Let me get this straight. Hitler wanted to empower white people by exterminating Jews but he ultimately only empowered Jewish agendas for the next century? Was is 4-d chess?
Let me get this straight...
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In the last six months of 1941 96% of Lithuanian Jews were shot dead so I don't think that's exactly what happened.
Hitler probably delayed the current situation by 50 years. If not for Hitler, we would have had a Jew controlled European Union opening the borders by the 1960's.
WW2 was started and ended by jews.
He wanted peace.
nah he only delayed the inevitable. the only thing that can save the world is the peasant rising up and killing the 1%.
it will never happen.
I do love Hitler but without Hitler, would Oswald Mosley not have stood a better chance? Mosley was legit. But in WW2 they interned him for being a bad goy and afterwards they just called him literally Hitler to destroy everything he had built.
>In the last six months of 1941 96% of Lithuanian Jews were shot dead so I don't think that's exactly what happened.
that is fake and literally no proof of even one.
Hitler at that time had the best chance to win against the jews, more than anyone else
It was not quite enough sadly, he delayed our current situation for 50 years and that part of history will forever swing like a pendulum
Right now its swinging back
Because it had such a strong impact
Either way, he lost, we cant cry out for the past, we need to use the energy and movement of that swinging pendulum and try again
First of all, the Holocaust never happened. I recommend that you watch these excellent videos to disabuse yourself of that notion.
Buchenwald a Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil: youtube.com
One Third of the Holocaust: youtube.com
Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth: youtube.com
Secondly, Hitler was nevertheless a bad and ruthless man who was guilty of many political assassinations, persecutions, and war crimes, and bears at least an equal part of the blame with Jewish international power for starting the Second World War, owing to his aggressive behaviour, as Sir Oswald Mosley said:
We either should have attacked him early, as Enoch Powell wanted to do (he hated appeasement) or we should have listened to Mosley and tried to maintain peace with him--that was the error on our part, taking neither course. But nevertheless, there never would have been any error to make in the first place had he not occupied the Rhineland, annexed Czechoslovakia, and invaded Poland.
Mosley was an weak cuck t.b.h.
>First of all, the Holocaust never happened.
Let's just pretend that it did. then jews can be accused of taking a revenge in the form of white genocide. In many criminal trials, the proof of the motive is what helps convicting the criminal.
Nobody would have stood for open borders for one moment without Hitler lurking in the background. He gave the leftists the pretext to open them. Their argument always devolves upon Hitler in the end -- always. Observing the difference between men and races and acting upon the same in a practical sense is perpetually compared with "Nazism." That war broke Europe. That is why Nazism has to be dropped entirely -- it is a poisonous taint which has infected all sensible right-wing positions by association. People have to be made aware that opposition to mass immigration, to degenerate morality, that the love of nation, that awareness of Zionist international power, and so forth, have nothing necessarily to do with Nazism, and predate Nazism. We fought the Nazis because they invaded Poland, and for no other reason. The Holocaust mythology was invented post facto to make a pretext for the creation of Israel and persecution of the Palestinian people.
>jew kill count confirmed
>nationalist, prowled the world over to wipe the jew rat Founder Bolsheviks off no matter the cost
>bitch slapped baltic tribes
>took over Berlin, then turned around and wiped out the japanese armies
>according to Sup Forums was a zionist and never actually killed any jew rats
>sucker punched a slav and killed himself after he realized what he did
This choice really activates the neurons....
He wanted to impower Germans but failed and ultimately cucked them
Honestly can't blame Hitler on the current situation at all. Like previous post have said, he probably delayed this fucking apoctalyptic end time we are currently living in by 50 years.
As for Germans being the biggest cucks on the planet currently, again that is 100% on them. If anything they should be inspired by the strength of the Nazis and success they had during their reign but instead they are ashamed of it. I fucking hate Germans.
First of all, the Holocaust happened.
You may think that denying that shit is edgy and cool but really it just shows that you are a pencil-necked virgin
he was a jew.
He fucked up by invading other countries.
Hitler didn't want to empower white people, he wanted to empower Germans.
Not sure about "the last six months" but ye, the holocaust in Lithuania was yuge. Vilnius used to be very diverse and was used to be called the Northern Jerusalem or some shit, then Hitler nuked the Jews
Stop listening to the bad half of our movement. Its not about White, no matter what forgery quote is in reply to this post.
1) He never exterminated the Jews.
2) If he did, he didn't expect the Allies to win.
3) If he did expect them to win, he thought the world would be a better place without so many of them.
Gehen Sie saugen ein wenig jüdischen Schlange Sie Deutsch Cuck faggot
Killing jews, nationalistic ... Do you even Stalin ...
Says the JEW with the NAZI flag.
Hitler was a kike agent all along.
this guy is in serious need of a few red pills, either that or he's LARPing as a retard.
What a fucking faggot you are. Try harder Jew.
What does the Bible say about liars?(your flag)
Hitler was controlled opposition.
You almost got it.
You left out that the American OSS believed Baron Rothschild of Austria (supposed to be Jewish) was Hitler's grandfather and his whole fake Heidler was a total fake.
