Are based and redpilled black guys better than white liberals?
Are based and redpilled black guys better than white liberals?
A burnt piece of toast has greater value than a white progressive desu...
Goddamnit I'm so tired of you faggots its about ideas not race. Race is what those in power use to control us. It will always exist but it does not need to be such a big fucking deal.
Yes. Not all blacks are niggers.
>Are based and redpilled black guys better than white liberals?
Er yes you dumb fuck.
No. Any nigger is a bad nigger, if they were truly "redpilled" they would off themselves.
t. white (((liberal)))
Nigger is not a skin color, it is a degenerate lifestyle choice
no shit. Have you ever tried to talk to a white liberal?
Yes, without a doubt!!!
>Goddamnit I'm so tired of you faggots its about ideas not race.
The race fags are Soros shills and Stormfront orphans.
And little 12 year old boys with pimples who think its cool or edgy because the shills here who pretend to be racists pose as real Sup Forumslocks
Just wondering - any based black guys post on /pol?
Fuck yes.
All the based/redpilled niggers I've ever known take that shit seriously. They tend to hate other niggers because they've managed to pull themselves free from nigger culture and that usually costs them a lot of friends/family in the process.
More than you'd think
No, you shortsighted fools aren't considering the long term. Their children's children's children will inevitably be democratic voting niggers just like the majority of blacks. If you don't understand why or disagree then you're naive or uneducated or both.
Without bein uncle tom. They got problems of their own but its antifeminism an upkeeping tradional thinking is whats makin alt right multicultural
NOW the question is, would you let your daughter fuck a based black confederate, and come out half-chimp
found the nigger lovers, you will also be hung in the day of the rope you ficking traitors.
>Wonders why Stormfront never gets any traction with the general populace.
>Attacking blacks while ignoring niggers.
What's that graph supposed to mean? I want less non-white immigration and I'm aware that it's racist.
If their children get whitewashed (having children only with whites) would make the brown go away, but enough for 23andMe to let them say nigger without jews on CNN going crazy.
Hell yea. I would rather deal with a world full of non-nig black people than deal with a bunch of sniveling liberal commies. In the south it is NEVER about color but who you are and the ones who make it about color are niggers and liberal enablers especially white people.
That would fall under the naive category, as the majority of people breed within their own race. Besides, you're advocating for race-mixing which is degenerate.
> yes goy, hate those that align with you politically
> accept SJW bullshit on account that we share somilar genetic features
Redpilled black guys are just called Black guys.
Non-redpilled black guys are called niggers.
If black people aren't niggers then they are fine. It's the niggers that are the problem.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
fuck off r/thedonald
In the moment, yes. In potential, no.
We elected Trump. Its our propaganda. Its our memes. Its our shameless exposure of facts. We did that before you existed. Reddit didnt do that, TRS is just Reddit tier trash. This is a TRShill thread. Sage hide and report. The truth does not fear investigation, there is no such thing as purity spiraling, niggers have no place in our society and no racially mixed society can be a healthy society. These TRShills are just as responsible for the 100 rapes that go on every day as the Jews and niggers doing the raping are, they protect these niggers and argue they deserve to be here, and that we need niggers and based zionist kikes to stop white genocide, or they deny white genocide. Its just shills. Dont post, or at least put a sage in.
Any day
Confederate flag is not based.
But yes. Of course.
stop being mad flaggot
see and get out, reddit.
Both deserve the oven, but the white should know better, so yes I suppose. Always kill a traitor befor an enemy.
>Would rather hang out with niggers than blacks.
GBT SanFran, hang out with all the degenerate white niggers.
Quit fighting each other on behalf of elite Jews you faggots.
Shouldn't your flag be the Star of Remphan, (((Goldstein)))?
Sup Forums is trash
Niggers are blacks you the_donald cuckold. You would replace our entire population with "muh based black guys" because you don't understand that genetics is destiny. The average IQ of their descendants wouldn't even be high enough to maintain civilization.
