frizz?
Matt Drudge of Fark.com
they stopped a terrorist attack? which one of you goys spilled the beans?
I work in the entertainment industry here in The Netherlands, i can tell you right away there is at least 1 big company here that buys their vehicles directly from Spain, because it's cheaper over there, that company also happens to provide a huge amount of vehicles to the entertainment industry, the gas bottles are very normal because it gets cold at night (these events continue untill like 4am) and a lot of workers are outside for hours and so they need gas for the heaters they have (again, all very normal stuff).
The van is not interesting at all..
Go back to your tendies, you ignorant retard.
>ignoring the point and not answering the question
DRUDGE Has abandoned Trump
Time to abandon drudge
I have a cousin who was going to attend this concert and be killed in this heinous conflagration,and I can assure you it is very real.
>Was here before the trump election
>Literally fucking who?
this is either a decent troll or a god damn retarded newfag
I can't help it, I'm old.
The fuck you talking about boy? i live here, i can tell you nothing is going on, move along people.
Not a troll, just never gave two shots about whoever this drudge report faggot is
he's been around forever; his headlines are sourced from mostly MSM news sites. the story in the OP, for example, comes from Express (UK). the idea that Drudge is about btfo'ing the MSM is incorrect. He is conservative, and his focus reflects that, but it's generally within the conservative mainstream, and most of his stories are non-partisan
finally, being here before Trump election doesn't mean you're not a newfag
t. here before Romney
I was here a couple years before the trump election
Even the space between solar systems and galaxies is filled with gas, technically.
Oh my god OP I want to homosexually ass-queef in your mouth. Take my shitfart down your throat. I will get so damn hard thinking of you being Link from legend of Zelda.
That corny, lumpiness chortling along your esophagus will feel like an inside-massage. Please let me love on you in a gay manner, gay-OP.
now you have no excuse for not gassing yourself faggot.
I am required to respire
Pray for where ever bus or truck of peace strikes this time. Not all Muslims are suicide bombers guys #letthemin #nazisaretheproblem #r/selectionbecauseimscaredtostandforanythingandfatandstupidandhavestds
He is a kikecon but he broke the lewinsky story and his site gets like 70mil unique boomer visitors a month. Very influential and can make you by linking your blog -- he blew up jewnovich by doing that.