Then there's DNA evidence to support Hitler being Jewish.
Now, I'd redpill you on Satanic Zionist "Jews" vs Jewish Supremacist Zionist and why they did the entire brutal but fake "holocaust" but usually at this point people are on Red Pill OD.
Mosley had very little support.
Its current year bud, time to stop believing in fairy tales.
First of all, why do arguments for open border involving Hitler have any effect in Britain? Kikes have been able to meme German war guilt onto every country in which they control the media. Without Hitler, they would have used colonial guilt or Marxist class warfare or god knows what else in order to subvert you. They hardly even need a rational pretext, you already unironically accept that German war guilt was a sufficient tool for the kikes to destroy Britain, which is an objectively absurd state of affairs. There is no running from Nazism, it is the only European political movement which successfully rolled back the kike onslaught, any movement which aims to resist the kike control of our countries will be the spiritual successor of Nazism, there is no running away from this.
Mosley was widely praised and admired by the entire country as one of its finest intellects, and it was thought likely that he would at some point become the next Prime Minister. It was only once he began to advocate fascism that the establishment turned against him. They did to him exactly what they are doing now to Donald Trump. The parallels are exact. The press started to gave him absolutely no attention, so the only way he could get his message out was through his speeches. Communist agitators would disrupt these in a ruthless and organized fashion, attacking people with razors, knives, and knuckle-dusters. His stewards would throw these men out by using the bare minimum of force, and then the newspapers would revile the Blackshirts themselves for the violence instead of these proto-"alt-left" agitators. In an age before the internet he did not have a chance.
I simply don't agree with this at all. Where was the mass immigration in Europe, where was even the tendency towards it before Nazism? People would never had stood for it. It would have been unthinkable. The communists had absolute dominion over the East, and yet even those nations remained homogeneous till its very demise. It has taken an incredibly long time for them to force this on us all. Hitler is always what they fall back on to justify it. "Hitler and the Nazis persecuted people on the basis of race, made distinctions on the basis of race; you are just like Hitler and the Nazis." This is exactly what they said to Enoch Powell after he made his speech in 1968, even though he fought the Nazis. As the lie of the Holocaust gained traction it got even easier to use Hitler as a pretext to shut down all legitimate right-wing political thought. "The last time people built a state on the basis of making distinctions of race of any kind, over ten million people were systematically murdered in gas chambers. We must never let that happen again."
makes no sense right
>that's because it's bullshit
Hitler was FtM trans. All political leaders are!
the holocaust didnt happend........ but i wish it did.
>Where was the mass immigration in Europe, where was even the tendency towards it before Nazism?
Communism was an anti-racist international movement with the explicit long-term goal of creating a borderless mixed-race global population. Communists broke down the communal boundaries in Russia, turning it into the mixed-race Mongoloid shithole that it is now.
>People would never had stood for it. It would have been unthinkable.
You can make people do anything once you have total control of information distribution.
>Hitler is always what they fall back on to justify it.
Would using colonialism, slavery, eugenics, etc, be any less effective? The human mind is amazingly malleable, the arbitrary constraints which you place on the effectiveness of propaganda don't actually exist. They don't need Hitler as an argument, the fact that you think that they do only reveals the power of their brainwashing.
The proof of what would have worked and what would not already lies in historical fact. We had slavery, we had colonialism, but neither of those things made people feel guilt enough to take mass immigration into Europe. We saw the one as a necessary evil, the other as a benefit to the native population. It was only after a war that killed tens of millions of Europeans, and a story about concentration camps in which ten million people were systematically gassed to death, that people were willing to accept it.
You had the Communist rhetoric about the unity of mankind, but mass mingling of European populations with (say) sub-Saharan or Muslim ones, as we have today, was never carried out in practice. The fact that it was not shows how strongly resistant Europeans were to the idea of immigration -- that, even when they were under the heel of totalitarian dictatorships, that was a line which the authorities obviously felt they could not cross.
>Hitler wanted to exterminating Jews
Back you go now, shoo shoo
The importation of huge numbers of low-IQ brown people was not feasible until recently. First they needed to implement feminism in order to collapse white birthrates, then they need to develop a system of global trade in order to feed the brown masses. They began the importation of non-whites at the earliest practical opportunity.
The fact that the use of the nazi bogeyman only increases in proportion to the length of time which has elapsed from the existence of the third reich is evidence that this is not some natural outgrowth from white guilt about the policies of the third reich, but a carefully orchestrated propaganda campaign which is completely untethered from reality. They could meme anything into a justification for white genocide, they have even turned environmentalism into an impetus for white genocide. Running from the nazi label only lends legitimacy to their absurd frame.
I enjoy reframing this whole debate in terms of colonialism. Nazis were removing alien colonists from their land. Non-whites in white countries are colonists who are exploiting the native population. Controlling the frame is the most important aspect of this debate. The frame that "Germans treated invasive Semitic colonists poorly 75 years ago, therefore Pakistanis should have free rights to colonize England" is utterly absurd, only through constant repetition and silencing of dissent is this frame able to endure.