Does Capitalism work?
Does Capitalism work?
it works for the rich
Barely, but it's still 1000x better than Communism.
I wonder if he thinks he'll be able to guy Guy Fawkes masks in a communist country.
Yes. It is international trade that is not working.
No. There is no such thing. There is only Crony Capitalism.
Tell me why the Arab world has been able to Nationalize their oil and turn into Muslim Utopia(fly Qatar sometime).
Its because Jews have a helluva time blending in.
are faggots still buying epicfailguy masks from 3rd world online retailers?
Or the markers to write on that cardboard, or the clothes he's wearing.
>its more leftyfaggot spam
Fuck off
>a retarded paranoid stormfag talking about something not working
lol this guy is great. Just disagree with him on anything and watch him fly into an autistic shitfit for your enjoyment
Only when it is tempered. Globalist capitalism does not work for the people.
Of course it does.
See the most capitalistic country in the world (Honk Kong) and see the economic freedom index.
Its serves its purpose as long as the cash flows
What you put in you get out. That's why so many dirty smelly crusty cunts are so anti-capitalists, they just want to sit on their arses and do nothing while others fund their existence.
If you work hard then you are rewarded well. And don't even go there talking about working a physically demanding job like wait staff, over all that work is meaningless and any person could do it. It's a low value job.
It works BEST. But capital accumulation amongst the elite is turning into a problem that probably has to be addressed somehow. Just having capital is enough today. I know a guy I went to school with and he managed to come into unexpected inherited wealth immediately after graduation. It wasn't a ton of money - 5 million, around there, and he just sits on his ass all day now because his capital, by mere virtue of him owning it, generates his livelihood. He actually worked for awhile (we were both making around 80k) and he just rationally calculated that it wasn't worth his time to even bother with working. He lives frugally, but I doubt he's touched a dime of the principal of that money and it's been almost ten years since then.
Capitalism is an incomplete mode of analysis as it presupposes competition between individuals. In evolutionary terms, the unit of competition is always the group.
Youre either another stupid pleb or a Jew. Click the link faggot.
but when someone doesn't get their way they will blame the entire system
>wage stagnation
>what is mass migration
>military budget
>how is Israel's Shabbos Goy
Capitalism rewards the combination of hard work and intelligence in people born poor and give them a path to wealth. Spoiler: If you work hard and you're still not prosperous (not Rich... prosperous), you're not smart.
Unfortunately the tenants of capitalism also allow the accumulation of wealth among a small group.
It ain't perfect by any means but it's the closest thing to survival of the fittest we have.
Barely. It co-opts the family and cleaves it into individuals, against God's will. It fills one's pocket and empties one's soul
Still better than 90% of economic systems in existence.
dogooders never really do good
In order for capitalism to work you need to things: a culture with the appropriate values (thrift, sacrifice, frugality, time management) and a capitalistic system (stock exchange market, banks, etc.). The problems is that some stupid niggers want to apply the capitalistic system on countries that don't have the required values (Africa) or on countries that do have the values but lack the infrastructure and qualified people to run the capitalistic system (Latin America).
I think the events of the last few weeks ought to have shown everyone on here that centralized power, whether in the hands of corporations or the government, is indeed bad and will fuck your shit up.
>Poweful centralized state
Get ZOGed
>Powerful mega-corporations
They're all Jewish-owned anyway
This is why libertarianism is dumb. Maybe Sup Forums should become anarcho-nationalist or something.
but where does the food come from stalin?
> Capitalism rewards the combination of hard work and intelligence in people born poor and give them a path to wealth. Spoiler: If you work hard and you're still not prosperous (not Rich... prosperous), you're not smart.
It certainly POTENTIALLY can, it certainly has more potential than fucking socialism do that, but it's not as guaranteed as you would think. I know a bunch of smart, hard workers who are really not that well off. They're not in poverty by any means, but they live in a shitty bachelor apartment, can't go on vacations or anything like that. They're not young either, these are people in their 40s.
Capitalizm no work gib us gibs we need teh gibs GIB US GIBS look at me we R anonymous!
