What do liberals mean when they say being open minded?
What do liberals mean when they say being open minded?
Accept all their propaganda without questioning it's true meaning or purpose.
Let millions of foreigners into your country, be fine with them interbreeding with the native population, be fine with the few natives that are left turning into hedonistic transsexuals. That's their definition of "open-minded".
Be willing to question your own beliefs and willing to change them if you can't explain why you believe them.
It means
>having beliefs and sticking up for them requires offending other people and I'm too weak and pathetic to do that
Don't have any ambition, let someone fuck your transgender wife, be 'cool' with everything apart from if it differs with their opinion, be type 2 personality and accept no responsibility for yourself, let everyone into your country
Unless of course you are a white cis bigot who is proud of his country. Please check privilege and please be more tolerant like me.
Punch a nazi. Promote degeneracy. End western civilization.
>What do liberals mean when they say being open minded?
Spread your mental asscheeks.
Don't question anything and accept all the degeneracy. Else you're a racist bigot wh*te supremacist drumpf supporter.
what open minded means
>try and see the situation from another perspective, and contemplate if you might be wrong
What liberals mean
>my way is "open minded", and somehow morally superior, and if you don't see it my way, then you are morally inferior, and thus, bad.
It really is the bottom line to the left.
>advocate a position
>just happen to agree with that position
>agreeing with that position makes me better than you
Have no convictions of your own, and in case you have any, at least be persuaded by emotional appeals in the complete absence of facts. So what if liberalism means destroying the society you live in? What, you think you're better than the niggers in Liberia?
Accepting of all forms of degeneracy
They mean that you should accept Marxist and Liberal dogmas of progressiveness.
Means they want you to be a homo.
This I'M AGGRESSIVELY GOOD meme is so cringey. PUNCH A NAZI
Redpill me on the Republican Democrat party switch
Fpbp as usual
the only thing those degenerate ovendodgers meant was 'FUCKING', because that's the overall theme of the message unless you're too retarded to notice the obvious.
Why are liberals so obsessed with the F word? Why was it necessary to use here? Why not just say "Be open minded" instead of "Be FUCKING open minded"?
I'm serious, liberals use the word "fuck" every chance they get.
Why do they love this useless word so much? It has no power, no weight, and no meaning. It adds no emphasis or value to your statement. Yet they use it as much as they can. Why?
>it's true meaning
Oh look, another rural or suburban retard who can't spell.
Why is the alt-right so illiterate and uneducated?
If you don't agree with me you are close minded backwoods hick. Also this
>Mooooooom, the liberals aren't being politically correct and it hurt's muh feeeeeeeeeee feeeees
>waaaaaaah, waaaaaaaah
Dude you're in Sup Forums.
They mean "Adopt our way of thinking OR BURN IN HELL NAZI SCUM REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
WOW someone has a potty mouth. Trump needs to wash your mouth out with soap.
I'm serious. What is the meaning behind using that word?
I can understand using the term "Progressive". It's a great propaganda tool to make your follows think you're on the side of progress. But why "fuck"? Is that really the best they can come up with?
The left needs to get together and open your nazi, confederate, white supremacist minds with bullets.
Never happened.
Democrats always. Believed that you didn't own the right to your own body. Humans can be bought and sold as slaves, or their labor can be stolen from them from taxation.
Republicans have consistently opposed these things. You aren't fully free to do things that damage the republic, but you are less likely to be obligated to perform a service for free.
Be acceptive towards degeneracy.
Think about it. Be open minded is rarely said in the context of political views. It's always in a context like, 'be nice towards those homos' or 'consider an open relationship' or 'don't judge drug users'.
I defer to GK Chesterton, pic related.
open minded, to a liberal, means to have zero tolerance for any opinion that differs from your own, and to shout down other ideas, ridicule them, and heap violence upon those who hold opposing viewpoints to your own.
Being open minded to a liberal means relinquishing all scepticism and criticism unless the subject happens to be a progressive cause.
meant to say IF the subject happens to be.
now slinking out of this thread and hiding it so I'll never face the consequences of this mistake, only parallel timeline me will.