Why the FUCK are our women so ugly? I'm not saying there aren't attractive women in this country, because there definitely are, but let's be honest, the average British woman is hideous. Only the Irish are uglier. Is there anything we can do to fix this? Can we implement some kind of nationwide eugenics programme, where we castrate uggos? Or are we destined to live amongst these hob goblins for eternity?
Why the FUCK are our women so ugly? I'm not saying there aren't attractive women in this country...
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All the good phenotypes left for the new world or died in various wars. Only haggard beasts remain.
Or are we destined to live amongst these hob goblins for eternity?
Personally if I had to choose I would plough one on the very left (suits my BBW preferences).
I think its weight and drinking. You'll see a lot of those types over here too.
For some reason, women who drink too much tend to have huge fucking foreheads and egg shaped faces.
inbreed anglo blood
Why is gollum on a night out?
>Personally if I had to choose I would plough one on the very left (suits my BBW preferences).
Dude, she's fucking hideous. Look at her face. She has the physiognomy of an autistic murderer in a hollywood film.
>wanting to fuck fat paul dano
Go rebuild your empire so you dont have to see your womean
average british women ugly?
most "average x women" are ugly.
that's why average is average.
I've seen some of the most beautiful women in my entire life when I was living in the UK.
I'd say the average German woman is more ugly than the average Brit. At least when I lived in both places I saw more ugly German women than ugly British women.
Who cares?
As if you're getting any of that pussy anyways virgin
>Only the Irish are uglier.
In fact, Irish women are..
Isn't it actually a meme?
If you go to the cities, you'll mainly find ugly golem slags with fake tans and fake boob jobs.
I occasionally see qts when i'm in heavily white populated areas.
For the sake of balance, here's a qt English redhead, to prove we're not all hideous troll people.
For the 100th time. Vikings stole all the pretty ones and left you the ugly ones to breed with.
Im so sorry for you
Things is, that would be pretty normal in North America, and probably below average in Australia. Face it lad, you live in goblinland.
Think the actual reason is drinking/drugs. Consider how much binge drinking someone has put their body through by early twenties if they started heavily at 15 (normal here) and continued every weekend. Think its also a big cause of mental health issues since people completely fuck their serotonin releases abusing drink/drugs. Pretty common for me to hear of suicide attempts from the popular party animal kinds who just burnt themselves out on hedonism and try to kill themselves
Google "whore face". It's the same as "gay face".
When someone has sex with too many people, they begin to look like a beat up ogre. These busted ass women in your photo have easily slept with hundreds of dudes. The same thing happens to gay men. They get the shiny contorted "gay face" when their number of sexual partners reaches triple digits.
There is a story about some guy who used to work at a legal brothel in Europe, and he said the same thing happened every time: a young pretty woman comes in, and after a few months she gets the "whore face". This process is expeditied by drug use. You see the same thing happen to lorn stars.
Don't forget that you hold onto a portion of DNA from every person you sleep with, so a preponderance of this ends up destroying women's faces. It's nature's way of telling you to stay away.
>Not fully Germanic.
>Huge history of classism, the descendants of the lower classes are significantly uglier.
>Extremely decadent culture which leads to many of them being fat and dressing like your pic.
The 1st point is the biggest contributer though, Celts are ugly.
I'd bang that little oinker dressed up as Stay Puft Marshmellow man. I'd probably do the other three too because I feel bad for them.
Not really , unless you live in a white state. In Cali where white women are 10% of the population, she's a gem
american women are fat as hell
I would make beautiful white babies with the fatty down the left
i mean its true. im here in Berlin and god German women (the non-sjw blue haired hippie kinds) are just gorgeous.
>In Cali where white women are 10% of the population, she's a gem
I live in one of the ugliest parts of cali, and I see girls like her every day.
>that would be pretty normal in North America
I've been to the US, mate. You're not fooling anyone. Your women aren't much better than ours. Most as far as shit, have terrible dress sense and have weird mongrelized features. You should've said Russia, Hungary, or the Czech Republic
The best thing is when you get shit from them for having a Polish gf.
inbreeding and fetal alcohol syndrome
Chick in the sailor outfit on the far left is actually kinda cute.
Nice and thicc, would harpoon that whale all day.
thicc is code for nigger meat
tiny island, tiny gene pool
Sorry britbong, irish chicks are hot.
It's unfortunate......but the same group of people has been having sex with each other for thousands of years, what do you expect? It would happen anywhere.
>Huge history of classism, the descendants of the lower classes are significantly uglier.
I honestly think this is the main reason. There was very little mixing between the classes. The results of which can still be seen to this day. Middle/upper class Brits can stand toe-to-toe with any European nation, when it comes to looks. But our working class (the majority of the population) are overwhelmingly ugly.
quit telling them they look hot in such outfits.
You unironically might benefit from immigrants, even if your country will become more brown some fresh DNA will do wonders.