Of course.
When you fags are forced to actually address the post you disagree with with words instead of downvotes it becomes incredibly obvious that your position is feckless and pathetic. You can't even back it up with any argument whatsoever.
you are so mad.
Yeah I am. Thanks for proving my point and how utterly average of an individual you are.
Is that some kinda rhetorical question? Most Southerners are going to stick up for our own- white or black.
Fuck that commie bitch Heather whatever. It pisses me off that nigger leftists MURDERED Anthony Hervey the exact same way and yet, nobody probably even knows who he is.
Yes but not by much. They are as cucked as the white liberal.
This, I'm a free specch extremist but I'll be damned if I have to argue for any more 'white nationalism'.
If you believe in your country then believe in it.
Sorry us average guys dont stack up to your below-average looks and penis size as an Ashkenaz.
Most blacks are niggers. Most blacks are primitive, violent tribals. But there's also plenty of based blacks, and plenty of white niggers.
If he's more successful than you'll ever hope to be, he's not a nigger. If he's a beer-guzzling imbred hillbilly or LGBT she-fag, he's a nigger.
Only a dumbfuck or a divide-and-conquer shill would throw out their potential allies while hugging their degenerate opposition.
Feel free to present any rebuttal whatsoever to the argument I used to destroy you and your retarded position of sucking muh based black guys cock. Any time now. I'm waiting for it in your next post.
Yeah and what about his children's children's children? You aren't even addressing the initial argument. You're either unaware of regression to the mean or are too stupid to understand it.
What is the definition of Nigger in your own words
I still wouldn't befriend them. They're sure to be related to dumbasses who would break into your home, kill you, or any of the other usual nigger crimes.
Have you ever heard of a brilliant man named Yakub? user?
I don't think you are understanding his argument.
Funny thing is; most of the Antifa I see are white and both Antifa and BLM seem to hate Jews or at least be indifferent to them even though they are being funded by them. Israel is sad as all fuck. You couldn't even get the people you leech of of to like you.
>Yeah and what about his children's children's children?
OMG, A lot of them will be based light-brown people and not as many pure whites. Big fucking whoop.
But the current strategy has divided the field into a battle that whites cannot win by color alone. We continue to be divided by every possible way, there are not enough people left to win.
>What is the definition of Nigger in your own words
Simple. Nigger = Degenerate/Degeneracy.
You didnt provide an arguement you fucking idiot. You illustrated your fantasy of a crystal-ball look into a future scenario where all people vote Jew solely because they're ethnic. You think a 1-liner and "go back to redddit huehue" is an intellectual arguement?
The redpill is Christianity. It is a handbook which shows Jewish usury, secular manipulation and all other things present in our current world. You are a cancer to progrssive movement because you believe out of your literally QUINTILLION grandparents between now and 3000 B.C. were whites who just inbred for thousands of years. How fucking stupid is that
Oh they hate Jews? What are the (((LGBT))), (((Pro-Choice))), (((Trillion dollar space program for SCIENCE))) and (((Anti-2nd Amendment)))) movements you fucking idiot
My girlfriend is in more liberal circles and having met rat white liberals I am loathe to say yes.
>You didnt provide an arguement you fucking idiot.
>You illustrated your fantasy of a crystal-ball look into a future scenario where all people vote Jew solely because they're ethnic.
Well which is it, dumbass? You think sub 100 IQ apes are going to vote anything other than gibsmedat? Are you some kind of retard?
>The redpill is Christianity.
Well that answers that question. Btw you spelled "argument" wrong, you inbred, low IQ mongrel.
>OMG, A lot of them will be based light-brown people and not as many pure whites. Big fucking whoop.
Jesus christ you are unironically reddit. Even if that weren't the most disgusting thing I read all day it would still be incorrect. Most people don't breed outside of their race, even in the current year. You're just another brainwashed ideologue like every retard on the left.
