Manspreading – the practice of sitting on public transportation with your legs wide apart – could now get you fined on Los Angeles public transit.
And this is the Metro of a real masculine country:
Manspreading – the practice of sitting on public transportation with your legs wide apart – could now get you fined on Los Angeles public transit.
And this is the Metro of a real masculine country:
I mean I don't see why this has to be an issue, men have a habit of doing this and public transportation can only seat so many at a time... so what's the problem of enforcing rules so everyone can get a seat???
>fat people should pay more for seats because they take up more space! Ugh, I can't believe part of them is in my personal space.
>wait what do you mean I can't sit with my legs spread so my knees are in other people's spaces? This is oppression!
that guy looks busy and the common sense thing would be to leave him alone if there's another available seat which i clearly see
bad OP pic, but your message doesn't change because of that.
How apart can the knees be without getting a fine?
>Being fat on a subway should get you fined
>Putting a purse on the seat next to you should get you fined
This is fake news.
****They banned taking up more than 1 seat****
720°'s or there about
Literally russian propaganda
>puts my bag with eighty different makeups into the seat next to me
>removes to move it
>this is ok though
>"Someone else has to sit next to me, huh? Hah,sucks for them, i'm 350 pounds and smell like a rancid sewer"
>"oh, someone needs the seat next to me? Lemme just sit up straight and move my leg."
Big fucking difference, lardass.
>implying women taking up a whole row with bags will be fined
fuck off you fat whore. next time i'm going to throw your stupid purse out the window
There is also plenty of free space. Im sure if the train were packed, he would move to take up less space.
Well, they are right, if the fags are taking TWO SEATS, like on the pic. Manspread on your own seat or pay double fare.
Oh how the fragile male ego crumbles in response to it's own cognitive dissonance
>Being fat should get you fined
If someone has spread his legs so that he is taking more space he could be asked to keep his legs closer so that another person could sit near him.
I do not see where is the problem if there are other free seats or if he is not bothering someone near him.
But if someone is fat and takes more space that can not be fixed.
>can not be fixed by anyone but the fatty fatty boombalatty
Is it just against men, or anyone who does it? I didn't watch that shit.
LA has a metro?
Obviously it should be against anyone, otherwise a lawsuit could follow.
The point is that i do not see where is the problem if someone has spread his legs if there are other empty seats or if there is no person near him.
Well, I agree, I just wouldn't put it past them to make a law targeting only men since it is based on "manspreading"
Well, look at the picture. I do not see why this guy should be fined unless there are no free seats or he is doing that next to a person near him.
>homeless psychos literally set up camp in subway cars
>the dude with his legs spread out is the problem
"womanspreading" doesn't really exist because they do it with their 5+ bags instead of using their legs
So being large enough to take up two seats will actually get you fined?
>Los Angeles public transit
No such thing