Does pol support Israel?
Fucking why?
nu/pol/ is cancer
american election was a mistake
I do, they're a free western democracy in the middle east. They're one of the only countries in that region to accept gay rights and other things like that.
Fuck off namefag
Based liberal democracy maga shadilay
Because the common Israeli has nothing to with the brainwashed liberal Jew in Hollywood.
It's like the problem with animal conservation. Some hippy in San Fran want's to save the wolves in Wyoming because of the noble majesticness of such a beautiful animal, whilst the poor schmuck farmer IN Wyoming wants to shoot said wolves because they keep eating the family dog.
They are the spear's tip in killing Muslims.
You're either for Israel or an Islamic slave. Pick one.
Because despite hating Kikes, I hate Muslims more and years of being on Sup Forums has taught me that Israelis are a gorillian times better humans than the Jews we have here in America.
I don't think that pol actually likes Israel, it's just a matter of whether the kikes or the dune-coons are worse.
Sup Forums likes Palestinians and Israel, pol just wants PEACE
If you don't think Israeli and diaspora jews work hand in hand then you should probably kill yourself
Muslims are better than Jews tbqh
Sup Forums hates Israel with a passion.
>Muslims are better than Jews
Thanks for the constructive input, Mohammad Mohamud. It's getting late though.. Time to rape a fetus and hit the sack.
>When your country is so reprehensible the best your agents of influence can do is try to get pol psychopaths to support you by going "heh heh at least they slaughter muslims, breivik would be proud!!!"
>does pol support Israel
fucking why, OP?
>You're either for Israel or an Islamic slave. Pick one.
such a simpleton
Do the kikes actually think they can influence us into thinking Israel isn't the shittiest country on earth?
The only reason why muslims are a problem is because of the jews' antics in the first place you jaded faggot
exactly. Whenever the kike shills talk about "mudslimes" all I think is...ITS YOUR FAULT KIKE.
why was the original post image deleted?
Seeing people support any Jewry on /pol makes me very sad that (((they))) have infiltrated this location