Your alleged "non-nigger black man" will breed with a black woman, and their children will do the same, until they've regressed to the 85 IQ average, hurting civilization. As I said, you're too shortsighted and idealistic (read: naive) to consider the long-term consequences of your idealism.
Any leftist is an enemy. The white ones are the worst because they are all trying their hardest to impress their wife's buck nigger.
20% of blacks are more intelligent than 50% of whites. So if we genocide 80% of the blacks and 50% of the whites, the world would be a much better place than if we just genocided 100% of the blacks. It's simple. The smart survive, regardless of race.
>based & redpilled
Yes 100%, they are proud to be black and don't try to race mix, they work hard and support their families, and their god-fearing men.
White liberals are a cancer.
Yes, of course and we need them. I always appreciate a smart & reasonable POC
>they are proud to be black and don't try to race mix
How? The redpill has a ton of reasons on why Blacks should be hated. Why would a redpill black guy love himself?
I remember a thread long ago about a black guy saying he was redpilled yet only chased white girls on his campus.
You didnt provide a legitimate arguement(completely valid Brit English spelling like colour you illiterate faggot) The current political climate pushing blacks to vote democrat is the Conservative defense of rampant police brutality(not Mike Brown or Treyvon Martin. Think Freddie Gray and Sandra Bland) and illiterate faggots tunnelvisioned on defending the Confederacy as if they give 2 shits about the Cotton Trade from an economic.perspective.
You are the dumbest faggot in this thread and.legitimately think youre hot shit
Is a sensible, productive black dude with an intact family better than an hood rat raised by a single ghetto mama and some aunties? Absolutely.
There is some interplay, but ethnicity (culture) is clearly more important than race (genetics). Improved ethnicity is the only way to positively impact genetic development in the long term.
yes. I'm racist as fuck but black people are strong and charismatic.
respect each individual on their merits. any larping faggot who says otherwise just got cucked by a nigger.
I've been here since before Reddit, user. Lurk more, etc. Looks like you got complacent, not used to not having your opinions challenged in a place like this.
If it's such a deal, just move north. Blacks can't stand the cold so there will always be islands of white.
TL/DR, Nigger = Degenerate.
In a word, yes.
Well I don't know if I'm hot shit but I'm definitely objectively superior to you. Niggers vote democrat for the gibsmedat every time. Don't tell me you actually bought into the police brutality meme? You're pathetic and naive.
A Black Panther is better than a white liberal. He's defending his interest same as me. A white liberal is just a self loathing waste of oxygen.
I don't care how long you've been here, you espouse the values of r eddit, so you are r eddit buddy. You unironically advocated for race-mixing (LITERALLY muh based black man meme), and I'm supposed to believe you're not reddit? I want you to challenge my beliefs, with any reasonable rebuttal, but you didn't. In fact, you didn't even address my argument at all with this post. Maybe you should run back to r eddit where you can disagree with down arrows instead of having to use words like big boys? I'll wait for an actual rebuttal to .
Found the divide and conquer Jew. Without kikes and flaming liberals, the people will naturally sort themselves out. I'll work with all races towards that goal.
t. ebil Nahtzee
2017 black people hate is strictly regional and is divisive tbqhaf
Well said white man.
yes hoteps > antifas but they're still little minstrel nigger boys
The white race is doomed anyway. Let it at least be good stock, and not a donkey.
yeah this theory of yours sure did produce some excellent white specimens, didn't it?
You are a fucking moron. You're probably a boot-licking faggot who thinks "just do as they say. If they wanna search your house and you have nothing to hide, let em in". You cant possibly believe no bad cops exist, and if you do agree that they exist, then you wouldnt defend them protecting their own with paid leave in disgustingly overt cases of abuse of power, regardless of race.
You are such a stubborn faggot I refuse to believe you actually own these opinions. You are definitely a 14 year old fedora or a Jew. If you are a sincere adult, kill yourself(do it if youre a Jew too)
>I prefer black people because the white race is doomed anyway.
Great argument. Are you even white?
anything is better than white liberals