Yes, as humanity we are making huge advancements in every field, we are on the most peaceful periods of our history, quality of life has raised a lot, and poverty is going down by a lot more.
No because businessmen can accumulate enough wealth in their area of expertise that they can brute force their way into other industries a la google
maybe the problem isn't capitalism or socialism, i.e., the who is more important than the how
>Unfortunately the tenants of capitalism also allow the accumulation of wealth among a small group.
Interventionism is not capitalism. Those who accumulate wealth are beneficiaries (friends) of those who rule the countries. Protectionism leads to this accumulation of wealth, but that IS NOT capitalism.
>learn a useful trade
>get a decent job
>negotiate a proper salary
its working just fine
and no flipping burgers at McNigger and demanding 15 dollarino the hour is neither a useful trade nor a decent job
well commies tried to ruin the whole thing for 100 years and shit is still there
Yes and no, because it colapses all the time and there is monopoly, corruption and constant abuse of shitty countries, but never the less it contanstly manages to come back with new rules, reinvent itself and the cicle starts again
Sign is wrong. It should say I'm not working cause thats their real problem
You might want to take a look at this, he's from Galicia.
Does natural selection work?
There's well over a hundred capitalist nations. Almost every communist or socialist nation has collapsed, is collapsing right now, or has changed into some form of hybrid of capitalism with some socialism or communistic elements.
You tell me if it works.
Of course it does, 20$ and i'll tell you why.
Communism: An economic system that requires you to mass murder millions of your neighbours and countrymen for the privilege of standing in a 12 hour line for toilet paper.
Monarchism was tried for hundreds of years, for instance. Guess what: The monarchies got ZOGed every fucking time because the nobles kept going into debt to fund wars or some other stupid shit. We criticize the Jews here for getting the boot 100+ times, but never stop to think about why various Western systems keep having the same problem.
Say what you want about the gilded age but at least Rockefeller, Carnegie, the Mellons, Vanderbilt, etc. actually practiced true philanthropy. Nowadays corporate cronies make donations from their corporations to other corporations that they probably have a viable stake in somehow. It's not about dedicating parks or galleries or trying to but yourself out of hell with awards and endowments. Nope, it's about making money hand over first at the expense of everyone else only to donate money to a not-for-profit that you just so happen to chair. I think philanthropy is dead.
>Capitalism isn't working
Yeah neither are most protesters
>people don't die under communism
>with communism the best and brightest will become millionaire
Lmao, this has to be bait.
Capitalism provided the funds for her family's hotel line which was then used to for her to build a media empire. The fact that you think a product or idea alone is all that's needed shows how little you understand about the very system that supports your retarded American ass shitposting on the internet.
Not perfectly but better than socialist or communist countries, name one successful country of the above.
As long as we have the Super Bowl every year, that is clear indication that Capitalism is going on just fine.
>that do have the values but lack the infrastructure and qualified people to run the capitalistic system
I don't know how things work in your disgusting socialist shithole. but here we are close to being an ANCAP shithole.
we all live more comfortable lives than even the richest people before us
we're lifting more people out of poverty than ever before
of course it's fucking working
but when times are this great, people tend to become nihilistic and cling to whatever microscopic suffering they can find in order to throw a rock in the cogs of a fine system
that's how microaggression came about
it works when you actually use it.
Capitalism published V for Vendetta, financed the film based on the comic, mass-produced film merchandise like plastic Guy Fawkes masks, and sold at least one to that guy
Of course it does, it has more successful and high-quality-of-life people, per capita, than any other system.
Failures still fail, but most workers succeed. Other systems have never been able to say the same.
Communism is not only an economic system you fucking leaf.
I want to get rid of those commies niggers as much as all of you guys but you really don't know what you are talking about. Sorry to say this but Commies are much more educated on that regard, that's why they are winning for over 3 decades.
Can you define Capitalism for me?
I'm talking about theoretical capitalism.
But speaking of real world cases, shit is going to soon in Bolivia. Peru seems to have a brighter future than us.
why do middle eastern countries get more gibs than african countries
Better questions:
>Does competition drive down prices?
>Does the incentive to make money drive innovation?
