What is Putin up to now? Trips decide how the US should respond
WW3 when?
Wow maybe we should just rely on unhackable analog.
>Trips decide how the US should respond
Kill Killary
By nuking germany
"This" is my hobby...
Endlessly theorized about, but not technically achieved. Nuclear bait for those who do not know. Flag for easy duped.
Start WW3 by attacking china
Invite Putin for tea to see if we cant be friends.
All of Congress should do us a favor and an hero on livestream
If Russia really did all the things you claim they did you should respond by killing yourselves for unironically letting them have a go with your stuff while spending 10 times less than you in the military
Ban anime and draft NEETs with immediate effect
is this why american ships are crashing into freighters recently
You would have to fake each individual sat signal from multiple directions... jump in location would stick out like sore thumb. Multiple back up systems would flag, gyrocompass would conflict...
Impeach Trump
get Putin to use it on refugee boats
>they're hacking our fleet
Time to bust out the Iowa classes again.
Probably developing some new retarded super-plan which is going to submit the West, this time for sure. It can be literally anything, you never know, for example just some time ago he tried to do a coup in Monetengro, but it failed hard because all the funds for it got stolen lol.
spoofing is old news
Kinda funny that people can see that the US armed forces have no way of dealing in a real war against a state like Iran, but the US keeps claiming to be the best.
Read up about the stolen drone and a stolen war vessel. Iran for example can fuck up the US military equipment on the battlefield and then it's all reduced to conventional, rifle to rifle combat.
Also, Trump doesn't care about trips on this board. He will respond with a burrito.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
>read article
>literally no proof, even circumstantial, of russian involvement
>experts say its russia
Nigger please
>expert intellectuals
>Wow maybe we should just rely on unhackable analog.
Analog what?
Wouldn't it just be easier to offer ships and aircraft a second tier encryption key for the GPS network that would prevent spoofing?
Navy tards ran on a sand bar a few years back... 100% user error
This crash is user error
>stolen war vessel
What does that mean?
shut the fuck up normalfag
Nuking Africa, then let the jews nuke us while we bask in the glory of knowing we ended Niggerdom before we die.
Analog fucking everything
t. Grunt who doesn't trust boatfags
>new scientist
So let me get this straight, the american navy doesn't have people using their fucking eyes to see where the ship is going ?
What a colossal shitfest。
american military strategy relies heavily on logistics. it's the same reason they got fucked up in 'nam because gorilla warfare cancels it
Transgender navy.. on McCain's floating gay bar
thats not how the hack would work brainiac
this is so awesome i don't even have the words
US responds by having a civil war
>Analog fucking everything
What makes you think an analog system can't be hacked?
>remotely hacking a closed system
Trips decide right? Do as he said and rescind the trans ban at least in the navy (which includes SEALs, Marines, navy pilots, etc)
>US responds by calling a general election
Its a warning to the US, don't mess with the bear. Nothing else, stay calm, NATO member and Russia doing shit all the time. That keep the forces of both sides motivated and is like a cold but real training.
>Jew Scientist
>enters Black Sea, get hacked.
And they are surprised by that.
>suggests Russian
These fucking lefties just make shit up hoping no one calls them out on it.
China is just as capable of carrying out a cyber attack and it was in east asia where both incidents happened. Didn't NK do the sony hack too?
Fucking blow everything up