This is why the empire was built in the first place, user
>I've been to the US, mate
You've visited part of an enormous country? I guess you know better than someone who lives there.
The fact that you chose her as some exemplar of beauty is proof enough that you don't know the meaning of the word.
Since this post pretty much answered OP's question, shall we now talk about the fact that mummy finally revealed her feet to the world?
It's the bloated alcohol look.
Anglo women voted for Brexit because they didn't take kindly to the continental competition.
Check on me.
Check me on.
Get out of my thread, you fucking degenerate footfag.
Need to practice my Spanish
>faces of FAS
Also, Anglo alcohol culture in general is fucked up.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Stop overfeeding them, stop modifying their bodies, stop plastering liters of paint on their face, and wear them properly. And just like magic, your women are beautiful again. It's honestly such a ridiculously easy life if you're an attractive woman, and it's so easy to be attractive if you're a white woman, that I simply do not understand what the fuck these retards are thinking when they gorge on food and ruin their bodies with piercings, tattoos, chemicals and sluttiness.
Why do millions of people bother to migrate here? We are ugly, annoying, drunken idiots with bad teeth and terrible weather?
Here's my favourite.
for the cuisine
Watch out with those hateful words nigel, you might get a visit from the popo, and then you'd have to explain to them why your sharpened pencils exceed the government mandated length.
>Anglo women are ug-
Cheap underage slags I guess.
You wish your women looked like that. Reality is that they're all fugly apes.
Spent today in Manchester. Wall to wall muzz, blacks, gays and chinks, what was left were the ugliest girls ever. The place is lost.
nah, in deep southern germany at least the women I know are actually pretty good looking compared to the 'women' here, and quite nice natured too, but they were fairly rural well off whites which might explain it.
When i think of brittain. I think of two things. Either a nice old lady who will offer you tea and is super nice. Or those Chavs. How come there is no inbetween. You are either super nice, or some inbred fella
half of them are not even white
Every time we have these threads all the examples are working class bimbo types.
Bad genes (descended from the losers of history) combined with a bad lifestyle and ruining your body with excessive make-up and tans etc obviously creates ugly people, but this is not your typical british woman at all.
for the gibs
How does one acquire an upper class Anglo-Saxon/Norman lass?
No clue mate, this island is miserable as fuck in all categories.
The meds and the nords each have their own pros and cons with weather and women, but here is pretty much mediocre all round
Why do british slags (as you britbongs call them) always have such a distinctive "look"? I took a single look at that picture and knew they were british, before even seeing your flag or your post.
A fat wallet and some ear plugs
Open borders an race mix
Honestly your country and people are below average for northern european standards but it will always be better than the rest of the world. It all depends what you compare it to.
Kek. I find this hilarious. Canada has absolutely beautiful women - we are known for it.
RIP in piece faggots
what the fuck is any 14 year old girl doing letting that mullet-haired troll chuck a lump up it
>only place in the world with a sizable proportion of redheads
>ugly women
sure famala
3 of them are attractive. 1 has her panties showing.
This....iceland ireland will need migrants too
>because there definitely are
Norwegian rape victims
British women are truly hideous
Lower class scum only look like this. Us upper class folk have all the good looking mating partners.
Thousands of years of a rigid class system, have led to the formation of parallel societies. What you described is actually pretty accurate. We are simultaneously the people of Shakespeare, Keats and Dickens, but also a nation of drunken, boorish chavs.
I get the money bit but not the other part, are they snobbish annoying cunts?
just saw this. literally canĀ“t stop laughing right now
>this kills the thread
I mean don't England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland all have a bunch of different slang words to describe ugly women? Says it all don't it?
to be honest she's not cute at all. still has that britfag look to her
English sloth looking sluts, I know what you mean
The US is huge. My state is larger than your whole country. If you visit the shitty parts of the state, you'll think everyone I the US is a fat retard who belongs in an oven. If you visit the part I live in, it's a nice city with plenty of bitties
>tfw modern day England is Eloi and Morlocks.
But so are most of the men... with their non-alligned pytagoras teeth.
>we are known for it
Where, exactly? This is literally the first I've ever heard of this stereotype.
How many of them will be groomed, raped and sold to Pakis to be put in kebab?
yes, they normally have fucking annoying accents, actually I find most female brit accents really start to grate on the ears after a while
And where do you think your people come from? You're the same as brits except fatter.
It's ok. Your penors are world class so I wouldn't worry
I think he mistaked Commiefornia for Canada.
About as many blacks that are lynched by the KKK at random.
I think it's about time you revealed your flag, friendo.
Seriously there must be something wrong with the british gene teeth pool...
WTF is wrong with their teeth? (not because of "bad" teeth, but because they just look ugly and out of place).
I'm germanic and have perfect teeth (a bit yellow maybe but not completely messed up like brits).