The answer to both is yes, and they are why capitalism is so successful. Everybody acting in their own best interest all indirectly making the lives of other people around them better. It's genius.
Modes of production are not recipes. They do not "work" or "not work": they ARE. They emerge, they live, and they die.
Set of cultural values and institutions interrelated in order to generate wealth.
Big shit, she didn't deserve that money, inheritance should be banned
I have heard communists insist that it is only an economic system; most insist that socialism and communism have nothing in common, others say the end goal of socialism is communism. Some say there has never been a communist system in all of history, others attribute every aspect of a social safety net and labour regulations in western nations to communism.
The reason Bolsheviks have been winning for half a century is because they refuse to be bound by any ideological solidity. Everything "good" is communism, everything "bad" is not, and this holds true even if the definitions of "bad" and "good" must be changed for different audiences.
There are really only two constants of all strains of Bolshevism, control of society by The Party, and the gaining and maintaining of that control by any means necessary, especially violence.
Thus communism can be one thing to the useful idiot, swinging his club at a "fascist", and something else entirely to the "intellectual" who orders the idiot liquidated, and something else again to the strongman who has the intellectual eradicated from history.
Deserving is subjective and irrelevant. You don't deserve to live but that doesn't affect the reality that I can't turn the gun on you without consequences, yet. Come back with an argument faggot larper.
>inheritance should be banned
Nobody was born was born deserving anything you stupid nigger, where did you get that from? Oh let me guess, I bet it's from that thin, little book known as "Manifesto of the Communist Party". Good for you nigger, I bet you believe you are smarter than the rest now, right?
Tell me know you nigger, do you deserve the genes you inherited from your parents? Do you deserve the education you received? do you deserve this whole culture you inherited from your ancestors?
>value not inherently subjective
>value not inherently relative
read a book and understand your own ideas dumbass
Yes it does work, but it also oppresses people, it will eventually give way to socialism once we have widespread automation and an abundance of resources.
>Bolsheviks refuse to be bound by any ideological solidity
Read Marx, Lenin and Bordiga, and then you can talk about ideological solidity.
We do not practice capitalism. We practice usury via compounding interest. As long as the federal reserve is in tact, nothing will ever change.
You what, you fucking retard? Whether a person deserves something or not is completely subjective and independent of value of that thing. KYS illiterate.
How exactly it oppresses people and how that "oppression" can be attributed to capitalism?. I will wait.
You nailed part of it crony capitalism is bull.
If capitalism was any fair, it would bring everyone the same starting condictions
The only reason why families can accumulate money through generations is to maintain the jewish power over the world
We've been the most powerful nation on the planet for a couple hundred years. Seems to be working just fine.
Well it's a subtle type of oppression, by default if you are a worker and a boss is making a profit from your labour, you are being oppressed, profits are theft.
> fair
Fairness is subjective. Feelings are not an argument.
everything is completely subjective in neoclassical economics
Capitalism works for people who aren't retarded. I make $60k, have full benefits and have no degree.
I have no sympathy for people who don't apply themselves. I worked in retail for 3 years and make a decent salary while most of my coworkers got high, drunk and didn't want to work hard.
>it would bring everyone the same starting condictions
How stupid can you be? How is it possible to bring "same starting conditions" for everybody? A girl born in Nicaragua will not have the same conditions a boy born in England because:
a) she was born a girl
b) England is an island
c) Nicaragua has a hotter climate
d) Different languages and cultures
e) The people (family and friends) the English boy and the Nicaraguan girl are raised with will be completely different.
f) etc.
Africa gets all those gibs.
I'm not talking about economics, I'm talking about deserving something. Right now I'm starting to believe you deserved to be aborted. You're a confused idiot, stop responding.
Consider yourself schooled, heh heh heh
Works better than communism or fascism fo shoo
Some arabs were able to use oil, all of them are monarchies, the socialist ones failed, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
But not better than a resource based society.
>inb4 real communism
It works in China
>Modern China
Pick one
It can turn sand into a thinking stone.
Create so much surplus food that you have fat homeless people.
Capitalism works cause it harnesses peoples natural inclination to profit and improve themselves.
Capitalism can give you a life of comfort unknown to centuries of generations